Young men are constantly told they are toxic oppressors.

Obviously, anyone who "hits on" every woman that crosses their path is seeking quantity vs quality. Not a particularly Alpha Male behavior, from an evolutionary perspective.

Most Alpha Males with whom I'm acquainted would consider it beneath them to "hit on" a beta female. They would consider themselves unworthy of carrying their genes,
I've known a number of serious PUAs....They're among the pickiest men you'll ever meet.....They have very defined and specific things that they're looking for in permanent relationships, and them going through so many women is a product of those strict criteria.
These messages are extremely common in Mainstream Media, Social Media, and Academia. This has devastating effect on mental health of young men. I could not have said better myself:

Every influencer teaching young men to reject the message of guilt is very valuable. Overall, Andrew Tate hade about 25 billion views on TikTok and several billion views on other Social Media.

Okay, that IS a woman, right? She's pretty sharp for a younger one.
Not the prettiest thing in the world, but she's smart!
Okay, that IS a woman, right? She's pretty sharp for a younger one.
Not the prettiest thing in the world, but she's smart!
She is a true hero.

Unlike me
, she openly defends men on a large platform. She has been subject to abuse by Progressives for her opinions.
Great for you!

But Pickup Artists are doing what is best for them. I would not judge either lifestyle as wrong.
Reminds me of this little short Italian dude I worked with when I was 20. He went around humping everything with a twat's legs. Ridiculous. Cheesy lines, he had 'um.
She is a true hero.

Unlike me
, she openly defends men on a large platform. She has been subject to abuse by Progressives for her opinions.
I didn't say I didn't like her. She's smart AF and sure of her convictions and I'm a sucker for a cleft chin.
If she has something I can squeeze at night, I'm sold! :auiqs.jpg:
I didn't say I didn't like her. She's smart AF and sure of her convictions and I'm a sucker for a cleft chin.
If she has something I can squeeze at night, I'm sold! :auiqs.jpg:
She is a true hero.

She stands up against Socially Acceptable Prejudice and suffers abuse for her views.

One of my favorite authors is Aleksandr Nikolayevich Radishchev -- an 18th Century Russian Noble, who was imprisoned for defending Human Rights of serfs. Here.. Prim Reaper is a modern day hero.
She is a true hero.

She stands up against Socially Acceptable Prejudice and suffers abuse for her views.

One of my favorite authors is Aleksandr Nikolayevich Radishchev -- an 18th Century Russian Noble, who was imprisoned for defending Human Rights of serfs. Here.. Prim Reaper is a modern day hero.
Yeah, but I guarantee she'll wake up one morning, look over at her man and think "That sumbitch; I'm gonna ruin his day, dammit!" You know why? Because all women do that, no matter how good they are. It's a woman thing.
I know how to counteract it; Learned how out of necessity. You smile, don't try for a kiss..walk out the door smiling and say "Have a nice day!"
And stay gone for the whole day. Working or not, then come home in the evening and 90% of the time it's all good. ;)
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Here is the poster child for toxic masculinity


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