You want to know why Bush and Cheney are so quiet?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Because they don't want voters to remember what a mess they left the Country in. They would rather voters forget about their reign, and vote to return their cronies to Congress. Then the "big money" GOP can slowly make its way back to power.

Can you blame them? :clap2:
Sometimes it is not a totally bad thing for Washington to slow down. I have always said that when one party is in control, they allow the power to go to their heads. I think it was true when the GOP had full control during Bush Cheney and it has been true for the last two years. I think the House will go GOP, but due to the influence of the Tea party, the Senate will continue in Dem control.
Sometimes it is not a totally bad thing for Washington to slow down. I have always said that when one party is in control, they allow the power to go to their heads. I think it was true when the GOP had full control during Bush Cheney and it has been true for the last two years. I think the House will go GOP, but due to the influence of the Tea party, the Senate will continue in Dem control.

I agree. Chances are the House swings, and the Senate narrows, but doesn't.

And that's plenty enough for gridlock. Even if neither swings, but both narrow, gridlock will ensue.

As bad as things have been, 2 years of getting absolutely nothing done sounds like heaven to me!
LOL, you wonder just how long the Obama and his cult memebers are going to RUN against Bush..funny you don't HEAR them blowing their horns FOR ALL THEIR WONDERFUL ACCOMPLISMENTS..

wonder why that is? could be the Amercian people are TIRED of having smoke blown up their asses.

Here comes the commie bastards out folks.:clap2:
LOL, you wonder just how long the Obama and his cult memebers are going to RUN against Bush..funny you don't HEAR them blowing their horns FOR ALL THEIR WONDERFUL ACCOMPLISMENTS..

wonder why that is? could be the Amercian people are TIRED of having smoke blown up their asses.

Here comes the commie bastards out folks.:clap2:

Because they don't want voters to remember what a mess they left the Country in. They would rather voters forget about their reign, and vote to return their cronies to Congress. Then the "big money" GOP can slowly make its way back to power.
Can you blame them? :clap2:
So you're going to attribute huge Democrat losses in the House and Senate to "Bush and Cheney staying quiet"?

Because they don't want voters to remember what a mess they left the Country in. They would rather voters forget about their reign, and vote to return their cronies to Congress. Then the "big money" GOP can slowly make its way back to power.
Can you blame them? :clap2:
So you're going to attribute huge Democrat losses in the House and Senate to "Bush and Cheney staying quiet"?


Very weak, but it beats the truth, which is the dem's massive failure.
What can they really say?

The economy went down on their watch so if they go about the business of saying that Obama is responsible for what is happening now, they're also going to be saying that they were responsible for what they did.

In both cases, of course, both Bush II and Obama, their responsibility for what's happened, and for what is happening to the economy is rather limited.

Given the near meltdown of the entire economic system we were facing, I think giving both admins credit for preventing that needs to be done.

Since partisans on both sides of this debate cannot admit that the other team did a fairly good job given how bad things were, I think it falls to somebody like me to point this out.

If the Bush II team hadn't acted when it did, and had the Obama team not continued acting as it did, we wouldn't be writing to each other right now, folks.

Yeah, it was, I am informed, that bad.
What can they really say?

The economy went down on their watch so if they go about the business of saying that Obama is responsible for what is happening now, they're also going to be saying that they were responsible for what they did.
You're speaking about the Democrats, of course. Yes, the economy tanked after the Dems took Congress. And I guess Obama is responsible, having pushed a lot of the crappy legislation they passed. This is why not a single Democrat is running on his record of the last 2 years. Check that, the only Democrats running on their record are those who voted against the Administration's proposals.
Because they're retired, and unlike Carter and Clinton, they show a little dignity and don't need to run their pie holes endlessly?
Because they don't want voters to remember what a mess they left the Country in. They would rather voters forget about their reign, and vote to return their cronies to Congress. Then the "big money" GOP can slowly make its way back to power.

Can you blame them? :clap2:

2 years after Bush left office and you retards are still claiming it is his fault OBAMA spent 3 trillion dollars in less then 2 years. Guess what dumb fuck, the people know who spent that money and who plans to keep on spending like a drunk sailor on shore liberty.

Lets put it in prospective shall we? Bush deficit was 5.7 trillion in 8 YEARS. Obama has already spent 3 trillion in deficit in less then 2 years. And has announced a budget as big as this year or bigger for next year if he retains the House and Senate. Lets do the math shall we?

Lets pretend Obama can get reelected and spends 8 years as President. In 8 years at the rate he is spending now he will have amassed a 12 TRILLION dollar deficit, more then TWICE Bushes deficit. Hell in 2 years he has almost spent as much as Bush in 8 years.
What can they really say?

The economy went down on their watch so if they go about the business of saying that Obama is responsible for what is happening now, they're also going to be saying that they were responsible for what they did.
You're speaking about the Democrats, of course. Yes, the economy tanked after the Dems took Congress. And I guess Obama is responsible, having pushed a lot of the crappy legislation they passed. This is why not a single Democrat is running on his record of the last 2 years. Check that, the only Democrats running on their record are those who voted against the Administration's proposals.

Rab is, of course, one of those perfect examples of partisanship gone mad.

He just cannot bring himoself to admit that the economy isn't entirely controlled by this or any government.

He just cannot bring himself to credit the other players with their share of this disaster.

No it wasn't the banks, or corporation, it wasn't the rating agencies that lied, or the banks that were selling worthless paper to unsuspecting investors, either, was it Rab?

No the whole problem was Congress, right?

Seriously, Rab, I cannot believe you are as misinformed as your posts suggest you to be.

Surely you must understand that it took more than bad policy on the part of government to get us into this mess, right?
For Obama, it's a win-win situation.

If Dems keep both houses, he'll continue his socialist agenda, nothing will change.
If Reps win one or both houses, he'll just blame them for not being able to recover economy.

We're about to enter into two years of blame game and status quo.

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