saving Iraq from tyranny


Jun 25, 2009
Not fucking there !


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Women in Iraq need help payin' bills...
Iraqi women help stop bombers but can’t pay bills
Tue, Mar 01, 2011 - The women charged with thwarting Iraq’s female suicide bombers spend their days in cramped metal sheds at police checkpoints and lobbies of government offices, running their hands over the black-robed bodies of other women.
Iraqi authorities say the searches have helped to curb female suicide attacks, once a scourge of this still dangerous city. And they say the teams of women, known as the Daughters of Iraq, play a crucial role in a country where rigid divisions between the sexes make it awkward, sometimes unthinkable, for male police officers to frisk women and girls in search of the telltale lump of a gun or explosive belt.

However, the women say that they have not been paid in nearly a year, since the Iraqi government took control of the program from the US military, which helped establish and finance the Daughters in 2008. “They keep promising they’ll pay us next month, then next month,” said Hind Jasim, who joined the Daughters after her husband lost his job. “What keeps us here are their promises.”

The women’s struggles reflect broader concerns about how the Iraqi government will maintain projects financed by the US as the remaining 50,000 US troops depart over the next 10 months. Some of the 300 women in the Daughters quit after their US$250 monthly pay dried up. Those who stayed on, the vast majority, are sliding deeper into the poverty the program was intended to ameliorate. Many are war widows or their family’s only breadwinners.

In northeastern Diyala Province, once the country’s epicenter of female suicide attacks, the group’s leaders are straining to find money to pay electric bills and rent on its drafty headquarters. The women said that the local government and police forces had advocated on behalf of the group, but had provided little material support.

The few people left who say the Iraq War was a good idea and worth it are a group who really confuse me. Usually they're the loudest and most outspoken of islamophobes, yet they cheer and celebrate the idea of installing an islamic government.

Very weird.
Iraq's former dictator would've tortured and killed those looters, then raped their wives and children.

America's troops caught them and destroyed their means of continued criminal activity.

Hey, it ain't pretty. But it's better.
Oh, and yeah, I'm an islamophobe. A proud one. Anyone with a brain these days should be. When you see 99% of suicide bombings are performed by one group, being unafraid of that group would be a sign of brain damage.
While the true story of Iraq is filtered through conservative, corporate owned media, who often through subsidiaries profit from war, the true story is out there for the interested and honest.

[ame=] Operation Homecoming: Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Home Front, in the Words of U.S. Troops and Their Families, Updated Edition (Research Division Report / National Endowment for the Arts) (9780226094991): Andrew Carroll: Books[/ame]

[ame=] Love My Rifle More than You: Young and Female in the U.S. Army: Kayla Williams, Michael E. Staub: Books[/ame]

[ame=] My War: Killing Time in Iraq (9780425211366): Colby Buzzell: Books[/ame]

[ame=] The Deserter's Tale: The Story of an Ordinary Soldier Who Walked Away from the War in Iraq (9780802143457): Joshua Key, Lawrence Hill: Books[/ame]

"Capitalism leads to dole queues, the scramble for markets, and war. Collectivism leads to concentration camps, leader-worship and war. There is no way out of this unless a planned economy can be somehow combined with freedom of the intellect, which can only happen if the concept of right and wrong can be restored." George Orwell
So basically "War is hell". Ok, we've known that for a long time.
Oh, and yeah, I'm an islamophobe. A proud one. Anyone with a brain these days should be. When you see 99% of suicide bombings are performed by one group, being unafraid of that group would be a sign of brain damage.

"Anyone with a brain should be a racist bigot."

Alright you win, I hear educated scholars saying that same thing all the time............

I've never understood why there's such a moral difference between killing civilians with a suicide bomb or killing them with a bomb that falls on their head. However I do understand the difference in quantity, no suicide bomber or army of suicide bombers could do what our collection of jets does.

Odd that a proud islamophobe would be proud of a venture that killed thousands of his own people, cost the US taxpayer trillions of dollars, further bankrupted our country, and put into place a government even bigger into Islam than the last one.

In other words, you're happy money from your paycheck went to killing americans and spreading Islam. Very odd.
Oh, and yeah, I'm an islamophobe. A proud one. Anyone with a brain these days should be. When you see 99% of suicide bombings are performed by one group, being unafraid of that group would be a sign of brain damage.

"Anyone with a brain should be a racist bigot."

Alright you win, I hear educated scholars saying that same thing all the time............

I've never understood why there's such a moral difference between killing civilians with a suicide bomb or killing them with a bomb that falls on their head. However I do understand the difference in quantity, no suicide bomber or army of suicide bombers could do what our collection of jets does.

Odd that a proud islamophobe would be proud of a venture that killed thousands of his own people, cost the US taxpayer trillions of dollars, further bankrupted our country, and put into place a government even bigger into Islam than the last one.

In other words, you're happy money from your paycheck went to killing americans and spreading Islam. Very odd.

If purple frogs started blowing themselves up in shopping malls and flying planes into buildings...........then I'd be a Purplefrogophobe.

But purple frogs aren't the ones doing it.

And I understand the reality of responding to an attack with war will mean innocent people will die. Thats why ever nation that harbors terrorists should do it's best to root them out and get rid of them with their own government, because if not, we will eventually. And as far as a government that is more into Islam here, you're right, I don't like the Obama admin and want him voted out.

But I still don't see purple frogs blowing up markets and malls and buses. I don't see Buddhists doing it. Or monks. Or those Jamaican "Rastafarians" (Spell check that).

But when I hear of an attack or plot to blow up targets with the intent to kill as many innocent people as possible, it's 99.9% chance a Muslim or practicer of Islam is the suspect.

To not fear them with that reality is just insane.
Oh, and yeah, I'm an islamophobe. A proud one. Anyone with a brain these days should be. When you see 99% of suicide bombings are performed by one group, being unafraid of that group would be a sign of brain damage.

"Anyone with a brain should be a racist bigot."


Ironic though that you call me a racist for being an Islamaphobe.

See....Islam isn't a race. It's a religion. Practiced by millions even billions of people worldwide. Of all colors and nationalities.

I fear Islams suburban white male followers who leave the USA to fight jihad in the Middle East. I fear the black male followers who are being converted in US prisons. I fear the Asian followers in the South Pacific who are just as fanatical as the ones in Tehran.

I fear Islams followers of all color. Thus, I'm the exact opposite of a racist or bigot. Do I discriminate against a particular religion? Yes. I do. Mormons aren't blowing up hotels. Neither are Hindus. Or Scientologists.

You would have been a great French pacifist in 1940's.
While the true story of Iraq is filtered through conservative, corporate owned media, who often through subsidiaries profit from war, the true story is out there for the interested and honest. Operation Homecoming: Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Home Front, in the Words of U.S. Troops and Their Families, Updated Edition (Research Division Report / National Endowment for the Arts) (9780226094991): Andrew Carroll: Books Love My Rifle More than You: Young and Female in the U.S. Army: Kayla Williams, Michael E. Staub: Books My War: Killing Time in Iraq (9780425211366): Colby Buzzell: Books The Deserter's Tale: The Story of an Ordinary Soldier Who Walked Away from the War in Iraq (9780802143457): Joshua Key, Lawrence Hill: Books

"Capitalism leads to dole queues, the scramble for markets, and war. Collectivism leads to concentration camps, leader-worship and war. There is no way out of this unless a planned economy can be somehow combined with freedom of the intellect, which can only happen if the concept of right and wrong can be restored." George Orwell

For those who live in a community where it's available, Al-Jazeera English has some fantastic coverage of the changing landscape in Iraq - both the positive and the negative (their coverage of the turmoil throughout the ME also blows US coverage away, but that's another story.)

Of course, since Bush claimed Al-Jazeera was "anti-American", most dittoheads mindlessly chirp about how it's a mouthpiece for Al Qaeda.
I fear Islams suburban white male followers who leave the USA to fight jihad in the Middle East. I fear the black male followers who are being converted in US prisons. I fear the Asian followers in the South Pacific who are just as fanatical as the ones in Tehran.

I fear Islams followers of all color. .

Do the monsters know you are sleeping on top of their bed?
Oh, and yeah, I'm an islamophobe. A proud one. Anyone with a brain these days should be. When you see 99% of suicide bombings are performed by one group, being unafraid of that group would be a sign of brain damage.

"Anyone with a brain should be a racist bigot."

Alright you win, I hear educated scholars saying that same thing all the time............

I've never understood why there's such a moral difference between killing civilians with a suicide bomb or killing them with a bomb that falls on their head. However I do understand the difference in quantity, no suicide bomber or army of suicide bombers could do what our collection of jets does.

Odd that a proud islamophobe would be proud of a venture that killed thousands of his own people, cost the US taxpayer trillions of dollars, further bankrupted our country, and put into place a government even bigger into Islam than the last one.

In other words, you're happy money from your paycheck went to killing americans and spreading Islam. Very odd.

If purple frogs started blowing themselves up in shopping malls and flying planes into buildings...........then I'd be a Purplefrogophobe.

But purple frogs aren't the ones doing it.

And I understand the reality of responding to an attack with war will mean innocent people will die. Thats why ever nation that harbors terrorists should do it's best to root them out and get rid of them with their own government, because if not, we will eventually. And as far as a government that is more into Islam here, you're right, I don't like the Obama admin and want him voted out.

But I still don't see purple frogs blowing up markets and malls and buses. I don't see Buddhists doing it. Or monks. Or those Jamaican "Rastafarians" (Spell check that).

But when I hear of an attack or plot to blow up targets with the intent to kill as many innocent people as possible, it's 99.9% chance a Muslim or practicer of Islam is the suspect.

To not fear them with that reality is just insane.

Blowing themselves up in shopping malls and flying planes into buildings, again, doesn't do as much as our jets do. So nothing you said there even argues against what I said.

Good deflection tactic on the Obama line, deflection is typically used when someone doesn't want to admit an ugly truth posed to them. The truth is you're happy your money was used to increase the importance of Islam in the Iraqi government. (oh and btw, I didn't vote for Obama and have never voted for a democrat in my life)

Is there a better chance I'll be killed by a terrorist or an innocent civilian in the middle east killed by the US army? Why should I be hiding under my bed from terrorists? I'll leave that to you.

Here we go with equating not supporting the Iraq War with the French laying down when invaded, another point of view many educated military scholars will tell you all the time...................................................

I wish the Republicans would've attacked Afghanistan much stronger than they did, crush it to the core, then leave the country and let the people worry about forming their own government rather than making it the responsiblity of me and the other american taxpayers. That's how the brain of a fiscal conservative works, far different from the brain of a neoconservative.
I'm amazed at how these left wingers have such a poor attitude, mocking someone who is using common sense to diagnose the problem of spontaneous, suicide bombings in the Islamic culture.

I bet Eminem realizes his biggest competition comes from black males in the business of rap music. He's not a moron, he knows that.

So, when trying to stop terror, especially suicide bombings, why not admit that 99% of them are done by followers of Islam?
"Anyone with a brain should be a racist bigot."

Alright you win, I hear educated scholars saying that same thing all the time............

I've never understood why there's such a moral difference between killing civilians with a suicide bomb or killing them with a bomb that falls on their head. However I do understand the difference in quantity, no suicide bomber or army of suicide bombers could do what our collection of jets does.

Odd that a proud islamophobe would be proud of a venture that killed thousands of his own people, cost the US taxpayer trillions of dollars, further bankrupted our country, and put into place a government even bigger into Islam than the last one.

In other words, you're happy money from your paycheck went to killing americans and spreading Islam. Very odd.

If purple frogs started blowing themselves up in shopping malls and flying planes into buildings...........then I'd be a Purplefrogophobe.

But purple frogs aren't the ones doing it.

And I understand the reality of responding to an attack with war will mean innocent people will die. Thats why ever nation that harbors terrorists should do it's best to root them out and get rid of them with their own government, because if not, we will eventually. And as far as a government that is more into Islam here, you're right, I don't like the Obama admin and want him voted out.

But I still don't see purple frogs blowing up markets and malls and buses. I don't see Buddhists doing it. Or monks. Or those Jamaican "Rastafarians" (Spell check that).

But when I hear of an attack or plot to blow up targets with the intent to kill as many innocent people as possible, it's 99.9% chance a Muslim or practicer of Islam is the suspect.

To not fear them with that reality is just insane.

Blowing themselves up in shopping malls and flying planes into buildings, again, doesn't do as much as our jets do. So nothing you said there even argues against what I said.

Good deflection tactic on the Obama line, deflection is typically used when someone doesn't want to admit an ugly truth posed to them. The truth is you're happy your money was used to increase the importance of Islam in the Iraqi government. (oh and btw, I didn't vote for Obama and have never voted for a democrat in my life)

Is there a better chance I'll be killed by a terrorist or an innocent civilian in the middle east killed by the US army? Why should I be hiding under my bed from terrorists? I'll leave that to you.

Here we go with equating not supporting the Iraq War with the French laying down when invaded, another point of view many educated military scholars will tell you all the time...................................................

I wish the Republicans would've attacked Afghanistan much stronger than they did, crush it to the core, then leave the country and let the people worry about forming their own government rather than making it the responsiblity of me and the other american taxpayers. That's how the brain of a fiscal conservative works, far different from the brain of a neoconservative.

- Their bombs don't do as much as our jets. Of course not. So are we the big bad meanies for having better weapons? Maybe they stop blowing up US and Israeli targets, and they won't see our jets, right?

- So you say if the threat isn't on Main Street, USA, that we should just ignore it?

- You have far less chance of dying from a bomb than an Iraqi. Thats why I thank our military for taking the war to them, not waiting on it to come to us. Becuase we could withdraw today, end the war, and I can guarantee you this: They won't stop their war on us.
Oh, and I wasn't comparing the Iraq War to the French pacifists.

I was comparing the people here who refuse to admit the terror problem is almost exclusively occurring within the followers of Islam, of all races. Some are trying to pacify them by refusing to admit this, which is part of what they want, so they can operate with less scrutiny.

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