You People Are Not Citizens

Dude I don't have to provide you link. The problem is you only think that Hispanics are the only illegals in US.
Um, yeah, you do. You made the claim, you have to back it up. Not for me to prove you wrong, you have to prove yourself right or you withdraw your claim. Now do one or the other.
An hour later.

Dude I have other things to do on Friday nights or Saturday's....
This just shows that you do not know anything about illegals. Everyone that talks about illegals are very familiar with this problem but apparently you are ignorant.

Many in U.S. Illegally Overstayed Their Visas
Sorry, but I'm not gonna subscribe to the site just to read one article. I will say this though. I'm not nearly as concerned with the peaceful and productive ones who overstay their visas as I am with the murderers and rapists who sneak across the border. All should be deported but the ones causing all the damage and committing all the crimes should go first, whatever their race is.

That's your call and I'm not asking you to subscribe. I'm just pointing out that illegals are coming from everywhere not just from the south border.
Here's another example. These are now being tracked, arrested and prosecuted several people. I heard they are also garnishing the properties but can't confirm.

Born In The USA: Why Chinese 'Birth Tourism' Is Booming In California
Dude I don't have to provide you link. The problem is you only think that Hispanics are the only illegals in US.
Um, yeah, you do. You made the claim, you have to back it up. Not for me to prove you wrong, you have to prove yourself right or you withdraw your claim. Now do one or the other.
An hour later.

Dude I have other things to do on Friday nights or Saturday's....
This just shows that you do not know anything about illegals. Everyone that talks about illegals are very familiar with this problem but apparently you are ignorant.

Many in U.S. Illegally Overstayed Their Visas
Sorry, but I'm not gonna subscribe to the site just to read one article. I will say this though. I'm not nearly as concerned with the peaceful and productive ones who overstay their visas as I am with the murderers and rapists who sneak across the border. All should be deported but the ones causing all the damage and committing all the crimes should go first, whatever their race is.

That's your call and I'm not asking you to subscribe. I'm just pointing out that illegals are coming from everywhere not just from the south border.
Here's another example. These are now being tracked, arrested and prosecuted several people. I heard they are also garnishing the properties but can't confirm.

Born In The USA: Why Chinese 'Birth Tourism' Is Booming In California
I don't know why you would think I don't have a problem with other races coming here illegally. I talk about the illegals coming from Mexico because I live in So. Ca. and I see the crimes they commit and the way they are turning a beautiful state into a third world shithole. Every single day I read about or hear on the news a murder, rape, or violent assault, and the suspect almost always has a name like Hernandez, Sanchez, Garcia... But I'm just as concerned about Asian criminals or any others, I just don't see them much. If someone is here illegally, they should go, but if they're not violent and not collecting welfare, I'm not as concerned about them hanging around longer than their visas allow. I'd like to see the border closed and a halt to visas for a while until we can get all illegals out of our country.
"You People Are Not Citizens"

Wrong again, as usual.

The right to due process of the law enshrined in the Constitution applies to all persons in the United States, not just citizens.

One is not 'illegal' until such time has he has been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization.

Non-citizens have the right to equal protection of the law, the right to a presumption of innocence, and the right to file suit in court if government seeks to violate the rights of non-citizens. (See e.g. Plyler v. Doe, Boumediene v. Bush)
"You People Are Not Citizens"

Wrong again, as usual.

Too funny. As I stated earlier, Democrats = classic, bovine stupidity.

The right to due process of the law enshrined in the Constitution applies to all persons in the United States, not just citizens.

That does not make them citizens, or entitled to all rights as citizens.

One is not 'illegal' until such time has he has been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization.

One is illegal the moment they step across the border with intent to break our immigration law.

Non-citizens have the right to equal protection of the law, the right to a presumption of innocence, and the right to file suit in court if government seeks to violate the rights of non-citizens. (See e.g. Plyler v. Doe, Boumediene v. Bush)

What rights are being violated? Be specific.
What is wrong with immigrating legally? Hispanic groups can split hairs and play games all they want, JUST IMMIGRATE LEGALLY. 99% of all European immigrants did, what's the big deal anyway?

MaryL.... You are not new here in immigration section and I know you already knew why they don't migrate legally. But I will answer your question.
Let say if you are a Mexican or Asian trying to migrate to US legally.... Approach US embassy. These are the questions.
1. What's your purpose?
2. Why do you want migrate to US?
3. Where are you going to live in US?c
4. How will you able to support yourself?
5. What is your profession?
6. Do you have a clearance from your government to leave your country?
7. Clearance that you do not criminal back grounds.
8. Language... How will you able to assimilate with only Spanish or Asian.
9. Clearance that you are healthy.
You are NOT going to get an immigration visa... You will only get a tourist if you qualify financially.

People that want to migrate to US legally through relatives sponsorships waited several years before they can come here to US. American citizen sponsoring a spouse from other country will take at least 2 years. Immigrant status will take 6 at best to 10 years.
NOW..... Your question again....Why can't they migrate to US legally? Don't forget the cost minimum at least $5,000.
SO?al immigrants er countr
What is wrong with immigrating legally? Hispanic groups can split hairs and play games all they want, JUST IMMIGRATE LEGALLY. 99% of all European immigrants did, what's the big deal anyway?

MaryL.... You are not new here in immigration section and I know you already knew why they don't migrate legally. But I will answer your question.
Let say if you are a Mexican or Asian trying to migrate to US legally.... Approach US embassy. These are the questions.
1. What's your purpose?
2. Why do you want migrate to US?
3. Where are you going to live in US?
4. How will you able to support yourself?
5. What is your profession?
6. Do you have a clearance from your government to leave your country?
7. Clearance that you do not criminal back grounds.
8. Language... How will you able to assimilate with only Spanish or Asian.
9. Clearance that you are healthy.
You are NOT going to get an immigration visa... You will only get a tourist if you qualify financially.

People that want to migrate to US legally through relatives sponsorships waited several years before they can come here to US. American citizen sponsoring a spouse from other country will take at least 2 years. Immigrant status will take 6 at best to 10 years.
What is wrong with immigrating legally? Hispanic groups can split hairs and play games all they want, JUST IMMIGRATE LEGALLY. 99% of all European immigrants did, what's the big deal anyway?

MaryL.... You are not new here in immigration section and I know you already knew why they don't migrate legally. But I will answer your question.
Let say if you are a Mexican or Asian trying to migrate to US legally.... Approach US embassy. These are the questions.
1. What's your purpose?
2. Why do you want migrate to US?
3. Where are you going to live in US?
4. How will you able to support yourself?
5. What is your profession?
6. Do you have a clearance from your government to leave your country?
7. Clearance that you do not criminal back grounds.
8. Language... How will you able to assimilate with only Spanish or Asian.
9. Clearance that you are healthy.
You are NOT going to get an immigration visa... You will only get a tourist if you qualify financially.

People that want to migrate to US legally through relatives sponsorships waited several years before they can come here to US. American citizen sponsoring a spouse from other country will take at least 2 years. Immigrant status will take 6 at best to 10 years.

You are right, I have been on board this a long long time. I have had to deal with illegal aliens longer. I know European or Canadian immigrants that pay lawyers and all the monetary prerequisites. Why are you trying to excuse illegal immigration?
Last edited:
What is wrong with immigrating legally? Hispanic groups can split hairs and play games all they want, JUST IMMIGRATE LEGALLY. 99% of all European immigrants did, what's the big deal anyway?

MaryL.... You are not new here in immigration section and I know you already knew why they don't migrate legally. But I will answer your question.
Let say if you are a Mexican or Asian trying to migrate to US legally.... Approach US embassy. These are the questions.
1. What's your purpose?
2. Why do you want migrate to US?
3. Where are you going to live in US?c
4. How will you able to support yourself?
5. What is your profession?
6. Do you have a clearance from your government to leave your country?
7. Clearance that you do not criminal back grounds.
8. Language... How will you able to assimilate with only Spanish or Asian.
9. Clearance that you are healthy.
You are NOT going to get an immigration visa... You will only get a tourist if you qualify financially.

People that want to migrate to US legally through relatives sponsorships waited several years before they can come here to US. American citizen sponsoring a spouse from other country will take at least 2 years. Immigrant status will take 6 at best to 10 years.
NOW..... Your question again....Why can't they migrate to US legally? Don't forget the cost minimum at least $5,000.
SO?al immigrants er countr
What is wrong with immigrating legally? Hispanic groups can split hairs and play games all they want, JUST IMMIGRATE LEGALLY. 99% of all European immigrants did, what's the big deal anyway?

MaryL.... You are not new here in immigration section and I know you already knew why they don't migrate legally. But I will answer your question.
Let say if you are a Mexican or Asian trying to migrate to US legally.... Approach US embassy. These are the questions.
1. What's your purpose?
2. Why do you want migrate to US?
3. Where are you going to live in US?
4. How will you able to support yourself?
5. What is your profession?
6. Do you have a clearance from your government to leave your country?
7. Clearance that you do not criminal back grounds.
8. Language... How will you able to assimilate with only Spanish or Asian.
9. Clearance that you are healthy.
You are NOT going to get an immigration visa... You will only get a tourist if you qualify financially.

People that want to migrate to US legally through relatives sponsorships waited several years before they can come here to US. American citizen sponsoring a spouse from other country will take at least 2 years. Immigrant status will take 6 at best to 10 years.
What is wrong with immigrating legally? Hispanic groups can split hairs and play games all they want, JUST IMMIGRATE LEGALLY. 99% of all European immigrants did, what's the big deal anyway?

MaryL.... You are not new here in immigration section and I know you already knew why they don't migrate legally. But I will answer your question.
Let say if you are a Mexican or Asian trying to migrate to US legally.... Approach US embassy. These are the questions.
1. What's your purpose?
2. Why do you want migrate to US?
3. Where are you going to live in US?
4. How will you able to support yourself?
5. What is your profession?
6. Do you have a clearance from your government to leave your country?
7. Clearance that you do not criminal back grounds.
8. Language... How will you able to assimilate with only Spanish or Asian.
9. Clearance that you are healthy.
You are NOT going to get an immigration visa... You will only get a tourist if you qualify financially.

People that want to migrate to US legally through relatives sponsorships waited several years before they can come here to US. American citizen sponsoring a spouse from other country will take at least 2 years. Immigrant status will take 6 at best to 10 years.

You are right, I have been on board this a long long time. I have had to deal with illegal aliens longer. I know European or Canadian immigrants that pay lawyers and all the monetary prerequisites. Why are you trying to excuse illegal immigration?

I backtrack but I don't see anywhere in my post that I'm making an excuse about illegals.
Um, yeah, you do. You made the claim, you have to back it up. Not for me to prove you wrong, you have to prove yourself right or you withdraw your claim. Now do one or the other.
An hour later.

Dude I have other things to do on Friday nights or Saturday's....
This just shows that you do not know anything about illegals. Everyone that talks about illegals are very familiar with this problem but apparently you are ignorant.

Many in U.S. Illegally Overstayed Their Visas
Sorry, but I'm not gonna subscribe to the site just to read one article. I will say this though. I'm not nearly as concerned with the peaceful and productive ones who overstay their visas as I am with the murderers and rapists who sneak across the border. All should be deported but the ones causing all the damage and committing all the crimes should go first, whatever their race is.

That's your call and I'm not asking you to subscribe. I'm just pointing out that illegals are coming from everywhere not just from the south border.
Here's another example. These are now being tracked, arrested and prosecuted several people. I heard they are also garnishing the properties but can't confirm.

Born In The USA: Why Chinese 'Birth Tourism' Is Booming In California
I don't know why you would think I don't have a problem with other races coming here illegally. I talk about the illegals coming from Mexico because I live in So. Ca. and I see the crimes they commit and the way they are turning a beautiful state into a third world shithole. Every single day I read about or hear on the news a murder, rape, or violent assault, and the suspect almost always has a name like Hernandez, Sanchez, Garcia... But I'm just as concerned about Asian criminals or any others, I just don't see them much. If someone is here illegally, they should go, but if they're not violent and not collecting welfare, I'm not as concerned about them hanging around longer than their visas allow. I'd like to see the border closed and a halt to visas for a while until we can get all illegals out of our country.

He is just playing the Race Card. He knows that there is no legitimate reason to support his position of open borders so he attacks you and tries to smear you with the accusation of racism, regardless of whether it is true or not.
This is being whipped up probably by the Democrat party. they have the OWS and now they more violent BLM so here we go with the Mexicans/Hispanics too

what a freaking peaceful and united times we've had under this so called Uniter Obama .
Your fantasy "Bill of Rights" has no authority here.

You are entitled to precisely dick.

Illegals present demands via ‘Bill of Rights’
Why do we still have an illegal problem? We have a Commerce Clause; only Bad capitalists lose money on Commerce at our borders.

Why do you babble nonsense? You've demonstrated that you are capable of coherence.
Why do you prefer to appeal to ignorance instead of reason?
Your fantasy "Bill of Rights" has no authority here.

You are entitled to precisely dick.

Illegals present demands via ‘Bill of Rights’
Why do we still have an illegal problem? We have a Commerce Clause; only Bad capitalists lose money on Commerce at our borders.

Why do you babble nonsense? You've demonstrated that you are capable of coherence.
Why do you prefer to appeal to ignorance instead of reason?

Not interested in trying to guess what you mean, why don't you just be coherent as you have done so in the past?

Why are you being a jerk and a troll?

Rhetorical question: Just stop it.
Your fantasy "Bill of Rights" has no authority here.

You are entitled to precisely dick.

Illegals present demands via ‘Bill of Rights’
Why do we still have an illegal problem? We have a Commerce Clause; only Bad capitalists lose money on Commerce at our borders.

Why do you babble nonsense? You've demonstrated that you are capable of coherence.
Why do you prefer to appeal to ignorance instead of reason?

Not interested in trying to guess what you mean, why don't you just be coherent as you have done so in the past?

Why are you being a jerk and a troll?

Rhetorical question: Just stop it.
We have a Commerce Clause; there is no appeal to ignorance.
Your fantasy "Bill of Rights" has no authority here.

You are entitled to precisely dick.

Illegals present demands via ‘Bill of Rights’
Why do we still have an illegal problem? We have a Commerce Clause; only Bad capitalists lose money on Commerce at our borders.

Why do you babble nonsense? You've demonstrated that you are capable of coherence.
Why do you prefer to appeal to ignorance instead of reason?

Not interested in trying to guess what you mean, why don't you just be coherent as you have done so in the past?

Why are you being a jerk and a troll?

Rhetorical question: Just stop it.
We have a Commerce Clause; there is no appeal to ignorance.

Stop being a jerk.
Once we get the fence built and secure our border, we should start emptying out our prisons and send them down to Mexico. See how THEY like it.

Don't leave out Cuba, we could have a "Bay of Pigs 2 invasion".

Why do we still have an illegal problem? We have a Commerce Clause; only Bad capitalists lose money on Commerce at our borders.

Why do you babble nonsense? You've demonstrated that you are capable of coherence.
Why do you prefer to appeal to ignorance instead of reason?

Not interested in trying to guess what you mean, why don't you just be coherent as you have done so in the past?

Why are you being a jerk and a troll?

Rhetorical question: Just stop it.
We have a Commerce Clause; there is no appeal to ignorance.

Stop being a jerk.
Stop being ignorant.

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