
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Or is it acknowledgement of opposition once the veil was lifted and they found out
What a cryptic post!
Catholics who attend daily Mass often pray the chaplet in honor of Saint Michael the Archangel. Today's Mass (all over the world) is in honor of Saint Michael and the archangels. The chaplet at the end of daily mass is...

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

I don't know how many Catholic politicians attend daily Mass, but at least some will be familiar with this chaplet in honor of Saint Michael and the works he does--especially on this day (September 29) which is the day we honor him and the archangels.
There was no Mikdash built when the water flowed at the mount and the red heifer was discovered, no Atonement took place on the Jubilee year as per the judgement scrolls for 1998.
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) for Hebrew Year 5759 began on Tuesday, 29 September 1998 on Michaelemas, no coincidence, because the Judge is Michael.
Michael is the one who brings men's souls to judgment ("signifer S. Michael repraesentet eas in lucam sanctam", Offert. Miss Defunct. "Constituit eum principem super animas suscipiendas", Antiph. off. Cf. "Hermas", Pastor, I, 3, Simil. VIII, 3).

Dan 12:1-4 Michael delivers everyone written in the book of life (judge)

IIQ13 "Heavenly Prince Melchizedek Scroll" about Michael conducting the atonement day Judgment.

Account of the Genesis which Enotes composed, to set against the Genesis of Moses, when it says [2] that the Devil (diabolos) was cast out of heaven(future Perfected earth) because of the evil (kakia) which he had brought forth and that Michael was set (kathistanai) in his place, that he might be associated with (synistanai)
the just Judge(krites), and might be the ambassador (presbeuein) for all creation; for he is good (agathos).
(meaning the Devil was the rule of this world and Michael was sent in his Place to cast out the evil he caused.)

If the devil and his works is judged then judgement is by works which is what the iconographs show where Michael
holds the judgment scales and Satan is holding down the scale trying to prevent measurment of works (through faith only teachings).

1 Enoch 20:5
Michael, one of the holy angels, who, presiding over human virtue, commands the nations. (mediator/Judge)

EXODUS 23:20 "Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. 21 Beware of Him and obey His voice; do not provoke Him, for
**He will not pardon your transgressions**; for My name is in Him.

1 Enoch 53:6
Michael and Gabriel, Raphael and Phanuel (Jeremiel)(14) shall be strengthened in that day, and shall then cast them into a furnace of blazing fire, that the Lord of spirits may be avenged of them for their crimes; because they became ministers of Satan, and seduced those who dwell upon earth.

Blessings scroll (1QSb=1Q28b)
V:20 "blessings of the Prince of the Congregation (Michael)
Renew him the covenant of the community so he might establish the kingdom of his people for ever, that he might judge the poor with righteousness & dispense Justice with equity to the oppressed.

4Q285 5&10 Judgment of the Kittim (Romans)

Dead Sea Scrolls:
llQMelch ll,9,13 ,
4Q246 ,
1QS x12-18
Or is it acknowledgement of opposition once the veil was lifted and they found out
View attachment 545162
A "tradition" is a tradition........until its not. 90% of Catholic Dogma is based upon tradition rather than the doctrine established in the 1st Century via the apostles of Christ.

Many will present the charges of spreading hate, and you are being judgmental and unrighteous by attacking the Catholic Church. When in reality its nothing personal, one must ask themselves what would the founders of Christianity do when openly confronted with false teaching? They would expose the works of darkness and support the righteousness of TRUTH.

Eph. 5:11, "...........and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them" Eph. 5:12, "For it is a shame to speak of those things are done of them in secret."

We are not attacking any individual but the very system that's attempting to lead the masses away from scriptural truth. Its the system that Catholicism has morphed into (its all about power, wealth, control based upon the man made tradition of the self processed ELITE......and has historically resulted in crimes against humanity such as the Spanish Inquisition.......and the Middle Eastern Crusades)......its a warning to the sincere who take their faith seriously......come out and do as is the example with established doctrine, search the scriptures daily, "Now these people were more noble than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the scriptures daily to see if those things were so." -- Acts 17:11

Its written in Scriptures, "many people will worship the Lord in vain........" Why? Because they love tradition rather than righteous doctrine and claim that man made tradition is more important than the actual content of God's Word.

Jesus Chastised and Rebuked the Pharisees........for doing the exact same thing.......placing man made tradition, i.e., the commandments of men above the Word of God. (Matthew 15:8,9)

When this type of doctrine is promoted the end result is placing the Church above the actual content of the Holy Scripture.....you end up with man made and paganistic type celebrations and mandated Holidays that can't be found in the Word. Nowhere is there a commandment to worship anyone other than God, to pray to anyone other than the Lord....to celebrate any tradition other than the weekly breaking of bread in remembrance of Christ Jesus on the 1st day of the week..........there is no commandment to celebrate ChristMASS........or a tradition that began as a pagan ritual...... Easter.

If these commands exist in scripture show us the command to worship and celebrate Christmas (the traditional birthday of Jesus, celebrated by giving gifts and worshiping a spruce tree?) or the Holiday Easter that is based upon the spring equinox....paganistic in nature (Really? And a bunny planting eggs?)

Would I interfere with anyone's right to observe these traditions? Of course not......they are a US tradition just as important as APPLE PIE and FREE ELECTIONS. But one needs to promote the TRUTH not tradition. These Holidays are just that holidays.......people love them, I would never attempt to take away the pleasure that some get from celebrating these American Traditions that began as Catholic Dogma....and especially, I would never rob our children of such holidays. (personally I have many great childhood memories associated with both these holidays). It would be UN AMERICAN.
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A "tradition" is a tradition........until its not. 90% of Catholic Dogma is based upon tradition rather than the doctrine established in the 1st Century via the apostles of Christ.

Many will present the charges of spreading hate, and you are being judgmental and unrighteous by attacking the Catholic Church. When in reality its nothing personal, one must ask themselves what would the founders of Christianity do when openly confronted with false teaching? They would expose the works of darkness and support the righteousness of TRUTH.

Eph. 5:11, "...........and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them" Eph. 5:12, "For it is a shame to speak of those things are done of them in secret."

We are not attacking any individual but the very system that's attempting to lead the masses away from scriptural truth. Its the system that Catholicism has morphed into (its all about power, wealth, control based upon the man made tradition of the self processed ELITE......and has historically resulted in crimes against humanity such as the Spanish Inquisition.......and the Middle Eastern Crusades)......its a warning to the sincere who take their faith seriously......come out and do as is the example with established doctrine, search the scriptures daily, "Now these people were more noble than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the scriptures daily to see if those things were so." -- Acts 17:11

Its written in Scriptures, "many people will worship the Lord in vain........" Why? Because they love tradition rather than righteous doctrine and claim that man made tradition is more important than the actual content of God's Word.

Jesus Chastised and Rebuked the Pharisees........for doing the exact same thing.......placing man made tradition, i.e., the commandments of men above the Word of God. (Matthew 15:8,9)

When this type of doctrine is promoted the end result is placing the Church above the actual content of the Holy Scripture.....you end up with man made and paganistic type celebrations and mandated Holidays that can't be found in the Word. Nowhere is there a commandment to worship anyone other than God, to pray to anyone other than the Lord....to celebrate any tradition other than the weekly breaking of bread in remembrance of Christ Jesus on the 1st day of the week..........there is no commandment to celebrate ChristMASS........or a tradition that began as a pagan ritual...... Easter.

If these commands exist in scripture show us the command to worship and celebrate Christmas (the traditional birthday of Jesus, celebrated by giving gifts and worshiping a spruce tree?) or the Holiday Easter that is based upon the spring equinox....paganistic in nature (Really? And a bunny planting eggs?)

Would I interfere with anyone's right to observe these traditions? Of course not......they are a US tradition just as important as APPLE PIE and FREE ELECTIONS. But one needs to promote the TRUTH not tradition. These Holidays are just that holidays.......people love them, I would never attempt to take away the pleasure that some get from celebrating these American Traditions that began as Catholic Dogma....and especially, I would never rob our children of such holidays. (personally I have many great childhood memories associated with both these holidays). It would be UN AMERICAN.
Even many of the Church Hierarchy over the years (Like Cardinal Newman) admitted the books were not written by the apostles who's name are used for them. So when you mention apostles and Jesus which Christ figure in which era and which followers of that Christ, because there were many all converged into one image given it's new non Hebrew name. Even the apostles magically changed names because you can't convergne many characters (plurality) while reverting to a singular persona without giving up the ruse thus given new names untraceable to just 1 singular historical figure.
Example Yeshu 100 bc disciple Thadeus becomes ad era Christ Theudas by the Jordan's apostle James.
Yeshu of 100bc head Priest Shimon becomes the Shimon/Peter character in the ad era.
So not only is Jesus combined of many Christs, but the apostles are formed from each eras christs stories to make combined characters of them as well.
Sergius Paulus called Paul+Pol(Appolonius of Tyana also from Tarsus)+Saul =now becomes Paul. Yeshu+Yehuda of Galilee+Theudas by the Jordan= ow becomes Jesus.
Notice all formed by a Trinity of characters just as
1-Dagon the fishman god begot 2-Baal the harvest god and Baal begot 3-the son
"morning star" (Ishtar/Easter's giant fish out of the giant egg)
(Jesus- Rev 22:16)
Catholics who attend daily Mass often pray the chaplet in honor of Saint Michael the Archangel. Today's Mass (all over the world) is in honor of Saint Michael and the archangels. The chaplet at the end of daily mass is...

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

I don't know how many Catholic politicians attend daily Mass, but at least some will be familiar with this chaplet in honor of Saint Michael and the works he does--especially on this day (September 29) which is the day we honor him and the archangels.
A whole lot, of a little bit, of nothing. That

Michaelemas is all show, teaching people nothing. Devils are crying out in people, not knowing what else to do. Jesus is he that protects our soul, living in our soul, talking through us. Hell is under the earth. It is not a dwelling place for the lost. God's light will purify the earth of all sin. Sin would remain, had evil beings dwell in the earth.​

Why did the courts justify "hell be released, after 1000 years, for a little while " ??? I suspect he has a good "Jew" lawyer
Notice the lack of punctuation.It's intentional
Even many of the Church Hierarchy over the years (Like Cardinal Newman) admitted the books were not written by the apostles who's name are used for them. So when you mention apostles and Jesus which Christ figure in which era and which followers of that Christ, because there were many all converged into one image given it's new non Hebrew name. Even the apostles magically changed names because you can't convergne many characters (plurality) while reverting to a singular persona without giving up the ruse thus given new names untraceable to just 1 singular historical figure.
Example Yeshu 100 bc disciple Thadeus becomes ad era Christ Theudas by the Jordan's apostle James.
Yeshu of 100bc head Priest Shimon becomes the Shimon/Peter character in the ad era.
So not only is Jesus combined of many Christs, but the apostles are formed from each eras christs stories to make combined characters of them as well.
Sergius Paulus called Paul+Pol(Appolonius of Tyana also from Tarsus)+Saul =now becomes Paul. Yeshu+Yehuda of Galilee+Theudas by the Jordan= ow becomes Jesus.
Notice all formed by a Trinity of characters just as
1-Dagon the fishman god begot 2-Baal the harvest god and Baal begot 3-the son
"morning star" (Ishtar/Easter's giant fish out of the giant egg)
(Jesus- Rev 22:16)

The questioning of the integrity of the Holy Scriptures is nothing new. What else can those who present false doctrine claim? :dunno: The Holy Bible is still the best selling book in the entire history of civilized man.. What else would you expect from an inspired message from God to mankind?:popcorn: It happens with every false religion whose doctrine cannot be supported by the actual content of the Bible.........man must assert that the Bible is FALLIBLE....and not infallible as claimed.

Catholicism is not alone in this practice. You have the Mormons, The Jehovah's witnesses, Islam, New Age humanism....etc., All must claim that the Bible is laced with error and falsehoods because somehow the original message has been corrupted and only "THEY" have the only valid doctrine of what is meant in the original text. :stir: All have their own supposedly INSPIRED PERSONAL MESSAGES FROM GOD which introduces EXTRA teachings. (code for man made BS)

The history found within the pages of the Bible is true and accurate. No objective and testable evidence has ever been produced that demonstrates otherwise.

When it comes to establishing doctrine the scriptures are the only method of calibrating righteous doctrine (2 Tim. 3:16-17) Its all the man of God requires to make one whole in having everything that pertains to righteousness and godliness.

The majority of scriptures were not personally written by those who claim authorship......just as today they had those who drafted their personal message to the written word. Simply because the LITERAL transcript was placed to pin by another does not take away from the inspired messages of truth being delivered through inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God.

The fact that the Scriptures remain unbroken after thousands of year is a testimony to the promised truth found therein.
All the canonized books went through a scientific process called comparative analysis, a method used still today in the field of criminology. There are thousands of original partial transcripts that have been documented that predate the supposed Roman Corruption.......some from the 1st century, the 2nd and the 3rd century. When tested via comparative analysis......there is nothing lost in the modern translations.

Trust in the Holy Scriptures is the very foundation of Christianity. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
Christians believe that God exists and the Bible is God's word (2 Tim. 3:16) The scriptures remain POWERFUL, ALIVE, and Relevant today. (the very word in Greek, inspired, as in ALL SCRIPTURE IS INSPIRED OF GOD...means God Breathed)

If the Bible is not true......then all the religions based upon that record are a HOAX........even Catholicism. As there remains no source for calibrating truth.

Without the Bible there is no standard for right and wrong......as morality does not exist in the animal kingdom, thus morality cannot be a product of human tradition having evolved naturally.

What is actually meant in making the statement, "The Bible is inspired of God." ? The Bible in its entirety (both Old and New Testaments) is God's written word to man, free of error in its original text, holy reliable in its history and doctrine. Its infallible (the reason that its still exists unbroken and still leading the world in production and sales). The Bible does not teach or instruct deception, and can't be proven to be false in any of its revelations. Its a product of confluency (between man and God) .....God inspired and some 38+ authors made sure that inspiration was recorded in its entirety.

Based upon these precepts (doctrine) man cannot pick and choose to accept portions of truth and reject other portions. (Heb. 1:1-2) Truth is established via rightly dividing the word.........taking into account ALL THAT IS WRITTEN. One part of scripture never contradicts another part of scripture as its all inspired by the same Holy Spirit of God.

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