You know who else has NOT read Mueller's report???.....Yep, Bill Barr

Robert " insufficient evidendce to prove criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable dout but plenty of evidence of collusion" Mueller.

Please show us that quote. "Plenty of evidence of collusion". Along with your reliable source and link. Thank you, thank you so much!

Mueller says messaging apps likely destroyed Trump-Russia evidence
Tech challenges prevented special counsel from establishing full picture of what happened

The nearly two-year-long investigation established multiple links between Trump Campaign officials and individuals tied to the Russian government,” according to the report. “Those links included Russian offers of assistance to the campaign. In some instances, the campaign was receptive to the offer, while in other instances the campaign officials shied away.”

One of the two most well-known episodes of close coordination between Trump campaign officials and Russian officials was the June 9, 2016, meeting in Trump Tower with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who has ties to the Kremlin. The meeting was billed as a discussion on the Russian ban on adoption but in reality turned out to be an offer of Moscow’s help with damaging information on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton with the goal of aiding Trump.
In evaluating whether the actions of several Trump associates collectively amounted to a crime, Mueller’s office “applied the framework of conspiracy law, not the concept of ‘collusion,’” the report said, adding that the term “collusion” is not a specific offense defined by law.

Mueller says messaging apps likely destroyed Trump-Russia evidence

you're welcome.

Please show us that quote. "Plenty of evidence of collusion". Along with your reliable source and link. Thank you, thank you so much!

Try again.

i done did. just cause you don't like it, doesn't make it not so.

"i done did"? What the heck is that?

You failed to produce the quote YOU SAID was in the report. Then you say "i done did".

SHOW ME THE QUOTE! If you cannot, at least admit you lied. Simple!

I'll even refresh your memory.

"Please show us that quote. "Plenty of evidence of collusion". Along with your reliable source and link. Thank you, thank you so much!

Try again."
Last edited:
Robert " insufficient evidendce to prove criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable dout but plenty of evidence of collusion" Mueller.

Please show us that quote. "Plenty of evidence of collusion". Along with your reliable source and link. Thank you, thank you so much!

Mueller says messaging apps likely destroyed Trump-Russia evidence
Tech challenges prevented special counsel from establishing full picture of what happened

The nearly two-year-long investigation established multiple links between Trump Campaign officials and individuals tied to the Russian government,” according to the report. “Those links included Russian offers of assistance to the campaign. In some instances, the campaign was receptive to the offer, while in other instances the campaign officials shied away.”

One of the two most well-known episodes of close coordination between Trump campaign officials and Russian officials was the June 9, 2016, meeting in Trump Tower with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who has ties to the Kremlin. The meeting was billed as a discussion on the Russian ban on adoption but in reality turned out to be an offer of Moscow’s help with damaging information on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton with the goal of aiding Trump.
In evaluating whether the actions of several Trump associates collectively amounted to a crime, Mueller’s office “applied the framework of conspiracy law, not the concept of ‘collusion,’” the report said, adding that the term “collusion” is not a specific offense defined by law.

Mueller says messaging apps likely destroyed Trump-Russia evidence

you're welcome.

Please show us that quote. "Plenty of evidence of collusion". Along with your reliable source and link. Thank you, thank you so much!

Try again.

i done did. just cause you don't like it, doesn't make it not so.

"i done did"? What the heck is that?

You failed to produce the quote YOU SAID was in the report. Then you say "i done did".

SHOW ME THE QUOTE! If you cannot, at least admit you lied. Simple!

I'll even refresh your memory.

"Please show us that quote. "Plenty of evidence of collusion". Along with your reliable source and link. Thank you, thank you so much!

Try again."
You failed to produce the quote YOU SAID was in the report.

It was my quote, dope. I told you that already.
No one claimed it was in the report except your dishonest ass.
Its Barr's report he can read it or wipe with it. He can make paper airplanes with it. He can shred it. He can paper his walls with it. Whatever the fuck he wants to do with it. Barr does not have to memorize it. All Barr needed to do is interpret it, and his interpretation is NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION. End of the Mueller report, all done.

Dem's have category 10 butthurt over the Mueller report clearing Trump of collusion. Their hopes of obstruction fizzled. They are huddled in a 'now what' circle flailing in all directions.
Ah...that’s not flailing. It’s commonly referred to as yet another dimocrat circle jerk.
Its the fucking LAW, moron.....Manafort .......YOUR orange clown's CAMPAIGN MANAGER shared info with a Russian SPY so that he could forgo his due payments on Russian loans.....

You don't want to believe this and STILL defend your idiot in chief.....No one gives a flying fuck if you remain the same moron you clearly insist on being on here.....LOL

Its the fucking LAW

Post the law.

923. 18 U.S.C. § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the United States

Nothing in there about polls. Weird.

giving internal polling data ie 'goods' in exchange for debt relief ie 'services' that helps influence a united states election is conspiracy to commit fraud.

there - now that i connected the dots for you, you can thank me for educating you.

giving internal polling data ie 'goods' in exchange for debt relief

If Manafort gave something in exchange for income (or debt relief) and didn't claim the income, that's against the law. Little different than your original claim.

that helps influence a united states election

How did paying off Manafort's debt influence the election?

there - now that i connected the dots for you,

I'd already connected the dots of your idiocy. Thanks for confirming it.

giving internal polling data ie 'goods' in exchange for debt relief

If Manafort gave something in exchange for income (or debt relief) and didn't claim the income, that's against the law. Little different than your original claim.

LOL... no dummy.... pauly walnuts was IN DEBT. he gave internal polling data on swing states to the rooooskies in exchange for the money he owed to be wiped out.

that helps influence a united states election

it sure did. the roooskies took that data & targeted those states with fake news & heavy propaganda & ironically trump won the EC with about 75K votes - from them thar states.

How did paying off Manafort's debt influence the election?

just told ya.

there - now that i connected the dots for you

all you connected was your head with trump's colon.

I'd already connected the dots of your idiocy. Thanks for confirming it.

LOL. no, you really didn't - but thanx for playing. :itsok:
Its Barr's report he can read it or wipe with it. He can make paper airplanes with it. He can shred it. He can paper his walls with it. Whatever the fuck he wants to do with it. Barr does not have to memorize it. All Barr needed to do is interpret it, and his interpretation is NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION. End of the Mueller report, all done.

Damn kid, when did you become such a brainless tool?

We had this shit going on for two years AT VERY LEAST Barr should read and get intimately familiar with the product. This is serious bussiness and our AG should handle it as such instead of undermining public trust in our justice process at every turn.

If he CAN'T then he is clearly not fit to serve as an Attorney General of this great country.

giving internal polling data ie 'goods' in exchange for debt relief ie 'services' that helps influence a united states election is conspiracy to commit fraud.

there - now that i connected the dots for you, you can thank me for educating you.

giving internal polling data ie 'goods' in exchange for debt relief

If Manafort gave something in exchange for income (or debt relief) and didn't claim the income, that's against the law. Little different than your original claim.

that helps influence a united states election

How did paying off Manafort's debt influence the election?

there - now that i connected the dots for you,

I'd already connected the dots of your idiocy. Thanks for confirming it.

giving internal polling data ie 'goods' in exchange for debt relief

If Manafort gave something in exchange for income (or debt relief) and didn't claim the income, that's against the law. Little different than your original claim.

LOL... no dummy.... pauly walnuts was IN DEBT. he gave internal polling data on swing states to the rooooskies in exchange for the money he owed to be wiped out.

that helps influence a united states election

it sure did. the roooskies took that data & targeted those states with fake news & heavy propaganda & ironically trump won the EC with about 75K votes - from them thar states.

How did paying off Manafort's debt influence the election?

just told ya.

there - now that i connected the dots for you

all you connected was your head with trump's colon.

I'd already connected the dots of your idiocy. Thanks for confirming it.

LOL. no, you really didn't - but thanx for playing. :itsok:

pauly walnuts was IN DEBT. he gave internal polling data on swing states to the rooooskies in exchange for the money he owed to be wiped out.

Which has nothing to do with the moronic claim that sharing internal polls with foreigners is illegal and everything to do with not claiming income.

the roooskies took that data & targeted those states with fake news & heavy propaganda

Of course! Those Facebook memes that got Dems to vote for Trump. Awful!

At least now everyone knows how idiotic your earlier claims were. Thanks again!
All roads from Russia lead directly to the Dumbocrats...
Newly unearthed memos show a high-ranking government official who met with Steele in October 2016 determined some of the Donald Trump dirt that Steele was simultaneously digging up for the FBI and for Hillary Clinton’s campaign was inaccurate, and likely leaked to the media.

The concerns were flagged in a typed memo and in handwritten notes taken by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec on Oct. 11, 2016.

Her observations were recorded exactly 10 days before the FBI used Steele and his infamous dossier to justify securing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page and the campaign’s contacts with Russia in search of a now debunked collusion theory.

So much corruption. And indisputable proof of the “deep state” that the left denies exists.

FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA

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