"You have humiliated us"

You never heard of money laundering ??? Mueller has experts on the subject working on just that Don't you feel humiliated yet ?? What will it take for you to realize this ah in our WH is a lowlife crook?
There is nothing that will lead to such realization. Conservatism is a cult. Never before has there been more evidence

Then do present this evidence, fucking liar?
The evidence is the fact that you rightards give trump a pass on anything and everything he does. Conservatism is a cult and you're a member of that herd.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal PROJECTION ^^^

Spits a 4 year old with her rendition of, I know you are but what am I?

You sad little woo woo. Keep up the TDS! Insulting tens of millions of people is a surefire way to get them to support your cause in the upcoming election! Go for it!
BUT was it obligated to take them from him for political reasons? Our framers had TRUMP in mind when they gave us the impeachment process
I don't think John Brennan's political stance obligates the US government to maintain his security clearance. How the President feels about John Brennan's political stance doesn't obligate the US Government to maintain his security clearance. I understand you are pissed John Brennan got his wee-wee caught in his zipper trying to have a pissing contest with the President. The utter ignorance in that would suggest it might not be a good idea to trust him with sensitive material.
Trump's actions are those of a vindictive president who is incapable of responding to critics other than attacking them.

Taking clearances away from former Intelligence people does not silence them nor damage them in any way. The clearance is not so much a benefit to the person. It’s more of a benefit to the particular government officials that would need some insight from times prior to them taking office. A person with a security clearance after leaving office doesn’t necessarily have access to any classified information unless a current agency requests it because access is on a need to know basis.

In other words, removing security clearances from former top intelligence officials creates a potential problem for the Intelligence community while giving these people a stronger voice to attack the president's policies. :cuckoo:

Exactly, but there is another aspect to all of this. What if one is a member of the Trump administration like Bruce Ohr? What if one is a diligent public servant in the DOJ or a part of the Mueller investigation, and Trump doesn't like what one is doing?

Will those people lose their security clearance, and subsequently their jobs which require a security clearance? Is every member of the federal government subject to Trump's scrutiny, and if he doesn't like what one is doing, one will suffer consequences?

Trump isn't targeting Brennan and nine others. Trump is targeting every employee of the federal government as is the case of Bruce Ohr.
Book says Trump was taking Russian money way back?? Oh no .......Trump is a traitor Russia put one of their own in our WH
What does "taking Russian money" mean? Are you suffering from the delusion that it's illegal to do business with Russians?
You never heard of money laundering ??? Mueller has experts on the subject working on just that Don't you feel humiliated yet ?? What will it take for you to realize this ah in our WH is a lowlife crook?
There is nothing that will lead to such realization. Conservatism is a cult. Never before has there been more evidence

Then do present this evidence, fucking liar?
The evidence is the fact that you rightards give trump a pass on anything and everything he does. Even trump acknowledges he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any support. Conservatism is a cult and you're a member of that herd.
He's talking about evidence that Trump committed the crimes listed by Edward the idiot.
There is nothing that will lead to such realization. Conservatism is a cult. Never before has there been more evidence

Then do present this evidence, fucking liar?
The evidence is the fact that you rightards give trump a pass on anything and everything he does. Conservatism is a cult and you're a member of that herd.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal PROJECTION ^^^

Spits a 4 year old with her rendition of, I know you are but what am I?

You sad little woo woo. Keep up the TDS! Insulting tens of millions of people is a surefire way to get them to support your cause in the upcoming election! Go for it!
You poor, child. Tens of millions of people are not reading this forum.
BUT was it obligated to take them from him for political reasons? Our framers had TRUMP in mind when they gave us the impeachment process
I don't think John Brennan's political stance obligates the US government to maintain his security clearance. How the President feels about John Brennan's political stance doesn't obligate the US Government to maintain his security clearance. I understand you are pissed John Brennan got his wee-wee caught in his zipper trying to have a pissing contest with the President. The utter ignorance in that would suggest it might not be a good idea to trust him with sensitive material.
Trump's actions are those of a vindictive president who is incapable of responding to critics other than attacking them.

Taking clearances away from former Intelligence people does not silence them nor damage them in any way. The clearance is not so much a benefit to the person. It’s more of a benefit to the particular government officials that would need some insight from times prior to them taking office. A person with a security clearance after leaving office doesn’t necessarily have access to any classified information unless a current agency requests it because access is on a need to know basis.

In other words, removing security clearances from former top intelligence officials creates a potential problem for the Intelligence community while giving these people a stronger voice to attack the president's policies. :cuckoo:

Exactly, but there is another aspect to all of this. What if one is a member of the Trump administration like Bruce Ohr? What if one is a diligent public servant in the DOJ or a part of the Mueller investigation, and Trump doesn't like what one is doing?

Will those people lose their security clearance, and subsequently their jobs which require a security clearance? Is every member of the federal government subject to Trump's scrutiny, and if he doesn't like what one is doing, one will suffer consequences?

Trump isn't targeting Brennan and nine others. Trump is targeting every employee of the federal government as is the case of Bruce Ohr.
No, he's only targeting traitors who participated in a coup against a lawfully elected president.
What does "taking Russian money" mean? Are you suffering from the delusion that it's illegal to do business with Russians?
You never heard of money laundering ??? Mueller has experts on the subject working on just that Don't you feel humiliated yet ?? What will it take for you to realize this ah in our WH is a lowlife crook?
There is nothing that will lead to such realization. Conservatism is a cult. Never before has there been more evidence

Then do present this evidence, fucking liar?
I marvel at the way Faux and Edward behave as if all their accusations against Trump are irrefutable facts. They like the lunatics who believe they are Napoleon and expect everyone to kneel before them. They fly into fits of rage when their subjects refuse to behave as expected.
Oh? Of what crime have I accused trump of committing?
You chimed in to support Edward the idiot who accused Trump of a number of crimes.
BUT was it obligated to take them from him for political reasons? Our framers had TRUMP in mind when they gave us the impeachment process
I don't think John Brennan's political stance obligates the US government to maintain his security clearance. How the President feels about John Brennan's political stance doesn't obligate the US Government to maintain his security clearance. I understand you are pissed John Brennan got his wee-wee caught in his zipper trying to have a pissing contest with the President. The utter ignorance in that would suggest it might not be a good idea to trust him with sensitive material.
Trump's actions are those of a vindictive president who is incapable of responding to critics other than attacking them.

Taking clearances away from former Intelligence people does not silence them nor damage them in any way. The clearance is not so much a benefit to the person. It’s more of a benefit to the particular government officials that would need some insight from times prior to them taking office. A person with a security clearance after leaving office doesn’t necessarily have access to any classified information unless a current agency requests it because access is on a need to know basis.

In other words, removing security clearances from former top intelligence officials creates a potential problem for the Intelligence community while giving these people a stronger voice to attack the president's policies. :cuckoo:

Exactly, but there is another aspect to all of this. What if one is a member of the Trump administration like Bruce Ohr? What if one is a diligent public servant in the DOJ or a part of the Mueller investigation, and Trump doesn't like what one is doing?

Will those people lose their security clearance, and subsequently their jobs which require a security clearance? Is every member of the federal government subject to Trump's scrutiny, and if he doesn't like what one is doing, one will suffer consequences?

Trump isn't targeting Brennan and nine others. Trump is targeting every employee of the federal government as is the case of Bruce Ohr.
------------------------------------------ yeah , hopefully targeting everyone of them and draining the Swamp of the Swamp Creatures Sandy .
What does "taking Russian money" mean? Are you suffering from the delusion that it's illegal to do business with Russians?
You never heard of money laundering ??? Mueller has experts on the subject working on just that Don't you feel humiliated yet ?? What will it take for you to realize this ah in our WH is a lowlife crook?
There is nothing that will lead to such realization. Conservatism is a cult. Never before has there been more evidence

Then do present this evidence, fucking liar?
The evidence is the fact that you rightards give trump a pass on anything and everything he does. Even trump acknowledges he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any support. Conservatism is a cult and you're a member of that herd.
He's talking about evidence that Trump committed the crimes listed by Edward the idiot.
Fucking moron, I pointed out how nothing will lead you cult members to ever feel humiliated for anything trump does and that senile old fool asked me for evidence. If he actually meant evidence for crimes listed by edward37, then he should have replied to that post and not mine with his inquiry.
You never heard of money laundering ??? Mueller has experts on the subject working on just that Don't you feel humiliated yet ?? What will it take for you to realize this ah in our WH is a lowlife crook?
There is nothing that will lead to such realization. Conservatism is a cult. Never before has there been more evidence

Then do present this evidence, fucking liar?
I marvel at the way Faux and Edward behave as if all their accusations against Trump are irrefutable facts. They like the lunatics who believe they are Napoleon and expect everyone to kneel before them. They fly into fits of rage when their subjects refuse to behave as expected.
Oh? Of what crime have I accused trump of committing?
You chimed in to support Edward the idiot who accused Trump of a number of crimes.
Fucking moron, I supported Edward's point that there's nothing trump can do that will humiliate you cult members.

Please try harder to read for comprehension.
You never heard of money laundering ??? Mueller has experts on the subject working on just that Don't you feel humiliated yet ?? What will it take for you to realize this ah in our WH is a lowlife crook?
There is nothing that will lead to such realization. Conservatism is a cult. Never before has there been more evidence

Then do present this evidence, fucking liar?
The evidence is the fact that you rightards give trump a pass on anything and everything he does. Even trump acknowledges he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any support. Conservatism is a cult and you're a member of that herd.
He's talking about evidence that Trump committed the crimes listed by Edward the idiot.
Fucking moron, I pointed out how nothing will lead you cult members to ever feel humiliated for anything trump does and that senile old fool asked me for evidence. If he actually meant evidence for crimes listed by edward37, then he should have replied to that post and not mine with his inquiry.
Fucking moron. You did exactly what I said. You supported what an idiot posted because you're also an idiot. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see he was talking out the moronic list of crimes that Edward the idiot posted.
There is nothing that will lead to such realization. Conservatism is a cult. Never before has there been more evidence

Then do present this evidence, fucking liar?
I marvel at the way Faux and Edward behave as if all their accusations against Trump are irrefutable facts. They like the lunatics who believe they are Napoleon and expect everyone to kneel before them. They fly into fits of rage when their subjects refuse to behave as expected.
Oh? Of what crime have I accused trump of committing?
You chimed in to support Edward the idiot who accused Trump of a number of crimes.
Fucking moron, I supported Edward's point that there's nothing trump can do that will humiliate you cult members.

Please try harder to read for comprehension.
That is the same post where he accused Trump of a moronic laundry list of invented crimes.
This lies too bri?
Jobs being created more slowly now and since Trump than any time in the Obama presidency
Truth: GDP has under Trump only had one really good quarter under Obama it did +4% four times
Truth: TRUMPS deficits and debts are the fastest in this century
Truth: Gun violence is up in all red states, not up anywhere as high in blue states
Truth: inflation under Trump is on pace to be the highest in 28 years
Truth: Home foreclosures, lay offs and bankruptcy is at a rate not seen since 08/09
Truth: Quality jobs are now leaving our shores as fast as cheap manufacturing
Truth since Trump took office 233,000 highly trained US born doctors, engineers, and other science, math, medical and design professionals have left the USA the fastest in history
We are getting off topic guys - this is about Trump removing security clearances.

100% true but removing security clearance comes with several tentacles that came from within. Started by Trumpy.

It’s like giving an ugly dirty (Trump ) dog a bath. You have to use high pressure water hose to remove the glue ( dirtyness ), bleach then soap. So his followers hopefully will understand what it means. But STILL they think it’s normal.

Comrade traitor, what law guarantees that Soviet Spy Brennan is provided access to classified and secret intelligence in perpetuity?
Soviet spy Brennan Comey Rosenstein Mueller 70 from past and present Intel agencies LOL Anyone against the AH trump is a soviet spy ?? When the real spy is supported by nitwits like you and bri , is in our WH,,, I'm taking away your security clearance
Former CIA Director John Brennan said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday he was considering legal action to hit back after President Donald Trump revoked his security clearance last week.

Brennan told host Chuck Todd he was prepared to fight back against what he called "yet another example of his egregious abuse of power and authority" by Trump.

"If my clearances — and my reputation as I'm being pulled through the mud now — if this is the price we're going to pay to prevent Donald Trump from doing this to other people, to me it's a small price to pay," Brennan said. "If it means going to court, I will do that."

Brennan's clearance loss set off a firestorm of commentary from both sides of the aisle, though the White House described the move as a necessary defense against Brennan's "erratic conduct and behavior".

Brennan's revocation could be the first of many
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Trump has said he is considering revoking clearance of several other former intelligence and legal officials, all of whom have been outspoken critics of him. Brennan said this motivation was a clear signal Trump was weaponizing his control over the access of former intelligence officials on a personal basis.

"It was a clear signal to others who still have their security clearances, both in the government as well as outside, that if you cross him, if you speak out against him, he is going to use whatever tools he might have at his disposal to punish you," Brennan said.
We are getting off topic guys - this is about Trump removing security clearances.

100% true but removing security clearance comes with several tentacles that came from within. Started by Trumpy.

It’s like giving an ugly dirty (Trump ) dog a bath. You have to use high pressure water hose to remove the glue ( dirtyness ), bleach then soap. So his followers hopefully will understand what it means. But STILL they think it’s normal.

Comrade traitor, what law guarantees that Soviet Spy Brennan is provided access to classified and secret intelligence in perpetuity?

Aside from you're peculiar fixation on Soviet sillyness, you do realize that having a security clearance is not the same as having access?
Former CIA Director John Brennan said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday he was considering legal action to hit back after President Donald Trump revoked his security clearance last week.

Brennan told host Chuck Todd he was prepared to fight back against what he called "yet another example of his egregious abuse of power and authority" by Trump.

"If my clearances — and my reputation as I'm being pulled through the mud now — if this is the price we're going to pay to prevent Donald Trump from doing this to other people, to me it's a small price to pay," Brennan said. "If it means going to court, I will do that."

Brennan's clearance loss set off a firestorm of commentary from both sides of the aisle, though the White House described the move as a necessary defense against Brennan's "erratic conduct and behavior".

Brennan's revocation could be the first of many
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Trump has said he is considering revoking clearance of several other former intelligence and legal officials, all of whom have been outspoken critics of him. Brennan said this motivation was a clear signal Trump was weaponizing his control over the access of former intelligence officials on a personal basis.

"It was a clear signal to others who still have their security clearances, both in the government as well as outside, that if you cross him, if you speak out against him, he is going to use whatever tools he might have at his disposal to punish you," Brennan said.
Brennan is barking at the moon. Imagine the nerve of this asshole whining that Trump is attacking his reputation. Oh Boo Hoo! Guilliani said he can't wait to question Brennan on the witness stand. Brennan is going to find he made a big mistake by suing Trump.
Former CIA Director John Brennan said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday he was considering legal action to hit back after President Donald Trump revoked his security clearance last week.

Brennan told host Chuck Todd he was prepared to fight back against what he called "yet another example of his egregious abuse of power and authority" by Trump.

"If my clearances — and my reputation as I'm being pulled through the mud now — if this is the price we're going to pay to prevent Donald Trump from doing this to other people, to me it's a small price to pay," Brennan said. "If it means going to court, I will do that."

Brennan's clearance loss set off a firestorm of commentary from both sides of the aisle, though the White House described the move as a necessary defense against Brennan's "erratic conduct and behavior".

Brennan's revocation could be the first of many
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Trump has said he is considering revoking clearance of several other former intelligence and legal officials, all of whom have been outspoken critics of him. Brennan said this motivation was a clear signal Trump was weaponizing his control over the access of former intelligence officials on a personal basis.

"It was a clear signal to others who still have their security clearances, both in the government as well as outside, that if you cross him, if you speak out against him, he is going to use whatever tools he might have at his disposal to punish you," Brennan said.
Brennan is barking at the moon. Imagine the nerve of this asshole whining that Trump is attacking his reputation. Oh Boo Hoo! Guilliani said he can't wait to question Brennan on the witness stand. Brennan is going to find he made a big mistake by suing Trump.
Giuliani can't wait to question Brennan??? The CIA guy will make rudy wish he never left home Rudy says truth isn't truth??? He's a dead man walking a complete jerk ..sorta like a poster here I won't mention
I watched Chris Wallace today on Fox News as I do every Sunday. It is becoming more and more apparent that Wallace is using subtlety and omission to promote his network's support of Trump.

Often times today Wallace and his guests mentioned Brennan's statements concerning Trump. They discussed how critical Brennan comments were.

They failed to discuss one essential element to all this. Why did Brennan say what he said?

For example, Brennan made this statement. "Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???"

Wow! Powerful stuff. Wallace never touched on why Brennan made such an inflammatory accusation. He leaves his listeners, who are largely Trump fans, with the impression that Brennan is just a loose cannon who deserves losing his security clearance.

Brennan is no loose cannon. He is a dedicated intelligence operative who spent 25 years with CIA working his way up to CIA director. This is why Brennan said what he said.

At Helsinki, Trump rejected American intelligence and believed Putin because the communist dictator was forceful. "My people came to me, Dan Coats [DNI] came to me, some others, they said they think it's Russia. I have President Putin. He just said it's not Russia. I will say this, I don't see any reason why it would be. I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial."

Despite Russia's invasion of Ukraine, illegal annexation of Crimea, supporting a murderous dictator in Syria, being allied with Iran, and interfering in our 2016 Presidential election, Trump blamed his own country for the poor relations with Russia. "Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!"

Do Trump's statements qualify as “high crimes & misdemeanors?” Sure they do. How else would you assess his comments? He rejected American intelligence and accepted the word of a communist dictator. Despite Russia's sins, Trump blames his own country for the strained relations between the two countries.

Brennan was just being frank with Americans. For that Fox blames Brennan for saying unkind words about Trump.
Former CIA Director John Brennan said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday he was considering legal action to hit back after President Donald Trump revoked his security clearance last week.

Brennan told host Chuck Todd he was prepared to fight back against what he called "yet another example of his egregious abuse of power and authority" by Trump.

"If my clearances — and my reputation as I'm being pulled through the mud now — if this is the price we're going to pay to prevent Donald Trump from doing this to other people, to me it's a small price to pay," Brennan said. "If it means going to court, I will do that."

Brennan's clearance loss set off a firestorm of commentary from both sides of the aisle, though the White House described the move as a necessary defense against Brennan's "erratic conduct and behavior".

Brennan's revocation could be the first of many
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Trump has said he is considering revoking clearance of several other former intelligence and legal officials, all of whom have been outspoken critics of him. Brennan said this motivation was a clear signal Trump was weaponizing his control over the access of former intelligence officials on a personal basis.

"It was a clear signal to others who still have their security clearances, both in the government as well as outside, that if you cross him, if you speak out against him, he is going to use whatever tools he might have at his disposal to punish you," Brennan said.
Brennan is barking at the moon. Imagine the nerve of this asshole whining that Trump is attacking his reputation. Oh Boo Hoo! Guilliani said he can't wait to question Brennan on the witness stand. Brennan is going to find he made a big mistake by suing Trump.

Giuliani is an idiot and a loudmouth. I'd love to see him try try cross-examine Brennan. That would be a real treat.

But Giuliani isn't going to cross-examine anyone. Trump is a jerk, but he is not stupid. He won't allow Giuliani to get within a mile of a witness.
Former CIA Director John Brennan said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday he was considering legal action to hit back after President Donald Trump revoked his security clearance last week.

Brennan told host Chuck Todd he was prepared to fight back against what he called "yet another example of his egregious abuse of power and authority" by Trump.

"If my clearances — and my reputation as I'm being pulled through the mud now — if this is the price we're going to pay to prevent Donald Trump from doing this to other people, to me it's a small price to pay," Brennan said. "If it means going to court, I will do that."

Brennan's clearance loss set off a firestorm of commentary from both sides of the aisle, though the White House described the move as a necessary defense against Brennan's "erratic conduct and behavior".

Brennan's revocation could be the first of many
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Trump has said he is considering revoking clearance of several other former intelligence and legal officials, all of whom have been outspoken critics of him. Brennan said this motivation was a clear signal Trump was weaponizing his control over the access of former intelligence officials on a personal basis.

"It was a clear signal to others who still have their security clearances, both in the government as well as outside, that if you cross him, if you speak out against him, he is going to use whatever tools he might have at his disposal to punish you," Brennan said.
Brennan is barking at the moon. Imagine the nerve of this asshole whining that Trump is attacking his reputation. Oh Boo Hoo! Guilliani said he can't wait to question Brennan on the witness stand. Brennan is going to find he made a big mistake by suing Trump.
Giuliani can't wait to question Brennan??? The CIA guy will make rudy wish he never left home Rudy says truth isn't truth??? He's a dead man walking a complete jerk ..sorta like a poster here I won't mention
The CIA is going to get even with Rudy Giuliani? I have never seen a more Stalinist statement in my life.

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