You ever pray profusely and the precise opposite happened?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Not for anything of self interest, but a general outcome.

Without being too funny about this, I might start praying for the outcome I DON'T want.
Yours is not to question the infinite complexity of God. Short answer...Yes.

Indeed. I might start questioning the Lord more often. I've felt like Job for too long, I'm starting to really wonder the logic.
I do not question. I stopped long long ago. Free will is not what we think it is. Just be honest and fair. Everything will work out. HE has a plan.
Not for anything of self interest, but a general outcome.

Without being too funny about this, I might start praying for the outcome I DON'T want.
Be careful for what you ask for because you just may get it but not in the way you think.
Without being too funny about this, I might start praying for the outcome I DON'T want.
oh, don't do that shocked canadian! Spend the time to figure out, what it is, that God is trying to tell you, teach you or teach others, or do... Remember, He's the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, omnipresence.... his big picture, may not seem to coincide with our own desires...

here's an example:
Matt's father died of cancer, we were not married yet, just engaged... it took 8 months for him to dwindle to nothing and die... I had walked away from my faith for about 5 years previous to this... not that I had stopped believing in God, but just stopped practicing my belief and put it in some compartment in a corner of my brain and hadn't thought about it...but during this extremely sad period, I prayed and prayed and prayed for God to save him, a miracle...

He didn't answer my prayers with the outcome that I wanted, but He SAVED me and Matt both, from being on the road to destruction... we were young, party animals so to say, drinking till we couldn't stand drunks on weekends and driving while in this condition.... we could have killed people, we could have killed ourselves...

Instead, Matt had bought me a Student Bible, and he brought out his own, and we began refreshing ourselves with the Word of God again, beginning with reading the 4 Gospels, while praying for his dad... who was 5 years younger than I am now, when he died... he died young, so make a long story short, we were born again... given a second chance... not the Holy Roller 'born again'... but born again, none the less... our lives changed forever, and for the good...

So, although it was very very very sad, that our prayers to save Matt's dad seemed unanswered, God used this sadness, to save us...
Not for anything of self interest, but a general outcome.

Without being too funny about this, I might start praying for the outcome I DON'T want.
Well,it looks like your question has been snookered. Even when prayer doesn't work, it works. Gee, hope that's comforting...
Not for anything of self interest, but a general outcome.

Without being too funny about this, I might start praying for the outcome I DON'T want.
Well,it looks like your question has been snookered. Even when prayer doesn't work, it works. Gee, hope that's comforting...
It is comforting. Prayer alters the fabric of our identity. Peace through the storm so to speak.

Without it the best you can hope for is to suffer without complaint.
It is comforting.
I'm glad.

Without it the best you can hope for is to suffer without complaint.
Excuse you, speak for yourself, not for me.

I will pray for you.
Thanks! But I can think of better uses for your time. Instead of doing something that you pretend is for me but is really for yourself, and which accomplishes nothing whatsoever, spend half that time providing actual assistance to someone who needs it.

Then, spend the other half doing whatever it is you enjoy.
Not for anything of self interest, but a general outcome.

Without being too funny about this, I might start praying for the outcome I DON'T want.

Maybe it's more about HOW you pray......God already knows what you want & need. Best prayer of all is the Lords prayer and to give thanks for Him and His will, not our own.

Though my batting average isn't very good at the moment.

Whether our prayers are answered positively or negatively is beside the point.........the point is that you are going to our Father in humble prayer

Hang in there, He does see you and knows.
Not for anything of self interest, but a general outcome.

Without being too funny about this, I might start praying for the outcome I DON'T want.
Remember the Lord’s Prayer ~Thy will be done~. Not ours.
Many times we may not understand His reasons, maybe sometimes never, but sometimes further down the road, if we just look it will be in front of us, and the greater reason is apparent.
You posted as a I was typing. I agree.
Not for anything of self interest, but a general outcome.

Without being too funny about this, I might start praying for the outcome I DON'T want.

Maybe it's more about HOW you pray......God already knows what you want & need. Best prayer of all is the Lords prayer and to give thanks for Him and His will, not our own.

Though my batting average isn't very good at the moment.

Whether our prayers are answered positively or negatively is beside the point.........the point is that you are going to our Father in humble prayer

Hang in there, He does see you and knows.
Not for anything of self interest, but a general outcome.

Without being too funny about this, I might start praying for the outcome I DON'T want.
Don't do that..but be careful how you pray.

As you probably know...praying for wisdom can bring a lot of misfortune because we learn when we navigate difficulties.
If you pray for patience, you will be blessed with things that test your patience.
Maybe you need to be more specific in your prayers.
It is comforting.
I'm glad.

Without it the best you can hope for is to suffer without complaint.
Excuse you, speak for yourself, not for me.
Do you know who William James is?

Your beef is with him.

When all is said and done, we are in the end absolutely dependent on the universe; and into sacrifices and surrenders of some sort, deliberately looked at and accepted, we are drawn and pressed as into our only permanent positions of repose. Now in those states of mind which fall short of religion, the surrender is submitted to as an imposition of necessity, and the sacrifice is undergone at the very best without complaint. In the religious life, on the contrary, surrender and sacrifice are positively espoused: even unnecessary givings-up are added in order that the happiness may increase. Religion thus makes easy and felicitous what in any case is necessary; and if it be the only agency that can accomplish this result, its vital importance as a human faculty stands vindicated beyond dispute. It becomes an essential organ of our life, performing a function which no other portion of our nature can so successfully fulfill.
It is comforting.
I'm glad.

Without it the best you can hope for is to suffer without complaint.
Excuse you, speak for yourself, not for me.

I will pray for you. Though my batting average isn't very good at the moment.
It has been my observation that nothing is as it seems. The good things that happen to us that we think that are good for us are in reality bad for us. And the bad things that happen to us that we think are bad are in reality good for us.

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