You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies
The media's disinterest in holding one entire side of the spectrum to account is making this much worse by allowing them to get away with it, circulating false information, and sowing immense distrust.

You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies (
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Emily Jashinsky

Journalists generally assess our politics through the same lens as Democratic operatives, which assumes Democrats are the good guys and Republicans are not. For some in the corporate media, that’s not so much a conscious partisan calculation as it is the consequence of their shared cultural leftism.
This is a key driving force behind our national discord. A better lens generally assumes politicians are the bad guys, whether they’re friendly to the press, progressive, Christian, rich, poor, or whatever. That’s not only more accurate, it’s more fair and more constructive for the so-called fourth estate, which exists to hold powerful people accountable on a nonpartisan basis. When journalists share the cultural values of Democratic partisans, they lose their ability to apply that lens.
This could preface any number of media critiques but it’s relevant currently in light of stories about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. I don’t want to make this a meta story about the media’s failure when the primary issue at hand is Greene’s total disqualification from elected office and the GOP’s mishandling of her ascent. That said, two points are true—the media is creating more and more Greenes every single day and the media treats the left’s versions of Greene very differently.
Our political class needs fewer leaders like Greene and Omar. They’re out of touch with reality. But increasingly all of us are, Democrats and Republicans, because the primary window into reality is distorted by the press’s complete embrace of an elitist, partisan worldview.
Greene is bad news. There’s no need for hedging or qualifying or adding a galaxy-brain “but ackchyually.” She does, however, perfectly exemplify an enormous problem greatly worsened by media corruption. In turn, the media’s coverage of her perfect exemplifies the problems created by that corruption.

In America media has always been granted special status because it was necessary for an outside and ‘objective’ group to observe, document and record to keep everyone honest.
Journalists have abandoned their charter with Americans the instant they stopped being objective. Since then, they’ve been less than worthless.
Today the majority of "JournOlists" are not 'Objective' in their reporting as exampled by talking heads supposedly reporting and pontificating in TV. This also holds true for newspapers and magazines.
They are now considered part of the "Fifth Column", Quislings doing the bidding of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies.
How should these individuals be treated?
Obviously during the Obama admininistration, real journalists like James Rosen, Sharyl Attkisson and others... Oddly they were all objective reporters..... Yet, not one Leftist JournOlist spewing lies and conspiracies was taken to task. You have to wonder why.

Add tanks for China and the Deep State, and that sums it up nicely. Remember the last 5-years?

Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!! If 1/6 was a real "insurrection" they would have had guns instead of flags.

You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies
The media's disinterest in holding one entire side of the spectrum to account is making this much worse by allowing them to get away with it, circulating false information, and sowing immense distrust.

You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies (
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Emily Jashinsky

Journalists generally assess our politics through the same lens as Democratic operatives, which assumes Democrats are the good guys and Republicans are not. For some in the corporate media, that’s not so much a conscious partisan calculation as it is the consequence of their shared cultural leftism.
This is a key driving force behind our national discord. A better lens generally assumes politicians are the bad guys, whether they’re friendly to the press, progressive, Christian, rich, poor, or whatever. That’s not only more accurate, it’s more fair and more constructive for the so-called fourth estate, which exists to hold powerful people accountable on a nonpartisan basis. When journalists share the cultural values of Democratic partisans, they lose their ability to apply that lens.
This could preface any number of media critiques but it’s relevant currently in light of stories about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. I don’t want to make this a meta story about the media’s failure when the primary issue at hand is Greene’s total disqualification from elected office and the GOP’s mishandling of her ascent. That said, two points are true—the media is creating more and more Greenes every single day and the media treats the left’s versions of Greene very differently.
Our political class needs fewer leaders like Greene and Omar. They’re out of touch with reality. But increasingly all of us are, Democrats and Republicans, because the primary window into reality is distorted by the press’s complete embrace of an elitist, partisan worldview.
Greene is bad news. There’s no need for hedging or qualifying or adding a galaxy-brain “but ackchyually.” She does, however, perfectly exemplify an enormous problem greatly worsened by media corruption. In turn, the media’s coverage of her perfect exemplifies the problems created by that corruption.

In America media has always been granted special status because it was necessary for an outside and ‘objective’ group to observe, document and record to keep everyone honest.
Journalists have abandoned their charter with Americans the instant they stopped being objective. Since then, they’ve been less than worthless.
Today the majority of "JournOlists" are not 'Objective' in their reporting as exampled by talking heads supposedly reporting and pontificating in TV. This also holds true for newspapers and magazines.
They are now considered part of the "Fifth Column", Quislings doing the bidding of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies.
How should these individuals be treated?
Obviously during the Obama admininistration, real journalists like James Rosen, Sharyl Attkisson and others... Oddly they were all objective reporters..... Yet, not one Leftist JournOlist spewing lies and conspiracies was taken to task. You have to wonder why.

Remember when the Republican Party was about personal responsibility rather than blaming others for their actions?
You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies
The media's disinterest in holding one entire side of the spectrum to account is making this much worse by allowing them to get away with it, circulating false information, and sowing immense distrust.

You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies (
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Emily Jashinsky

Journalists generally assess our politics through the same lens as Democratic operatives, which assumes Democrats are the good guys and Republicans are not. For some in the corporate media, that’s not so much a conscious partisan calculation as it is the consequence of their shared cultural leftism.
This is a key driving force behind our national discord. A better lens generally assumes politicians are the bad guys, whether they’re friendly to the press, progressive, Christian, rich, poor, or whatever. That’s not only more accurate, it’s more fair and more constructive for the so-called fourth estate, which exists to hold powerful people accountable on a nonpartisan basis. When journalists share the cultural values of Democratic partisans, they lose their ability to apply that lens.
This could preface any number of media critiques but it’s relevant currently in light of stories about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. I don’t want to make this a meta story about the media’s failure when the primary issue at hand is Greene’s total disqualification from elected office and the GOP’s mishandling of her ascent. That said, two points are true—the media is creating more and more Greenes every single day and the media treats the left’s versions of Greene very differently.
Our political class needs fewer leaders like Greene and Omar. They’re out of touch with reality. But increasingly all of us are, Democrats and Republicans, because the primary window into reality is distorted by the press’s complete embrace of an elitist, partisan worldview.
Greene is bad news. There’s no need for hedging or qualifying or adding a galaxy-brain “but ackchyually.” She does, however, perfectly exemplify an enormous problem greatly worsened by media corruption. In turn, the media’s coverage of her perfect exemplifies the problems created by that corruption.

In America media has always been granted special status because it was necessary for an outside and ‘objective’ group to observe, document and record to keep everyone honest.
Journalists have abandoned their charter with Americans the instant they stopped being objective. Since then, they’ve been less than worthless.
Today the majority of "JournOlists" are not 'Objective' in their reporting as exampled by talking heads supposedly reporting and pontificating in TV. This also holds true for newspapers and magazines.
They are now considered part of the "Fifth Column", Quislings doing the bidding of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies.
How should these individuals be treated?
Obviously during the Obama admininistration, real journalists like James Rosen, Sharyl Attkisson and others... Oddly they were all objective reporters..... Yet, not one Leftist JournOlist spewing lies and conspiracies was taken to task. You have to wonder why.

Remember when the Republican Party was about personal responsibility rather than blaming others for their actions?

Remember when Dims were not anti American communists? I dont.
You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies
The media's disinterest in holding one entire side of the spectrum to account is making this much worse by allowing them to get away with it, circulating false information, and sowing immense distrust.

You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies (
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Emily Jashinsky

Journalists generally assess our politics through the same lens as Democratic operatives, which assumes Democrats are the good guys and Republicans are not. For some in the corporate media, that’s not so much a conscious partisan calculation as it is the consequence of their shared cultural leftism.
This is a key driving force behind our national discord. A better lens generally assumes politicians are the bad guys, whether they’re friendly to the press, progressive, Christian, rich, poor, or whatever. That’s not only more accurate, it’s more fair and more constructive for the so-called fourth estate, which exists to hold powerful people accountable on a nonpartisan basis. When journalists share the cultural values of Democratic partisans, they lose their ability to apply that lens.
This could preface any number of media critiques but it’s relevant currently in light of stories about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. I don’t want to make this a meta story about the media’s failure when the primary issue at hand is Greene’s total disqualification from elected office and the GOP’s mishandling of her ascent. That said, two points are true—the media is creating more and more Greenes every single day and the media treats the left’s versions of Greene very differently.
Our political class needs fewer leaders like Greene and Omar. They’re out of touch with reality. But increasingly all of us are, Democrats and Republicans, because the primary window into reality is distorted by the press’s complete embrace of an elitist, partisan worldview.
Greene is bad news. There’s no need for hedging or qualifying or adding a galaxy-brain “but ackchyually.” She does, however, perfectly exemplify an enormous problem greatly worsened by media corruption. In turn, the media’s coverage of her perfect exemplifies the problems created by that corruption.

In America media has always been granted special status because it was necessary for an outside and ‘objective’ group to observe, document and record to keep everyone honest.
Journalists have abandoned their charter with Americans the instant they stopped being objective. Since then, they’ve been less than worthless.
Today the majority of "JournOlists" are not 'Objective' in their reporting as exampled by talking heads supposedly reporting and pontificating in TV. This also holds true for newspapers and magazines.
They are now considered part of the "Fifth Column", Quislings doing the bidding of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies.
How should these individuals be treated?
Obviously during the Obama admininistration, real journalists like James Rosen, Sharyl Attkisson and others... Oddly they were all objective reporters..... Yet, not one Leftist JournOlist spewing lies and conspiracies was taken to task. You have to wonder why.

Remember when the Republican Party was about personal responsibility rather than blaming others for their actions?

Remember when Dims were not anti American communists? I dont.
I do.

Guys like Hubert Humphrey, Scoop Jackson, and William Proxmire were very anti-communist.

Today, the moonbats would be calling them Nazis.
You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies
The media's disinterest in holding one entire side of the spectrum to account is making this much worse by allowing them to get away with it, circulating false information, and sowing immense distrust.

You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies (
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Emily Jashinsky

Journalists generally assess our politics through the same lens as Democratic operatives, which assumes Democrats are the good guys and Republicans are not. For some in the corporate media, that’s not so much a conscious partisan calculation as it is the consequence of their shared cultural leftism.
This is a key driving force behind our national discord. A better lens generally assumes politicians are the bad guys, whether they’re friendly to the press, progressive, Christian, rich, poor, or whatever. That’s not only more accurate, it’s more fair and more constructive for the so-called fourth estate, which exists to hold powerful people accountable on a nonpartisan basis. When journalists share the cultural values of Democratic partisans, they lose their ability to apply that lens.
This could preface any number of media critiques but it’s relevant currently in light of stories about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. I don’t want to make this a meta story about the media’s failure when the primary issue at hand is Greene’s total disqualification from elected office and the GOP’s mishandling of her ascent. That said, two points are true—the media is creating more and more Greenes every single day and the media treats the left’s versions of Greene very differently.
Our political class needs fewer leaders like Greene and Omar. They’re out of touch with reality. But increasingly all of us are, Democrats and Republicans, because the primary window into reality is distorted by the press’s complete embrace of an elitist, partisan worldview.
Greene is bad news. There’s no need for hedging or qualifying or adding a galaxy-brain “but ackchyually.” She does, however, perfectly exemplify an enormous problem greatly worsened by media corruption. In turn, the media’s coverage of her perfect exemplifies the problems created by that corruption.

In America media has always been granted special status because it was necessary for an outside and ‘objective’ group to observe, document and record to keep everyone honest.
Journalists have abandoned their charter with Americans the instant they stopped being objective. Since then, they’ve been less than worthless.
Today the majority of "JournOlists" are not 'Objective' in their reporting as exampled by talking heads supposedly reporting and pontificating in TV. This also holds true for newspapers and magazines.
They are now considered part of the "Fifth Column", Quislings doing the bidding of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies.
How should these individuals be treated?
Obviously during the Obama admininistration, real journalists like James Rosen, Sharyl Attkisson and others... Oddly they were all objective reporters..... Yet, not one Leftist JournOlist spewing lies and conspiracies was taken to task. You have to wonder why.

Remember when the Republican Party was about personal responsibility rather than blaming others for their actions?

Remember when Dims were not anti American communists? I dont.
I do.

Guys like Hubert Humphrey, Scoop Jackson, and William Proxmire were very anti-communist.

Today, the moonbats would be calling them Nazis.

The big switch was during the LBJ admin.

Dems became lovers of minorities and Pubs became racist.
You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies
The media's disinterest in holding one entire side of the spectrum to account is making this much worse by allowing them to get away with it, circulating false information, and sowing immense distrust.

You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies (
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Emily Jashinsky

Journalists generally assess our politics through the same lens as Democratic operatives, which assumes Democrats are the good guys and Republicans are not. For some in the corporate media, that’s not so much a conscious partisan calculation as it is the consequence of their shared cultural leftism.
This is a key driving force behind our national discord. A better lens generally assumes politicians are the bad guys, whether they’re friendly to the press, progressive, Christian, rich, poor, or whatever. That’s not only more accurate, it’s more fair and more constructive for the so-called fourth estate, which exists to hold powerful people accountable on a nonpartisan basis. When journalists share the cultural values of Democratic partisans, they lose their ability to apply that lens.
This could preface any number of media critiques but it’s relevant currently in light of stories about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. I don’t want to make this a meta story about the media’s failure when the primary issue at hand is Greene’s total disqualification from elected office and the GOP’s mishandling of her ascent. That said, two points are true—the media is creating more and more Greenes every single day and the media treats the left’s versions of Greene very differently.
Our political class needs fewer leaders like Greene and Omar. They’re out of touch with reality. But increasingly all of us are, Democrats and Republicans, because the primary window into reality is distorted by the press’s complete embrace of an elitist, partisan worldview.
Greene is bad news. There’s no need for hedging or qualifying or adding a galaxy-brain “but ackchyually.” She does, however, perfectly exemplify an enormous problem greatly worsened by media corruption. In turn, the media’s coverage of her perfect exemplifies the problems created by that corruption.

In America media has always been granted special status because it was necessary for an outside and ‘objective’ group to observe, document and record to keep everyone honest.
Journalists have abandoned their charter with Americans the instant they stopped being objective. Since then, they’ve been less than worthless.
Today the majority of "JournOlists" are not 'Objective' in their reporting as exampled by talking heads supposedly reporting and pontificating in TV. This also holds true for newspapers and magazines.
They are now considered part of the "Fifth Column", Quislings doing the bidding of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies.
How should these individuals be treated?
Obviously during the Obama admininistration, real journalists like James Rosen, Sharyl Attkisson and others... Oddly they were all objective reporters..... Yet, not one Leftist JournOlist spewing lies and conspiracies was taken to task. You have to wonder why.
Trump often re-tweeted conspiracy theories. People like you bought every word.
You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies
The media's disinterest in holding one entire side of the spectrum to account is making this much worse by allowing them to get away with it, circulating false information, and sowing immense distrust.

You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies (
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Emily Jashinsky

Journalists generally assess our politics through the same lens as Democratic operatives, which assumes Democrats are the good guys and Republicans are not. For some in the corporate media, that’s not so much a conscious partisan calculation as it is the consequence of their shared cultural leftism.
This is a key driving force behind our national discord. A better lens generally assumes politicians are the bad guys, whether they’re friendly to the press, progressive, Christian, rich, poor, or whatever. That’s not only more accurate, it’s more fair and more constructive for the so-called fourth estate, which exists to hold powerful people accountable on a nonpartisan basis. When journalists share the cultural values of Democratic partisans, they lose their ability to apply that lens.
This could preface any number of media critiques but it’s relevant currently in light of stories about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. I don’t want to make this a meta story about the media’s failure when the primary issue at hand is Greene’s total disqualification from elected office and the GOP’s mishandling of her ascent. That said, two points are true—the media is creating more and more Greenes every single day and the media treats the left’s versions of Greene very differently.
Our political class needs fewer leaders like Greene and Omar. They’re out of touch with reality. But increasingly all of us are, Democrats and Republicans, because the primary window into reality is distorted by the press’s complete embrace of an elitist, partisan worldview.
Greene is bad news. There’s no need for hedging or qualifying or adding a galaxy-brain “but ackchyually.” She does, however, perfectly exemplify an enormous problem greatly worsened by media corruption. In turn, the media’s coverage of her perfect exemplifies the problems created by that corruption.

In America media has always been granted special status because it was necessary for an outside and ‘objective’ group to observe, document and record to keep everyone honest.
Journalists have abandoned their charter with Americans the instant they stopped being objective. Since then, they’ve been less than worthless.
Today the majority of "JournOlists" are not 'Objective' in their reporting as exampled by talking heads supposedly reporting and pontificating in TV. This also holds true for newspapers and magazines.
They are now considered part of the "Fifth Column", Quislings doing the bidding of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies.
How should these individuals be treated?
Obviously during the Obama admininistration, real journalists like James Rosen, Sharyl Attkisson and others... Oddly they were all objective reporters..... Yet, not one Leftist JournOlist spewing lies and conspiracies was taken to task. You have to wonder why.

Remember when the Republican Party was about personal responsibility rather than blaming others for their actions?
Remember when that had anything to do with media bias?

Me neither.
You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies
The media's disinterest in holding one entire side of the spectrum to account is making this much worse by allowing them to get away with it, circulating false information, and sowing immense distrust.

You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies (
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Emily Jashinsky

Journalists generally assess our politics through the same lens as Democratic operatives, which assumes Democrats are the good guys and Republicans are not. For some in the corporate media, that’s not so much a conscious partisan calculation as it is the consequence of their shared cultural leftism.
This is a key driving force behind our national discord. A better lens generally assumes politicians are the bad guys, whether they’re friendly to the press, progressive, Christian, rich, poor, or whatever. That’s not only more accurate, it’s more fair and more constructive for the so-called fourth estate, which exists to hold powerful people accountable on a nonpartisan basis. When journalists share the cultural values of Democratic partisans, they lose their ability to apply that lens.
This could preface any number of media critiques but it’s relevant currently in light of stories about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. I don’t want to make this a meta story about the media’s failure when the primary issue at hand is Greene’s total disqualification from elected office and the GOP’s mishandling of her ascent. That said, two points are true—the media is creating more and more Greenes every single day and the media treats the left’s versions of Greene very differently.
Our political class needs fewer leaders like Greene and Omar. They’re out of touch with reality. But increasingly all of us are, Democrats and Republicans, because the primary window into reality is distorted by the press’s complete embrace of an elitist, partisan worldview.
Greene is bad news. There’s no need for hedging or qualifying or adding a galaxy-brain “but ackchyually.” She does, however, perfectly exemplify an enormous problem greatly worsened by media corruption. In turn, the media’s coverage of her perfect exemplifies the problems created by that corruption.

In America media has always been granted special status because it was necessary for an outside and ‘objective’ group to observe, document and record to keep everyone honest.
Journalists have abandoned their charter with Americans the instant they stopped being objective. Since then, they’ve been less than worthless.
Today the majority of "JournOlists" are not 'Objective' in their reporting as exampled by talking heads supposedly reporting and pontificating in TV. This also holds true for newspapers and magazines.
They are now considered part of the "Fifth Column", Quislings doing the bidding of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies.
How should these individuals be treated?
Obviously during the Obama admininistration, real journalists like James Rosen, Sharyl Attkisson and others... Oddly they were all objective reporters..... Yet, not one Leftist JournOlist spewing lies and conspiracies was taken to task. You have to wonder why.
Trump often re-tweeted conspiracy theories. People like you bought every word.

Like Putin stealing the 2016 election?
You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies
The media's disinterest in holding one entire side of the spectrum to account is making this much worse by allowing them to get away with it, circulating false information, and sowing immense distrust.

You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies (
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Emily Jashinsky

Journalists generally assess our politics through the same lens as Democratic operatives, which assumes Democrats are the good guys and Republicans are not. For some in the corporate media, that’s not so much a conscious partisan calculation as it is the consequence of their shared cultural leftism.
This is a key driving force behind our national discord. A better lens generally assumes politicians are the bad guys, whether they’re friendly to the press, progressive, Christian, rich, poor, or whatever. That’s not only more accurate, it’s more fair and more constructive for the so-called fourth estate, which exists to hold powerful people accountable on a nonpartisan basis. When journalists share the cultural values of Democratic partisans, they lose their ability to apply that lens.
This could preface any number of media critiques but it’s relevant currently in light of stories about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. I don’t want to make this a meta story about the media’s failure when the primary issue at hand is Greene’s total disqualification from elected office and the GOP’s mishandling of her ascent. That said, two points are true—the media is creating more and more Greenes every single day and the media treats the left’s versions of Greene very differently.
Our political class needs fewer leaders like Greene and Omar. They’re out of touch with reality. But increasingly all of us are, Democrats and Republicans, because the primary window into reality is distorted by the press’s complete embrace of an elitist, partisan worldview.
Greene is bad news. There’s no need for hedging or qualifying or adding a galaxy-brain “but ackchyually.” She does, however, perfectly exemplify an enormous problem greatly worsened by media corruption. In turn, the media’s coverage of her perfect exemplifies the problems created by that corruption.

In America media has always been granted special status because it was necessary for an outside and ‘objective’ group to observe, document and record to keep everyone honest.
Journalists have abandoned their charter with Americans the instant they stopped being objective. Since then, they’ve been less than worthless.
Today the majority of "JournOlists" are not 'Objective' in their reporting as exampled by talking heads supposedly reporting and pontificating in TV. This also holds true for newspapers and magazines.
They are now considered part of the "Fifth Column", Quislings doing the bidding of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies.
How should these individuals be treated?
Obviously during the Obama admininistration, real journalists like James Rosen, Sharyl Attkisson and others... Oddly they were all objective reporters..... Yet, not one Leftist JournOlist spewing lies and conspiracies was taken to task. You have to wonder why.
Controlled Bias, don't play media god without it!
You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies
The media's disinterest in holding one entire side of the spectrum to account is making this much worse by allowing them to get away with it, circulating false information, and sowing immense distrust.

You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies (
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Emily Jashinsky

Journalists generally assess our politics through the same lens as Democratic operatives, which assumes Democrats are the good guys and Republicans are not. For some in the corporate media, that’s not so much a conscious partisan calculation as it is the consequence of their shared cultural leftism.
This is a key driving force behind our national discord. A better lens generally assumes politicians are the bad guys, whether they’re friendly to the press, progressive, Christian, rich, poor, or whatever. That’s not only more accurate, it’s more fair and more constructive for the so-called fourth estate, which exists to hold powerful people accountable on a nonpartisan basis. When journalists share the cultural values of Democratic partisans, they lose their ability to apply that lens.
This could preface any number of media critiques but it’s relevant currently in light of stories about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. I don’t want to make this a meta story about the media’s failure when the primary issue at hand is Greene’s total disqualification from elected office and the GOP’s mishandling of her ascent. That said, two points are true—the media is creating more and more Greenes every single day and the media treats the left’s versions of Greene very differently.
Our political class needs fewer leaders like Greene and Omar. They’re out of touch with reality. But increasingly all of us are, Democrats and Republicans, because the primary window into reality is distorted by the press’s complete embrace of an elitist, partisan worldview.
Greene is bad news. There’s no need for hedging or qualifying or adding a galaxy-brain “but ackchyually.” She does, however, perfectly exemplify an enormous problem greatly worsened by media corruption. In turn, the media’s coverage of her perfect exemplifies the problems created by that corruption.

In America media has always been granted special status because it was necessary for an outside and ‘objective’ group to observe, document and record to keep everyone honest.
Journalists have abandoned their charter with Americans the instant they stopped being objective. Since then, they’ve been less than worthless.
Today the majority of "JournOlists" are not 'Objective' in their reporting as exampled by talking heads supposedly reporting and pontificating in TV. This also holds true for newspapers and magazines.
They are now considered part of the "Fifth Column", Quislings doing the bidding of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies.
How should these individuals be treated?
Obviously during the Obama admininistration, real journalists like James Rosen, Sharyl Attkisson and others... Oddly they were all objective reporters..... Yet, not one Leftist JournOlist spewing lies and conspiracies was taken to task. You have to wonder why.
Controlled Bias, don't play media god without it!
Sorry if it came across wrong. I was aiming the insult towards the biased media NOT YOU!

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