you "business savvy" Obamatrons.. how do you


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
as Obama specifically stated:
"....workers at such institutions will be able to get free contraception directly from health insurance companies.
Obama tweaks birth control plan - Corning, NY - The Corning Leader

How will this work?
As a "devil is in the details" i.e. as Pelosi said "we have to pass to know what's in it"!
exactly how will an insurance company "Pay" for the contraceptives without billing the religious employers for "health insurance"?

I mean you Obamatrons.. would an insurance company HAVE to keep the premium
flow from religious employers separate and also the expense of contraceptives separate?

Or how about the same principles that socially conscious groups that won't invest in certain companies for their non-green operations.. wouldn't pro-life groups not buy stock in insurance companies that "bought" contraceptives?

This is a PERFECT illustration of the "unintended consequences" of "good intentions" when the Federal government continues to intrude in our lives!

How will insurance companies keep contraceptive purchases separate when reporting operating expenses for example?
Would an INSURANCE company add a "contraceptive offering administration fee" to their premium to cover the costs of providing "contraceptives"???
as Obama specifically stated:
"....workers at such institutions will be able to get free contraception directly from health insurance companies.
Obama tweaks birth control plan - Corning, NY - The Corning Leader

How will this work?
As a "devil is in the details" i.e. as Pelosi said "we have to pass to know what's in it"!
exactly how will an insurance company "Pay" for the contraceptives without billing the religious employers for "health insurance"?

I mean you Obamatrons.. would an insurance company HAVE to keep the premium
flow from religious employers separate and also the expense of contraceptives separate?

Or how about the same principles that socially conscious groups that won't invest in certain companies for their non-green operations.. wouldn't pro-life groups not buy stock in insurance companies that "bought" contraceptives?

This is a PERFECT illustration of the "unintended consequences" of "good intentions" when the Federal government continues to intrude in our lives!

How will insurance companies keep contraceptive purchases separate when reporting operating expenses for example?
Would an INSURANCE company add a "contraceptive offering administration fee" to their premium to cover the costs of providing "contraceptives"???

It's not free. If you get health insurance in exchange for doing work, it's not free.
Employer compensated insurance is referred to as a "benefit" for a reason.
I dont mind if people have to pay for contraceptives. Just make them cheap and reasonably priced. But HOW and WHY does the church have a problem with the PREVENTION of pregnancy? I see it is a WISE choice for young people today.
I dont mind if people have to pay for contraceptives. Just make them cheap and reasonably priced. But HOW and WHY does the church have a problem with the PREVENTION of pregnancy? I see it is a WISE choice for young people today.

You need to confess your sins.
as Obama specifically stated:
"....workers at such institutions will be able to get free contraception directly from health insurance companies.
Obama tweaks birth control plan - Corning, NY - The Corning Leader

How will this work?
As a "devil is in the details" i.e. as Pelosi said "we have to pass to know what's in it"!
exactly how will an insurance company "Pay" for the contraceptives without billing the religious employers for "health insurance"?

I mean you Obamatrons.. would an insurance company HAVE to keep the premium
flow from religious employers separate and also the expense of contraceptives separate?

Or how about the same principles that socially conscious groups that won't invest in certain companies for their non-green operations.. wouldn't pro-life groups not buy stock in insurance companies that "bought" contraceptives?

This is a PERFECT illustration of the "unintended consequences" of "good intentions" when the Federal government continues to intrude in our lives!

How will insurance companies keep contraceptive purchases separate when reporting operating expenses for example?
Would an INSURANCE company add a "contraceptive offering administration fee" to their premium to cover the costs of providing "contraceptives"???

It's not free. If you get health insurance in exchange for doing work, it's not free.

Better tell that to Obama as these are his exact words!!!

"the insurance company -– not the hospital, not the charity -– will be required to reach out and offer the woman contraceptive care free of charge, without co-pays and without hassles. "
Remarks by the President on Preventive Care | The White House

Sounds simple right?
BUT HOW will the employer KNOW that premiums paid by the religious employer ARE NOT co-mingled?
How will the religious employer KNOW that the operating expenses DEDUCTED from premiums Don't INCLUDE payments for contraceptives?

I mean this is such a CLASSIC illustration of the ignorance of how business works!
Obama blithely and naively thinks OH it will just happen!
WHAT a total idiot!
BUT leave it to this IGNORANT administration to think that oh the insurance companies will have to pay for it!
DUH! The insurance companies WILL pay for it as we'll WE!
WHY?? These insurance companies rightfully will do is write it off as operating expenses against income and tax able income!
"You need to confess your sins. "

What sins? Me? Sin? Bite your tongue. :)

A sin is when a mother asks about how to lower drug costs and someone tells you that if you are willing to pay $900 for an ipod then you should pay that for a drug. That sounds like a sin and in no way resembles anything the bible would teach.
I dont mind if people have to pay for contraceptives. Just make them cheap and reasonably priced. But HOW and WHY does the church have a problem with the PREVENTION of pregnancy? I see it is a WISE choice for young people today.

Based on your observation, young people should have NO control over their sexual actions?
Since NO one can control sexual desires and MUST follow their primitive ,wild wanton hedonistic ,pleasure seeking desires we should at least keep them from procreating i.e. following the laws of nature?

Do you know the most affective prevention of pregnancy method?


IF you people that advocate the abandonment of sexual releases by ENCOURAGING sexual activities i.e. providing pregnancy tools.. were to spend more of your time and money on EDUCATING and that all the advertising, entertainment outlets were taxed a sexual encouragement tax which would FUND this educational effort there would be very little need for contraceptives!

But when you have for example last Sunday 114 million people watching a 53 year old woman sexually gyrating how many "young" people immediately gratified themselves because they were "on the pill"?
I dont mind if people have to pay for contraceptives. Just make them cheap and reasonably priced. But HOW and WHY does the church have a problem with the PREVENTION of pregnancy? I see it is a WISE choice for young people today.

It doesn't matter whether the Church's position on birth control is rational. Since when has anything related to religion been rational?
"Based on your observation, young people should have NO control over their sexual actions?
Since NO one can control sexual desires and MUST follow their primitive ,wild wanton hedonistic ,pleasure seeking desires we should at least keep them from procreating i.e. following the laws of nature?"

As I have been saying, I think that a MARRIED couple that choses NOT to have children should be APPLAUDED for that decision and it is a WISE choice for them to use contraception. As a married couple they are ENTITLED to have relations without taking the risk of becoming pregnant and they again should be APPLAUDED for CHOSING not to procreate if that is THEIR wish. To me this violates nothing. I am not speaking to young unmarried people.

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