Yeti Expedition: Everest Missionaries [Archangel Comics]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Mount Everest is the iconic large mountain of Asia and has been dissected/appreciated in various modern media such as the film Everest, so here's a patriotic morality-fable comics fan-fic about an Everest expedition inspiring thoughts about humility and referencing the Yeti (cryptic snow-mountain man-beast also known as the 'Abominable Snowman').

This modernism-paranoia 'fable' was inspired by Ravenous.



A unit of American soldiers known as 'G.I. Joes' were assigned to go on a mission to Mount Everest in the Himalayas to investigate sightings of the cryptic man-creature known as the 'Yeti' (or Abominable Snowman). The Joes did not know that there were evil forces waiting for them there, equally-interested in Yeti research but for more military purposes, seeking to 'recruit' the man-beast as a soldier/gargoyle for a war. The Joes set out eager to understand why the Yeti was 'haunting' Everest and if it could be 'cajoled' into living peacefully (and privately) in the snowy mountains of the Himalayas in Asia.


The evil forces complicating the lives of the G.I. Joes included the villainous Mysterio and the psychotic Kraven. Mysterio was a helmet-wearing sorcerer who wanted to hypnotize the Yeti and bring it back to the West. Kraven was a primal hunter who wanted to train the Yeti to be a cannibalistic killer for a special war-campaign. Mysterio and Kraven both worked for the super-terrorist organization known as Cobra, though they could not agree on what to do with the Yeti or with the G.I. Joes if they confronted them on Everest. Mysterio and Kraven continued to debate/argue, while the Joes steadily approached Everest.


The G.I. Joe soldier Roadblock had a giant snake wrapped around him to keep him warm and alert, and the snake was his pet/friend. Roadblock whispered to the snake as he trekked through the snowy Himalayas, using the warmth of the snake and no fur/coat to keep himself exercising and mentally focused. However, the cold was severe, so the snake had to really wrap itself tight around Roadblock. Roadblock wondered if this entire Yeti expedition was worth the sweat of if it was dangerously bordering on some unscrupulous 'military research' not unlike the USSR genetic ape-soldier research during the Cold War.


Roadblock and the Joes came upon a strange-looking hairy red-skinned man who introduced himself as Rafe. This mysterious individual told the Joes to turned back and leave the Yeti alone, since the man-beast wanted only privacy. The Joes realized that Rafe was sort of a 'shaman-guardsman' of the Himalayas who protected the 'environmental sanctity' of the Yeti, so they mentally-absorbed his omen with great care. However, they decided to push forward, prompting Rafe to whisper, "Oh, what men can do!"


Finally, the Joes came upon an even stranger looking 'entity' who introduced himself as the Gentleman Ghost ('GG'). This 'fellow' GG appeared to be a ghost in a white tuxedo and hat and carrying a cane that could shoot devastating electric sparks! GG explained that Rafe was the guardsman and omen-messenger of the Himalayas, protecting the sanctity of the Yeti, but that he himself was the angel-guardian of Everest, protecting the habitat of the Yeti. The Joes were stunned, as they realized GG really was a 'hollow-ghost' cloaked in a suit and wielding an electrocutioner's weapon. GG carefully explained that if the Joes did not turn back at this point, there was no moral guarantee that the Yeti would not scar them...spiritually. Nevertheless, the Joes pushed on. GG promptly vanished.


It was soon thereafter that the G.I. Joes came upon the Cobra forces of Mysterio and Kraven. The ghouls wielded large metal blades and leaped upon the advancing Joes near the second tier of Everest. The Joes fired their newly-developed laser-guns as the Cobra ghouls and the fight went on for some time, as the Cobra ghouls managed to ward off some of these laser-shots with their large curved blades. However, the Joes prevailed in the end, forcing the Cobra ghouls to retreat and disappear into the mountains, but Mysterio and Kraven both sneaked away and seemed to continue towards the peak of Everest where the Yeti was said to be living. This Joe-Cobra fight on Everest would be remembered as a 'symbolic' engagement.


When Roadblock and the G.I. Joes reached the top of Everest, they found the eerie and beastly Yeti (the 'Abominable Snowman') waiting for them there, with snarling teeth and an unwelcoming pose. Roadblock approached it and tried to 'reason' with it, prompting the man-beast to sit down and listen to him, and he was especially intrigued by Roadblock's snake wrapped around his body.

ROADBLOCK: We want to invite you to come with us to America.
YETI: America?
ROADBLOCK: Yes, it's a faraway land of many peoples and priests.
YETI: Priests?
ROADBLOCK: Yes, we want to make sure you're cared for...and treated!
YETI: Treated?
ROADBLOCK: Yes, treated; we want to make sure no one exploits you.
YETI: Cobra?
ROADBLOCK: Yes, Cobra! I guess you ran into Mysterio/Kraven already.
YETI: Yes...
ROADBLOCK: Well, they fled when they noticed us approaching; come to America.
YETI: No; Everest is home.
ROADBLOCK: Alright, we'll leave you here, then (and secure this habitat for you).
YETI: Good!


When Roadblock and the G.I. Joes returned to civilization, Roadblock decided to go watch a Calgary Flames (NHL) game in New York. He appreciated the West's celebration of ice(!) and the thrilling ice-hockey game which featured two talented and trained athletic teams. Roadblock decided that humans belonged in civilization, and the Yeti belonged on the primal environment of Everest. Roadblock was satisfied that the G.I. Joes did the right thing by securing the habitat/cave of the Yeti, so Cobra ghouls could not disturb it anymore. Roadblock concluded that man was meant for some things...not everything.


Roadblock decided to sell his testimony/story to a comic book writer named Ajay Satan who loved the G.I. Joe mission-tale and adapted it into a children's story about the Yeti magically transforming into two kinds of 'wizardly-beings' to remind the G.I. Joes that the magic of Earth was not meant for military exploitation. Ajay complemented his patriotic comic book story with two stick-figure doodles of the 'wizardly-beings' the Yeti transformed into, so kids could access the general 'simplicity' of the morality-fable. Roadblock loved the final product, the completed comic book story, and kept Ajay Satan's art in the G.I. Joe Archives Room.


Ajay Satan was an eccentric comic book artist/writer who often dressed up in strange costumes and posted stories and fable on the Internet (comic book 'fan-fics') about censorship, patriotism, terrorism, and Ancient Gods and demons (e.g., Medusa, Arrow). After writing the G.I. Joe Yeti-mission fable, Ajay Satan was approached by Hollywood (USA) celebrity Tom Cruise, star of American Made and Minority Report, to make more stories about patriotism and the G.I. Joes, which Cruise would 'incorporate' into his popular/successful Mission: Impossible American-intelligence/espionage-adventure franchise. Ajay felt fortunate to have been approached by Roadblock, for it changed his life completely. Cruise helped Ajay Satan coordinate a series of G.I. Joe tales for William Gibson's Archangel Comics, which Cruise now co-owned. Ajay became a 'comic book universe celebrity.'


ROADBLOCK: Ajay Satan did great work for us, Tom!
CRUISE: Yeah, and he has no idea I'm actually a G.I. Joe.
ROADBLOCK: It's good we keep our unit private/secret.
CRUISE: Ajay's G.I. Joe tales will help us 'market' patriotism.
ROADBLOCK: It's also obviously helped Ajay Satan's career...
CRUISE: Yes, Archangel Comics is really taking off!
ROADBLOCK: Doesn't Tom Hanks also own a portion of Archangel?
CRUISE: Yes, he does.
ROADBLOCK: Perhaps the entire Yeti 'ordeal' has offered us all something.
CRUISE: Hopefully, it's also taught us the basic value of humility and civilization.
ROADBLOCK: True; hopefully, an artist like Ajay is a diplomat of civility.
CRUISE: Yes, we didn't 'exploit' the Yeti in any way, unlike what Cobra would do.
ROADBLOCK: That's why we're not Cobra.
CRUISE: True; I wonder what Mysterio and Kraven...and Serpentor are plotting now.
ROADBLOCK: Serpentor is continuing research on the USSR's ape-soldier experiments.
CRUISE: Man, I'm gonna take a break and enjoy some Archangel Comics readings.
ROADBLOCK: Cool; I'm gonna play with my pet-snake.
CRUISE: I'm still haunted by what that eerie man-person Rafe said on Everest!
ROADBLOCK: I'm equally-haunted by what the 'Gentleman-Ghost' (GG) said.
CRUISE: Hail to values.




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