Yet Another Leftist Threatens a Trump Child


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Time to toss these freaks into Gitmo and lock them in a cell with a few Mohammed's.

Hours after Hollywood actor Peter Fonda wished rape on President Donald Trump’s youngest son, Barron, another Trump child has been caught in the crosshairs of leftist hate. And she’s four.

On Wednesday morning, TV writer Pat Dussault targeted Donald Trump Jr’s daughter Chloe, who, again, is just four years old.

Replying to a tweet from the Trump son addressing the horrific tweet from Fonda concerning Barron, Dussault wrote, “Don’t worry, we’re coming for Chloe, too.”

The writer’s Twitter account has since either been suspended by Twitter or deleted by Dussault, but screenshots of the threat were captured first:

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They have be come so unhinged they consider it normal. If Trump or anyone else says something is good or right they do not stop to think they just atomically react with the opposite. I would say it is sad but that would be legitimizing it.
The left must start attacking soon. There is no place else they can go. If the hollywoodites want to say they didn't mean it, what they really intend is that someone be enticed to attack. If not Trump's child then someone's child.
It's jail time for those folks. You DON'T make threats to kids.

Hard right wing conservatives go beyond threats to kids. They rip them from their parents arms and take them screaming and hollering, sometimes to places hundreds of miles apart with no way of communicating with each other.
The left must start attacking soon. There is no place else they can go. If the hollywoodites want to say they didn't mean it, what they really intend is that someone be enticed to attack. If not Trump's child then someone's child.
You only care because you saw a picture, and the kid had white skin.
The left is really overplaying this kids at the border thing....their anger has been building since Trump won and they now expect that Trump will not be charged with anything and they are loosing it!
They are dooming any chance they had at retaking either house...

These trust fund rich kids that never had to compete for a job or a contract with an illegal alien are all talk....but they rev up nut cases and could end up getting someone hurt or worse....
Its time to grow up libs and stop with the threats and the open hostility....
You will not be able to control what you bring about...
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Libs should not, NOT, stop with the threats. They should be encouraged to carry out their threats so they can be dealt with.
The funny part is not only do liberals and leftists not understand what they are doing to the country. They are actually pointing the way for some on the Albright to act if they should ever regain the White House again. Of course they will be up in arms not understanding why the alt right is acting so reprehensible.
They have already shown that they don't care that government is preverted to keep a party in power.
You can say what you want about a politician, but threatening the kids, that's not right.

Saying things like that should earn them some jail time.
I didn't like when they were bashing Obama's kids. Es Taboo.
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Liberals threatening kids. smh How low can they possibly go. All this for kids on a border who they are merely using as political pawns.

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