Yes Virginia, There is a Liberal Bias in the MSM


Jul 13, 2009
Oklahoma City, OK
An interesting read on 60 Minutes softball interview with Obama and Clinton this past week.

Steve Kroft's Softball Obama Interviews Diminish '60 Minutes' - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

On 60 Minutes, the news-magazine show that prides itself on "hard-hitting" investigations and interviews, correspondent Steve Kroft, who has won most of the highest awards in his industry, has just broadcast another softball interview with the most powerful man in the world, a performance that ought to earn him a rebuke from his peers in the news business but almost certainly won't. His CBS bio page proudly touts his unparalleled access to President Obama: He scored the first post-election sit down after Election 2008, another exclusive following the killing of Osama bin Laden, and a third sit-down as the president kicked off his reelection campaign.

Little wonder that Obama keeps going back. The 60 Minutes brand is associated with probing interviews, and Kroft is adept at using his tone and manner to create the impression of tough questions without actually asking any. For Sunday's interview, Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who sat beside him, benefited from 60 Minutes gravitas while answering questions better suited to Ellen. It hardly matters whether Kroft is deliberately pulling his punches to secure ongoing access or is simply disinclined to fulfill the core journalistic duty of holding powerful people accountable for their actions; his Obama interviews ought to diminish his standing and the reputation of his employer.......

.........A stunning contrast, isn't it? I won't speculate about personal ideological bias. It's possible that Pelley is just a much better journalist than Kroft. I will say that there is a glaring double standard in the coverage that 60 Minutes has afforded the two presidents, and that the tough coverage of President Bush was entirely appropriate. In fairness to 60 Minutes, they are hardly alone in giving Obama a pass even on issues that would've gotten Bush excoriated.

There isn't anything I can do about the appetite of the American public for softball interviews with Obama, or the dubious convention of granting accolades for mere interviews with the president, regardless of their content. What I can do is encourage every entity that grants journalistic accolades to remember Kroft's obsequious questions the next time they think of bestowing upon him some lofty award that would immediately be diminished upon his receipt of it. Due to his shameful willingness to conduct fluff interviews, journalists who'd ask Obama tougher questions never get the chance, and the public is less informed than it would otherwise be.
YET here is the MSM mentality...

The editor of NewsWeek Evan Thomas thinks so...
Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

But when it comes to Obama???
I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.
Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters
It's not "playing Gotcha" to ask hard questions.

I wonder if Kroft swallowed or spit after that interview?
And of course the MSM wasn't biased when it came to Romney... oh no way... were they biased!!!!

I did a simple google search for the following:

About 4,540,000 results (0.21 seconds) "47 percent" Romney's quote that was illegally taken by the way in Florida.
Below is a complete transcript, produced by Mother Jones, of the entire unedited Romney videos that we published on September 18. (See our exclusive coverage of Romney writing off half of America's voters and trashing the Mideast peace process at his recent fundraiser in Florida.) Read on, or jump directly to these highlights from Romney:
Full Transcript of the Mitt Romney Secret Video | Mother Jones

About 331,000 results (0.26 seconds) "cling to guns and religion" Obama's quote that probably was also illegally taken!
[ame=]Barack Obama's small town guns and religion comments - YouTube[/ame]

Hmm... Romney's quote was in a fundraiser in May 2012... BUT it didn't hit the marketplace till September.. "October Surprise" "Smoking Gun" you name it!!!

So using Sept release from Mother Jones.. to today... that is only 4 months ago.
YET 4,540,000 results in "47 percent"...

NOW using Obama's quote..."Cling to guns and religions"

Obama's remarks at a San Francisco fundraiser Sunday, and they include an attempt to explain the resentment in small-town Pennsylvania that won't be appreciated by some of the people whose votes Obama's seeking:
Obama on small-town Pa.: Clinging to religion, guns, xenophobia - Ben Smith -
Date of the above link:April 11, 2008 this would make it April 6,2008...
Hmmm... That is over 4 years 9 months or 57 months..
So tell me people WHERE IS THE MSM bias.. when almost 5 years ago Obama makes that "cling to guns and religions" comment
YET since then ONLY 331,000 hits!!
While in less then 4 months Romney's "47 percent" quote has 1,272% MORE RESULTS???

Isn't there just a "HINT" of BIAS against Romney while good old Obama... gets a PASS!!!
Of course theres a bias in the media. Everyone but FOX was pulling for the current fuck in the WH.

Hell. If Bush were POTUS during Benghazi the NYS would have it in 8 inch letters on page one. They would run it throughtout his campaign. Benghazi would have been runnng 24/7 on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC.

Also the slow economy and UE would have been running 24/7. They would have been picking his polices apart front and back.

If there weren't any bias those 200 reporters that hotfooted it to Alaska to try to dig up dirt on Palin would have been digging up dirt on Barry. They would have dug a trench going after Bush but barely a line in the dirt for the current POTUS.

Yeah. Bias in the news?? You bet.
psssssssst. hey conservaturds, you guys have a mainstream media outlet too. it's called fox news. it's just mainstream for bitter people who can't understand why the world around them is changing and it scares them. but it's mainstream, you dumbfucks. it's been around forever and it's the only source of "news" you teabagging fucknuts listen to.that, by its definition, makes it mainstream.

psssssssst. hey conservaturds, you guys have a mainstream media outlet too. it's called fox news. it's just mainstream for bitter people who can't understand why the world around them is changing and it scares them. but it's mainstream, you dumbfucks. it's been around forever and it's the only source of "news" you teabagging fucknuts listen to.that, by its definition, makes it mainstream.


Yes and LIKE the MSM it is BIASED!

BUT UNLIKE IDIOTS like you who profess to hate Fox and love all NON-FOX...
NOT ONE of your NON-FOX MSM admit they are biased!

They won't tell the public this and the only way more intelligent people are getting their news is using the internet.. and here
is a novel idea... WHY don't YOU instead of believing the BIASED ACKNOWLEDGED BIASED MSM.

1) Were you aware that 85% of the 1,000+ employees at the msm networks,cbs,abc..etc donated $1 million to Democrats?
2) You aware that Evan Thomas MSM editor of NewsWeek ADMITS liberal bias??
There is a liberal bias. It's demonstrable. You look at some statistics. About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time.There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias.
There is a liberal bias at Newsweek, the magazine I work for -most of the people who work at Newsweek live on the upper West Side in New York and they have a liberal bias....[ABC White House reporter] Brit Hume's bosses are liberal and they're always quietly denouncing him as being a right-wing nut."
- Newsweek Washington Bureau Chief Evan Thomas
Of course almost in the next breath Thomas said.."I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." –
Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.

So once again.. while YOU are correct about BIASED MSM FOX... YOU need to recognize that as UCLA study did..
s this UCLA study shows... their conclusion is YES Fox is right of center while ALL OTHER major networks are LEFT of center..
DISTINCTION is all the others present themselves as Objective, unbiased... YET STUDIES SHOW they as this example illustrate PUSH NEGATIVE news regarding GOP and
minimize negative news regarding Obama...

According to Pew, “42% of the character narrative” about Obama was positive on mainstream networks such as ABC, NBC, and CBS while 58% was negative.
On the other hand, only 29 percent of the narrative on Governor Romney was positive while 71 percent was negative.

Of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center, with CBS' "Evening News," The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal.
psssssssst. hey conservaturds, you guys have a mainstream media outlet too. it's called fox news. it's just mainstream for bitter people who can't understand why the world around them is changing and it scares them. but it's mainstream, you dumbfucks. it's been around forever and it's the only source of "news" you teabagging fucknuts listen to.that, by its definition, makes it mainstream.


Ad hominems on sale this week? :dunno:
To announce that the MSM is biased to the Liberal side of the aisle is the same as announcing that the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West, or that Water is wet.
psssssssst. hey conservaturds, you guys have a mainstream media outlet too. it's called fox news. it's just mainstream for bitter people who can't understand why the world around them is changing and it scares them. but it's mainstream, you dumbfucks. it's been around forever and it's the only source of "news" you teabagging fucknuts listen to.that, by its definition, makes it mainstream.


Ad hominems on sale this week? :dunno:

That and hate is all that he's got.
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psssssssst. hey conservaturds, you guys have a mainstream media outlet too. it's called fox news. it's just mainstream for bitter people who can't understand why the world around them is changing and it scares them. but it's mainstream, you dumbfucks. it's been around forever and it's the only source of "news" you teabagging fucknuts listen to.that, by its definition, makes it mainstream.


Ad hominems on sale this week? :dunno:

i don't know, fuckface, are they? i do know that apparently ignoring the truth about your movement's absolute mainstream media outlet appears to be in fashion, guyfuckfacestra.
So when GWB had his exit interviews on the MSM. Did they grill him on anything he ever did? In fact did they ever grill him on his strategic blunder in Iraq. Does that mean the MSM had a pseudo-con bias?
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So when GWB had his exit interviews on the MSM. Did they grill him on anything he ever did? In fact did they ever grill him on his strategic blunder in Iraq. Does that mean the MSM had a pseudo-con bias?

Any idea how stoopid you look commenting on something that you obviously didn't bother to read? Since clicking a link is beyond your abilities, allow me to help you out.

.......But I did find a 60 Minutes interview with George W. Bush. Here are the questions Scott Pelley asked him:

•"The war on terror, in a sense, began in this room, began in this cabin where your Cabinet meeting was held. Back then the whole country was with you. And now you seem to have lost them. Why do you think so?"
•"Most Americans at this point in time don't believe in this war in Iraq. They want you to get us out of there."
•"But wasn't it your administration that created the instability in Iraq?"
•"It's much more unstable now, Mr. President."
•"You mention mistakes having been made in your speech. What mistakes are you talking about?"
•"Fair to say there are not enough American troops on the ground to provide security for Iraq?"
•"Do you think you owe the Iraqi people an apology for not doing a better job?"
•"You are gambling a lot, Mr. President, on the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Why do you think that's a gamble worth making?"
•"I was on the battlefield in Najaf when al-Sadr's people killed your United States Marines."
•"Do you believe that the House has the constitutional authority to prevent you from the troop build-up? Can they stop you?"
•"Do you believe as commander-in-chief you have the authority to put the troops in there no matter what the Congress wants to do?"
•"You know better than I do that many Americans feel that your administration has not been straight with the country, has not been honest. To those people you say what? Like the weapons of mass destruction? No credible connection between 9/11 and Iraq."
•"The Office of Management and Budget said this war would cost somewhere between $50 billion and $60 billion and now we're over 400."
•"When was it that you first found out or it dawned on you that, indeed, there were no weapons of mass destruction? And I wonder, did you think, 'What have I done?'"
•"What should the American people look for in this war plan? When will they know whether it's working or not?"
•"What would you say right now in this interview to the Iranian president about the meddling in Iraq?"
•"I wonder if you feel like you've been ill-served by your Cabinet members, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, perhaps even Vice-President Dick Cheney. Wrong on WMD. Wrong on the connection between 9/11 and Iraq. And now you're in a fix. And I wonder if you look back and wonder who let you down."
•"The vice president suggested there was a connection, not necessarily 9/11, but certainly to al-Qaeda."
•"Final question. How can you escalate the war when so many people in this country seem to be against it?"

A stunning contrast, isn't it? I won't speculate about personal ideological bias. It's possible that Pelley is just a much better journalist than Kroft. I will say that there is a glaring double standard in the coverage that 60 Minutes has afforded the two presidents, and that the tough coverage of President Bush was entirely appropriate. In fairness to 60 Minutes, they are hardly alone in giving Obama a pass even on issues that would've gotten Bush excoriated........
Got it, when you said MSM you actually meant 60 Minutes. The corporate media was just as much in the tank for President Bush as they are for President Obama.

So when GWB had his exit interviews on the MSM. Did they grill him on anything he ever did? In fact did they ever grill him on his strategic blunder in Iraq. Does that mean the MSM had a pseudo-con bias?

Any idea how stoopid you look commenting on something that you obviously didn't bother to read? Since clicking a link is beyond your abilities, allow me to help you out.

.......But I did find a 60 Minutes interview with George W. Bush. Here are the questions Scott Pelley asked him:

•"The war on terror, in a sense, began in this room, began in this cabin where your Cabinet meeting was held. Back then the whole country was with you. And now you seem to have lost them. Why do you think so?"
•"Most Americans at this point in time don't believe in this war in Iraq. They want you to get us out of there."
•"But wasn't it your administration that created the instability in Iraq?"
•"It's much more unstable now, Mr. President."
•"You mention mistakes having been made in your speech. What mistakes are you talking about?"
•"Fair to say there are not enough American troops on the ground to provide security for Iraq?"
•"Do you think you owe the Iraqi people an apology for not doing a better job?"
•"You are gambling a lot, Mr. President, on the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Why do you think that's a gamble worth making?"
•"I was on the battlefield in Najaf when al-Sadr's people killed your United States Marines."
•"Do you believe that the House has the constitutional authority to prevent you from the troop build-up? Can they stop you?"
•"Do you believe as commander-in-chief you have the authority to put the troops in there no matter what the Congress wants to do?"
•"You know better than I do that many Americans feel that your administration has not been straight with the country, has not been honest. To those people you say what? Like the weapons of mass destruction? No credible connection between 9/11 and Iraq."
•"The Office of Management and Budget said this war would cost somewhere between $50 billion and $60 billion and now we're over 400."
•"When was it that you first found out or it dawned on you that, indeed, there were no weapons of mass destruction? And I wonder, did you think, 'What have I done?'"
•"What should the American people look for in this war plan? When will they know whether it's working or not?"
•"What would you say right now in this interview to the Iranian president about the meddling in Iraq?"
•"I wonder if you feel like you've been ill-served by your Cabinet members, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, perhaps even Vice-President Dick Cheney. Wrong on WMD. Wrong on the connection between 9/11 and Iraq. And now you're in a fix. And I wonder if you look back and wonder who let you down."
•"The vice president suggested there was a connection, not necessarily 9/11, but certainly to al-Qaeda."
•"Final question. How can you escalate the war when so many people in this country seem to be against it?"

A stunning contrast, isn't it? I won't speculate about personal ideological bias. It's possible that Pelley is just a much better journalist than Kroft. I will say that there is a glaring double standard in the coverage that 60 Minutes has afforded the two presidents, and that the tough coverage of President Bush was entirely appropriate. In fairness to 60 Minutes, they are hardly alone in giving Obama a pass even on issues that would've gotten Bush excoriated........
Got it, when you said MSM you actually meant 60 Minutes. The corporate media was just as much in the tank for President Bush as they are for President Obama.

So when GWB had his exit interviews on the MSM. Did they grill him on anything he ever did? In fact did they ever grill him on his strategic blunder in Iraq. Does that mean the MSM had a pseudo-con bias?

Any idea how stoopid you look commenting on something that you obviously didn't bother to read? Since clicking a link is beyond your abilities, allow me to help you out.

.......But I did find a 60 Minutes interview with George W. Bush. Here are the questions Scott Pelley asked him:

•"The war on terror, in a sense, began in this room, began in this cabin where your Cabinet meeting was held. Back then the whole country was with you. And now you seem to have lost them. Why do you think so?"
•"Most Americans at this point in time don't believe in this war in Iraq. They want you to get us out of there."
•"But wasn't it your administration that created the instability in Iraq?"
•"It's much more unstable now, Mr. President."
•"You mention mistakes having been made in your speech. What mistakes are you talking about?"
•"Fair to say there are not enough American troops on the ground to provide security for Iraq?"
•"Do you think you owe the Iraqi people an apology for not doing a better job?"
•"You are gambling a lot, Mr. President, on the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Why do you think that's a gamble worth making?"
•"I was on the battlefield in Najaf when al-Sadr's people killed your United States Marines."
•"Do you believe that the House has the constitutional authority to prevent you from the troop build-up? Can they stop you?"
•"Do you believe as commander-in-chief you have the authority to put the troops in there no matter what the Congress wants to do?"
•"You know better than I do that many Americans feel that your administration has not been straight with the country, has not been honest. To those people you say what? Like the weapons of mass destruction? No credible connection between 9/11 and Iraq."
•"The Office of Management and Budget said this war would cost somewhere between $50 billion and $60 billion and now we're over 400."
•"When was it that you first found out or it dawned on you that, indeed, there were no weapons of mass destruction? And I wonder, did you think, 'What have I done?'"
•"What should the American people look for in this war plan? When will they know whether it's working or not?"
•"What would you say right now in this interview to the Iranian president about the meddling in Iraq?"
•"I wonder if you feel like you've been ill-served by your Cabinet members, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, perhaps even Vice-President Dick Cheney. Wrong on WMD. Wrong on the connection between 9/11 and Iraq. And now you're in a fix. And I wonder if you look back and wonder who let you down."
•"The vice president suggested there was a connection, not necessarily 9/11, but certainly to al-Qaeda."
•"Final question. How can you escalate the war when so many people in this country seem to be against it?"

A stunning contrast, isn't it? I won't speculate about personal ideological bias. It's possible that Pelley is just a much better journalist than Kroft. I will say that there is a glaring double standard in the coverage that 60 Minutes has afforded the two presidents, and that the tough coverage of President Bush was entirely appropriate. In fairness to 60 Minutes, they are hardly alone in giving Obama a pass even on issues that would've gotten Bush excoriated........
No they weren't.
psssssssst. hey conservaturds, you guys have a mainstream media outlet too. it's called fox news. it's just mainstream for bitter people who can't understand why the world around them is changing and it scares them. but it's mainstream, you dumbfucks. it's been around forever and it's the only source of "news" you teabagging fucknuts listen to.that, by its definition, makes it mainstream.


Ad hominems on sale this week? :dunno:

i don't know, fuckface, are they? i do know that apparently ignoring the truth about your movement's absolute mainstream media outlet appears to be in fashion, guyfuckfacestra.

What is the matter with you? Do you suffer from Tourrette's or something?

And what EXACTLY have you deduced to be MY 'movement', Kreskin?

In the game of 'Dueling Propaganda Outlets' I don't have a 'side', but I am rational enough to realize that Fox is WAAAAY outnumbered.

Now run along and play, child...
Got it, when you said MSM you actually meant 60 Minutes. The corporate media was just as much in the tank for President Bush as they are for President Obama.

So when GWB had his exit interviews on the MSM. Did they grill him on anything he ever did? In fact did they ever grill him on his strategic blunder in Iraq. Does that mean the MSM had a pseudo-con bias?

Any idea how stoopid you look commenting on something that you obviously didn't bother to read? Since clicking a link is beyond your abilities, allow me to help you out.

.......But I did find a 60 Minutes interview with George W. Bush. Here are the questions Scott Pelley asked him:

•"The war on terror, in a sense, began in this room, began in this cabin where your Cabinet meeting was held. Back then the whole country was with you. And now you seem to have lost them. Why do you think so?"
•"Most Americans at this point in time don't believe in this war in Iraq. They want you to get us out of there."
•"But wasn't it your administration that created the instability in Iraq?"
•"It's much more unstable now, Mr. President."
•"You mention mistakes having been made in your speech. What mistakes are you talking about?"
•"Fair to say there are not enough American troops on the ground to provide security for Iraq?"
•"Do you think you owe the Iraqi people an apology for not doing a better job?"
•"You are gambling a lot, Mr. President, on the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Why do you think that's a gamble worth making?"
•"I was on the battlefield in Najaf when al-Sadr's people killed your United States Marines."
•"Do you believe that the House has the constitutional authority to prevent you from the troop build-up? Can they stop you?"
•"Do you believe as commander-in-chief you have the authority to put the troops in there no matter what the Congress wants to do?"
•"You know better than I do that many Americans feel that your administration has not been straight with the country, has not been honest. To those people you say what? Like the weapons of mass destruction? No credible connection between 9/11 and Iraq."
•"The Office of Management and Budget said this war would cost somewhere between $50 billion and $60 billion and now we're over 400."
•"When was it that you first found out or it dawned on you that, indeed, there were no weapons of mass destruction? And I wonder, did you think, 'What have I done?'"
•"What should the American people look for in this war plan? When will they know whether it's working or not?"
•"What would you say right now in this interview to the Iranian president about the meddling in Iraq?"
•"I wonder if you feel like you've been ill-served by your Cabinet members, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, perhaps even Vice-President Dick Cheney. Wrong on WMD. Wrong on the connection between 9/11 and Iraq. And now you're in a fix. And I wonder if you look back and wonder who let you down."
•"The vice president suggested there was a connection, not necessarily 9/11, but certainly to al-Qaeda."
•"Final question. How can you escalate the war when so many people in this country seem to be against it?"

A stunning contrast, isn't it? I won't speculate about personal ideological bias. It's possible that Pelley is just a much better journalist than Kroft. I will say that there is a glaring double standard in the coverage that 60 Minutes has afforded the two presidents, and that the tough coverage of President Bush was entirely appropriate. In fairness to 60 Minutes, they are hardly alone in giving Obama a pass even on issues that would've gotten Bush excoriated........

Keep typing liar. Everyone needs a good laugh.

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