Yes, the Election was Stolen

Almost makes me want to move to Michigan.
No, the people here are pretty stupid. I will be amazed it Whitmere is replaced. She won't get my vote though. The average voter has short memories. I think they forgot the destruction she did to this state in the name of covid.
In all honesty,
Biden probably got more votes than you'd expect.
Not because he was a worthy candidate.....but so many deluded, low information voters swallowed the Media lies and propaganda like baby birds fed wiggling worms.

As I've stated before, it's unlikely freedom or justice will ever prevail in America again unless brave Patriots dismantle the Marxists Leftist Propaganda machine networks.

It's crucial and of omnipotent importance, yet no one seems to get it, care, understand or have the cajones.

You sure you want to throw the 'deluded, low information' stone from your glass house when half of the republican party has bought the Big Lie hook, line and sinker?

A conspiracy that even years after its introduction can't hold up to an even casual review of the evidence? A conspiracy that even TRUMP refused to present in his court case, volunteering dismissing his own case rather than subjecting his claims to cross examination?

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