Yes, pedophiles can be homosexual.

Regarding the child molestation in the Catholic Church: Around 81 percent of these victims were male.
22.6% were age 10 or younger, 51% were between the ages of 11 and 14, and 27% were between the ages to 15 to 17 years. Most of these victims were boys tool old to technically describe their molesters as pedophiles. The boys molested as teens started being molested before they were teens.

All men who molest boys are homosexuals. Men who identify has homosexual are far, far more likely to molest boys than men who identify as heterosexual.

Until recently, society would keep boys away from faggots. But, our society has chosen to sacrifice children to the homosexual agenda. God pity the children given to fags, especially if those fags have a parade of boyfriends.
But according to the homosexual lobby, sexual orientation is of no interest when researching pedophiles.

Cuz after all, sexuality and pedophilia aren't related in any way, shape or form....those studies that prove otherwise are just garbage.
But according to the homosexual lobby, sexual orientation is of no interest when researching pedophiles.

Cuz after all, sexuality and pedophilia aren't related in any way, shape or form....those studies that prove otherwise are just garbage.

What about the pedos that molest within heterosexual confines?

Just an exception? They don't support your theory.
I never said heteros aren't child molesters.

I said..listen carefully...that homosexuals are disproportionately represented among pedophiles.

Say it again and again until you understand.
I never said heteros aren't child molesters.

I said..listen carefully...that homosexuals are disproportionately represented among pedophiles.

Say it again and again until you understand.

Again, you have no real point.

You could just be honest and say that you want to get rid of the homosexuals...I don't really see where else you could be going with it.
One more reason to stop persecuting gays if it true

It's amazing that there is a perception (among sissies and sissy supporters) that homosexuals are persecuted in the US when the opposite is true. Homosexuals even enjoy special protection as a minority but they whine about not being able to get married and that translates to persecution in their narrow minds. Try a country that is run under Sharia law.
And I never said they did. I'm just challenging the silly notion that sexuality of pedophiles isn't important.

It is important, and obviously, it's not the same among pedophiles as it is among the general population.
It isn't important. Children being harmed, it really doesn't matter what the sexual persuasion of the harmer is....what matters is that you lie because, as was pointed out above, you hate homosexuals more than you hate pedophiles.

You are a sad piece of shit and it surprises me that anyone allows you to work in the mental health field.
I never said heteros aren't child molesters.

I said..listen carefully...that homosexuals are disproportionately represented among pedophiles.

Say it again and again until you understand.

Again, you have no real point.

You could just be honest and say that you want to get rid of the homosexuals...I don't really see where else you could be going with it.

I have a point, it just isn't one that jibes with your world view, which is why you pretend I'm trying to say something other than what I am.

I have stated over and over, I have a problem with people who claim that homosexuals aren't over-represented among pedophiles (which is a lie) and who alternately claim that sexuality has nothing to do with pedophilia (idiotic).

The point I have made, quite adequately, is that homosexuality is over represented in the pedophile population.

My second point is that the pro-homosexual movement continues to parrot information that was spoon fed to them by the APA and Kinsey...despite the fact that Kinsey was a fraud, charlatan, child molester and porn addict. They are using that "information" to validate the "normalcy" of homosexuality....and among that population there is a quite large population of people and professionals, legitimized by the APA, who want to see pedophilia mainstreamed, and the stigma of sex with children removed.

Which of course goes hand in hand with Kinsey's beliefs, and his studies, embraced by the APA and the homosexual community. There is no "bad" sex....
I never said heteros aren't child molesters.

I said..listen carefully...that homosexuals are disproportionately represented among pedophiles.

Say it again and again until you understand.

Again, you have no real point.

You could just be honest and say that you want to get rid of the homosexuals...I don't really see where else you could be going with it.

I have a point, it just isn't one that jibes with your world view, which is why you pretend I'm trying to say something other than what I am.

I have stated over and over, I have a problem with people who claim that homosexuals aren't over-represented among pedophiles (which is a lie) and who alternately claim that sexuality has nothing to do with pedophilia (idiotic).

The point I have made, quite adequately, is that homosexuality is over represented in the pedophile population.

My second point is that the pro-homosexual movement continues to parrot information that was spoon fed to them by the APA and Kinsey...despite the fact that Kinsey was a fraud, charlatan, child molester and porn addict. They are using that "information" to validate the "normalcy" of homosexuality....and among that population there is a quite large population of people and professionals, legitimized by the APA, who want to see pedophilia mainstreamed, and the stigma of sex with children removed.

Which of course goes hand in hand with Kinsey's beliefs, and his studies, embraced by the APA and the homosexual community. There is no "bad" sex....

Pedophilia is over-represented in the Catholic Priesthood, can you link me to your thread on that topic?

If you're truly concerned that people are succeeding in making pedophilia mainstream it might be time to up the meds.
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I don't believe I ever contended it wasn't.

Homosexuality is also over represented in the catholic priesthood.

Think there might be a connection?
I'd also have to wonder just how in the hell all of these homosexuals sneaked into the churches of one of the more archaic forms of Christianity out there...
You link the over-representation of child molesters in the priesthood.

Then I'll link the over-representation of homosexuals.
You link the over-representation of child molesters in the priesthood.

Then I'll link the over-representation of homosexuals.

Seeing as how you'll just link me to another study that concludes very little, I'll just tell you that my claim is quite obvious.

Is there another group out their aside from say, NAMBLA, that is more synonymous with pedophilia?

Now I wouldn't be so ignorant to claim that all priests rape children, that would be insane.

Are you claiming that homosexuals do in all cases rape children, and the ones that don't simply didn't have the opportunity? This is where things get cloudy with you.

Again I'm trying to get to the root of your problem. When what you present as evidence doesn't conclusively prove anything one way or the other it can be tough to ascertain the purpose of the discussion.

So will you again try to make it seem like you just want us to know the stats, or will you just own up to your attempts to demonize homosexuality?
I'd also have to wonder just how in the hell all of these homosexuals sneaked into the churches of one of the more archaic forms of Christianity out there...

With the same kind of lies that got them accepted into strategic power roles in our government.
You link the over-representation of child molesters in the priesthood.

Then I'll link the over-representation of homosexuals.

Seeing as how you'll just link me to another study that concludes very little, I'll just tell you that my claim is quite obvious.

Is there another group out their aside from say, NAMBLA, that is more synonymous with pedophilia?

Now I wouldn't be so ignorant to claim that all priests rape children, that would be insane.

Are you claiming that homosexuals do in all cases rape children, and the ones that don't simply didn't have the opportunity? This is where things get cloudy with you.

Again I'm trying to get to the root of your problem. When what you present as evidence doesn't conclusively prove anything one way or the other it can be tough to ascertain the purpose of the discussion.

So will you again try to make it seem like you just want us to know the stats, or will you just own up to your attempts to demonize homosexuality?

Actually studies have shown that Catholic prests are LESS likely to harbor pedos than the general population and almost all Protestant denominations outside of evangelicals.
You link the over-representation of child molesters in the priesthood.

Then I'll link the over-representation of homosexuals.

Seeing as how you'll just link me to another study that concludes very little, I'll just tell you that my claim is quite obvious.

Is there another group out their aside from say, NAMBLA, that is more synonymous with pedophilia?

Now I wouldn't be so ignorant to claim that all priests rape children, that would be insane.

Are you claiming that homosexuals do in all cases rape children, and the ones that don't simply didn't have the opportunity? This is where things get cloudy with you.

Again I'm trying to get to the root of your problem. When what you present as evidence doesn't conclusively prove anything one way or the other it can be tough to ascertain the purpose of the discussion.

So will you again try to make it seem like you just want us to know the stats, or will you just own up to your attempts to demonize homosexuality?

Actually studies have shown that Catholic prests are LESS likely to harbor pedos than the general population and almost all Protestant denominations outside of evangelicals.

So I'll guess that you think the church has been wrongly chastised in these incidents of sexual abuse, and it's the homosexuals that are tricking everyone into thinking otherwise?

From what I've seen not only did the church harbor them, they accommodated and enabled them.

Cardinal Law was so good at moving potential problems around the Boston Archdiocese that when he was ousted they gave him a position in the Vatican...he actually voted for the current pope.
we all know who has had a hammer- lock on pedophilia in the last ten years and it isn't some rag-tag group of Leftists :eusa_whistle:

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