Yes or no? NATO PTOVOKED this war.

NATO couldn't provoke their way to the bathroom. They stood by helpless along with the bar scene from Star Wars aka the U.N., while the mentally impaired U.S. president goaded Russia into attacking. Bill Clinton did it to Yugoslavia and everybody loved it.
Neither is Trump. He‘s just an opportunist out to grift the dumbest people he can find. Congratulations, you won! :cool-45:
Just when I thought someone else was the dopiest Progressive at USMB, you leapfrog ahead, or did you think Romney was a democrat
Here is a well written and balanced article on the subject
Balanced to what? It’s written 4 days after Putin launched genocide against the peaceful people of 🇺🇦 Ukraine.

Balanced to fucking blame genocide on the victims. Screw you Ted Galen Carpenter. You are a disgrace to humanity.

“It has long been clear that Nato expansion would lead to tragedy. We are now paying the price for the US’s arrogance Mon 28 Feb 2022 14.00 EST

United States arrogance?

The people of Ukraine owe Putin absolutely nothing. If they want to be a part of NATO they can be a part of NATO. Go crawl in your hole Ted Galen Carpenter and hide if you’re so afraid of Vladimir Putin. Balanced? My God what the hell is wrong with you people.

Many predicted Nato expansion would lead to war. Those warnings were ignored​

Ted Galen Carpenter

This is not war Ted Galen Carpenter. It’s genocide by a madman not seen since Adolf Hitler did the same exact thing to Poland. Do you argue we weren’t fair to Adolph?
And by "their" country you mean Soros, Schwab and Kolomoisky's country, right?

Sounds like the same thing China is trying to do in the US. So according to your logic you would accept that China now owns the US and you wouldn't fight to protect our country's sovereignty.

Seems that the Ukrainians love their country and refuse any foreign takeover. Not sure many Americans are as passionate about the US.

Putin is an ex-KGB despot.

He is a sick little runt that has been able to stay in power for 20 years by poisoning and killing his opponents.

Equally guilty are the Russian military brass that have allowed this nut case to stay in power.

The West should do anything necessary to see to it that he is sent packing to spend the rest of his days with his mistress and their children in some European country.

Sadly, the World Court is too weak to force him to spend his life in prison. Remember the Dutch airplane shot down in Ukraine, with bodies (including that of a baby) falling from the sky? He should pay for that, too.
Neither is Trump. He‘s just an opportunist out to grift the dumbest people he can find. Congratulations, you won! :cool-45:
It doesn't matter what you are. There are only two choices to pick from anyway: You can only join or vote for one or the other. This utmost form of restriction is what you call "freedom".
It doesn't matter what you are. There are only two choices to pick from anyway: You can only join or vote for one or the other. This utmost form of restriction is what you call "freedom".
That’s totally false. Check any US ballot and you’ll see there a number of other choices, but being a mere Russian troll, you probably wouldn’t know that.

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