YAY! STEVE BANNON INDICTED by federal grand jury!!!

no..... it means you are humping for trump, & it's amusing.

By the way, this “humping” for Trump notion, which YOU just brought into the discussion, is misplaced. The discussion has been about Bannon and not about Trump or Trumpism.

You are so caught up in your awful case of TDS that you imagine every topic of conversation is somehow still about the former President. Do you TDS victims get a fever as a sign of how bad your condition is from one day to the next?
A heart attack?

Police Union hack sez......

Why are the vast majority of the charges for trespassing etc instead of assaults on police officers?

Good question. Give us you’re best prediction , Nostradumbass.
There is no duty of a pardoned person to accept a pardon. Good to know. That does NOT mean that accepting a pardon is the legal equivalent of admitting guilt. Of course a person can be concerned with that appearance. Therefore, the person is feee to assume that accepting the pardon will be taken as a tacit admission of guilt. That’s just a personal view of it. So what?
Hutch and playtime can disagree and Laugh at the above all they want. But they cannot refute it.
Because the assaults on police officers is a myth.
I don’t know about that. I saw shit being thrown at the police — such as fire extinguishers. I saw one officer being almost crushed by a door in which he was pinned. I think that there is clear evidence of some criminal assaults against some of the Capitol police. And I have no qualm whatsoever in supporting the prosecution of anyone who behaved in that violent criminal fashion.
He did refute it. Definitively and demonstrably.
You are just not competent enough to understand what was presented to you.
Wrong again. There was no refutation. You permit your desire to “believe” to overcome any chance at reason. Sucks to be as vapid as you. Seriously. I feel bad for one as ignorant and unintelligent as you muddling through life unable to grasp even obvious truths.
Wrong again. There was no refutation. You permit your desire to “believe” to overcome any chance at reason. Sucks to be as vapid as you. Seriously. I feel bad for one as ignorant and unintelligent as you muddling through life unable to grasp even obvious truths.
He gave you the standing ruling of the highest court. That is the legal view. Period. There is nothing else.
Your inability to understand that is your own shortcoming.
I don’t know about that. I saw shit being thrown at the police — such as fire extinguishers. I saw one officer being almost crushed by a door in which he was pinned. I think that there is clear evidence of some criminal assaults against some of the Capitol police. And I have no qualm whatsoever in supporting the prosecution of anyone who behaved in that violent criminal fashion.
His claim was 140 cops assaulted, and yet he can't show the charges for these 140 assaults
Accepting a presidential pardon is an admission of guilt.

Refuted. Better luck next time.

Five myths about presidential pardons

Myth No. 4

Pardons are only for guilty people; accepting one is an admission of guilt.

In 1915, the Supreme Court wrote in Burdick v. United States that a pardon “carries an imputation of guilt; acceptance a confession of it.” Over the years, many have come to see a necessary relationship between a pardon and guilt. Ford carried the Burdick quote in his wallet, defending the Nixon pardon by noting that it established Nixon’s guilt. More recently, MSNBC host Ari Melber taunted Arpaio by saying he had admitted he was guilty when he accepted Trump’s pardon.

ut Burdick was about a different issue: the ability to turn down a pardon. The language about imputing and confessing guilt was just an aside — what lawyers call dicta. The court meant that, as a practical matter, because pardons make people look guilty, a recipient might not want to accept one. But pardons have no formal, legal effect of declaring guilt.
Indeed, in rare cases pardons are used to exonerate people. This was Trump’s rationale for posthumously pardoning boxer Jack Johnson, the victim of a racially based railroading in 1913. Ford pardoned Iva Toguri d’Aquino (World War II’s “Tokyo Rose”) after “60 Minutes” revealed that she was an innocent victim of prosecutors who suborned perjured testimony in her treason case. President George H.W. Bush pardoned Caspar Weinberger because he thought the former defense secretary, indicted in the Iran-contra affair, was a victim of “the criminalization of policy differences.” If the president pardons you because he thinks you are innocent, what guilt could accepting that pardon possibly admit?

Accepting a presidential pardon is an admission of guilt.

Refuted. Better luck next time.
Wrong. It’s not. Repeating your erroneous assertion does nothing to correct the fact that it remains wrong. Think for once in your life (with practice you might like it).

if a person charged with a crime accepts a pardon, he forever thereafter remains imbued with his status of being presumed innocent.

that’s the long and short of it. You avoid the risk of being convicted and the risk of imprisonment. One need not confess guilt or acknowledge guilt in order to want the benefits of a pardon.

When one receives a pardon, one isn’t required to accept it. But in order to accept it, one isn’t required to admit “guilt” either.
And after Farty shares his skewed representation of the facts as “reality,” let us truly get back to reality.

Fact: Farty does not know what Bannon meant when he predicted on 1/5 that all helll would break lose the next day. I recognize that low intellect propagandists like the always laughable Fart Fun will always ASSUME that they “know” such things. Why be bothered to wait to find out?

in any event, truly rational folks wouldn’t pretend to “know” what Bannon meant when he made that statement. We can speculate. We might be right. But we don’t actually yet know.

All that said, whatever he meant, Bannon’s statement is odd. It does lend itself to interpretations especially in light of what did happen the next day. So, I can give Farty a pass on the conclusion he comes to. I’m just saying that despite his self assurance, Farty’s conclusion MAY not be the same thing as what Bannon was actually attempting to say.
Weli...if he did not plan the riot and he did not know about the attack on the Capitol...he should have not problem testifying to the Select Committee. I think we would all like to know what he meant when he said "all Hell is gonna break loose."

But he sure is throwing a wrench in the assumption that he did not know about the attempted insurrection, as he stonewalls the investigation. Like trump said many, many times "What is he hiding?"

BackAgain: You are a hopeless trump humping MAGA liar.....how do you sleep at night?