Yang: Thomas Paine championed universal basic income, so did MLK, Milton Friedman, & Richard Nixon


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Paine called it the citizen's dividend. every american should support Yang For President!

it would cost 3 trillion dollars. if you look at our current welfare spending, we spend a lot. the freedom divident is opt-in, and then you forgo other benefits, so the cost is brought down fast.
But but but AOC said we should be able to sit around and work on our arts and crafts while government pays all our bills, feeds and houses us.

Let’s play this out...

I live in an extended household wit 7 adults and currently a roughly $145K total income. Give us each a $30K (untaxed) basic income and Medicare for all and there would be literally ZERO incentive for the two of us in the household to actually work.
lifting poor folks out of poverty is a bad thing?

Most of these folks are poor because of their own bad decisions. Their lifestyle is the consequence of their own mistakes. I see no need to remove the consequences of such actions. In fact I would prefer we increase their misery as a means to teach the next generation not to make the same mistakes.
there's a guy in the video i posted in the OP who asks a question of Yang who flails his arms like Beto
Paine called it the citizen's dividend. every american should support Yang For President!

And who again is going to pay for it? When no one is working anymore just so they can all get free shit, does the government "at the point of a gun" force everyone to work? That is what Socialism ALWAYS ends up at.

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