Wow Santorum draws large crowds in NH


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Now the lead of the story are the students jeering, because most people have attention span of a nematode and only read the headline. And the purpose of course is to show negativity towards the candidate.

BUT further down in the NYT piece, one finds this.:D

As he shook hands in a crowd that would have been unimaginable just weeks ago, Mr. Santorum was repeatedly approached for his autograph by eager residents, most of whom said they had first heard of the former Pennsylvania senator in the last several days.

“You are the first political candidate I’ve ever come out to meet in my entire life,” Anne Grant said to Mr. Santorum at the Tilt’n Diner here. “I listened to your speech in Iowa the other night and that’s exactly what I wanted to hear for so many years. God bless you.”

Gee. I think Santorum is being very well received in New Hampshire.
Now the lead of the story are the students jeering, because most people have attention span of a nematode and only read the headline. And the purpose of course is to show negativity towards the candidate.

BUT further down in the NYT piece, one finds this.:D

As he shook hands in a crowd that would have been unimaginable just weeks ago, Mr. Santorum was repeatedly approached for his autograph by eager residents, most of whom said they had first heard of the former Pennsylvania senator in the last several days.

“You are the first political candidate I’ve ever come out to meet in my entire life,” Anne Grant said to Mr. Santorum at the Tilt’n Diner here. “I listened to your speech in Iowa the other night and that’s exactly what I wanted to hear for so many years. God bless you.”

Gee. I think Santorum is being very well received in New Hampshire.

Becuase of his demeanor....his "boyish" looks....his "freshness" in his approach...he may very well ride a similar wave that Obama rode.....I can almost see him becoming a fad...sort of like Obama did.
Sounds like he is going to do better in NH then I was expecting. That's good to me. Ive supported him as a Senator and if he is the nominee I have no problem supporting him for President.
Two weeks ago he was a nothing.

What a difference two weeks and loads of work on his part can make.

Not sure if he's fad worthy but you never know.
It is probably because they have "just heard of" Santorum that these people like him. Once they really get to know the former Senator from Pennsylvania, they will drop him like a hot rock.

Santorum is just another in a long string of anybody-but-Romneys who have been lifted up, looked over, found wanting, and dropped.

They might believe the pathologically lying Gingrich, they may love the bedroom peeper Santorum, they might have an affair with serial predator Cain, and they might smoke a doobie with the Libertarian Paul. But in the end they will all dutifully line up at the polls like good boys and girls and vote the way the machine tells them to for pollbot Romney.
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It is probably because they have "just heard of" Santorum that these people like him. Once they really get to know the former Senator from Pennsylvania, they will drop him like a hot rock.

One could say the same thing about Obama. It was probably because they had 'just heard of' Obama that people liked him. Now that they have really gotten to know the former community organizer from Hawaii, they will drop him like a hot rock.
It is probably because they have "just heard of" Santorum that these people like him. Once they really get to know the former Senator from Pennsylvania, they will drop him like a hot rock.

Santorum is just another in a long string of anybody-but-Romneys who have been lifted up, looked over, found wanting, and dropped.

They might believe the pathologically lying Gingrich, they may love the bedroom peeper Santorum, they might have an affair with serial predator Cain, and they might smoke a doobie with the Libertarian Paul. But in the end they will all dutifully line up at the polls like good boys and girls and vote the way the machine tells them to for pollbot Romney.

for someone who is quite obviously NEVER going to vote claim to know so much about the GOP candidates....and, not suprisingly....not pone good thing to say about any of them.

Which means you are nothing but a fraud.
It is probably because they have "just heard of" Santorum that these people like him. Once they really get to know the former Senator from Pennsylvania, they will drop him like a hot rock.

One could say the same thing about Obama. It was probably because they had 'just heard of' Obama that people liked him. Now that they have really gotten to know the former community organizer from Hawaii, they will drop him like a hot rock.

Let's hope so.

Now if only there was a suitable Republican to replace him, life would be good.
I wonder if these people are the same ones who thought Trump would be a good president. He had "fresh" idea's as well.

Damn the right are idiots. They really are. Trump, Palin, Cain, Newt and now this guy? Personally I am sorry the clown car lost Bachmann.
I love this part of the article.

"For most of last year, Mr. Santorum gamely braved the indignity of almost no attention from the news media as he campaigned in Iowa and New Hampshire. Now, with more than two dozen cameras and scores of reporters at each of his events, Mr. Santorum pleaded with voters not to listen to conventional wisdom.

“Trust your head, your heart, your gut as to who should be the next nominee of the Republican Party,” Mr. Santorum said. "
It is probably because they have "just heard of" Santorum that these people like him. Once they really get to know the former Senator from Pennsylvania, they will drop him like a hot rock.

Santorum is just another in a long string of anybody-but-Romneys who have been lifted up, looked over, found wanting, and dropped.

They might believe the pathologically lying Gingrich, they may love the bedroom peeper Santorum, they might have an affair with serial predator Cain, and they might smoke a doobie with the Libertarian Paul. But in the end they will all dutifully line up at the polls like good boys and girls and vote the way the machine tells them to for pollbot Romney.

for someone who is quite obviously NEVER going to vote claim to know so much about the GOP candidates....and, not suprisingly....not pone good thing to say about any of them.

Which means you are nothing but a fraud.

I am going to make a guess that I know more about all the candidates than you. Probably more than most people on this board. Because I actually have taken the time over the years to get to know about all of them. Not since they announced their candidacies.

I have also visited all of their web sites and read all of their issues pages.

Have you? Probably not.

As for "NEVER" voting GOP, I don't know how old you are, but if you are younger than me (which is a good bet) I would wager all I have that I have voted for more Republicans than you have in your entire life.

You would be safer betting that I would never vote for a Democrat before I vote for a Republican again.

I am out of the voting game, yes. For life? Don't assume.

I just happen to believe that voting for the lesser of two evils results in greater and greater evil choices. I mean, take a look. Bush, followed by Obama.

No. The GOP won't get my vote again until they EARN it by not being the bag of dicks they currently are.

They can no longer assume I will give them my vote because the other guy is a bigger asshole.

The GOP deserved Obama. They really did. After Bush and acting like complete assholes for the past decade, they got exactly what they deserve. People like me stayed home and so now you are stuck with Obama. And you will be again if the GOP doesn't get its shit together.

Fraud? These assholes claiming Reagan's legacy are the frauds, my friend.
And just for the record, if you held an M-16 to my head and forced me to vote for Obama or one of the GOP candidates, I would vote for Huntsman.

His issues pages are the closest to sanity. He has some obvious pandering in them, but he strikes me as having more know-how, wisdom, and experience than everyone else put together.

So take that for what it's worth.

If he was on the ticket in November, I actually would vote.
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And just for the record, if you held an M-16 to my head and forced me to vote for Obama or one of the GOP candidates, I would vote for Huntsman.

His issues pages are the closest to sanity. He has some obvious pandering in them, but he strikes me as having more know-how, wisdom, and experience than everyone else put together.

So take that for what it's worth.

right... which explains why he is at the bottom of the pile. :rolleyes:
And just for the record, if you held an M-16 to my head and forced me to vote for Obama or one of the GOP candidates, I would vote for Huntsman.

His issues pages are the closest to sanity. He has some obvious pandering in them, but he strikes me as having more know-how, wisdom, and experience than everyone else put together.

So take that for what it's worth.

right... which explains why he is at the bottom of the pile. :rolleyes:

Yes. It says a lot about the current state of the GOP that the smartest and most experienced person is at the bottom of the polls, doesn't it?

I added an edit to my last post, but you may have missed it since it isn't in what you quoted from me.

If Huntsman was the GOP choice for President in November, I would actually vote.
And just for the record, if you held an M-16 to my head and forced me to vote for Obama or one of the GOP candidates, I would vote for Huntsman.

His issues pages are the closest to sanity. He has some obvious pandering in them, but he strikes me as having more know-how, wisdom, and experience than everyone else put together.

So take that for what it's worth.

right... which explains why he is at the bottom of the pile. :rolleyes:

Yes. It says a lot about the current state of the GOP that the smartest and most experienced person is at the bottom of the polls, doesn't it?

I added an edit to my last post, but you may have missed it since it isn't in what you quoted from me.

If Huntsman was the GOP choice for President in November, I would actually vote.

not too bright, are you.
And just for the record, if you held an M-16 to my head and forced me to vote for Obama or one of the GOP candidates, I would vote for Huntsman.

His issues pages are the closest to sanity. He has some obvious pandering in them, but he strikes me as having more know-how, wisdom, and experience than everyone else put together.

So take that for what it's worth.

right... which explains why he is at the bottom of the pile. :rolleyes:

Yes. It says a lot about the current state of the GOP that the smartest and most experienced person is at the bottom of the polls, doesn't it?

I added an edit to my last post, but you may have missed it since it isn't in what you quoted from me.

If Huntsman was the GOP choice for President in November, I would actually vote.

Back it up...what make you think Huntsman is smarter than...say ....Santorum?

Before you answer...I will give you my answer...

I have listened to Pelosi speak..Ihave listened to Bohenr speak...Obama....Bush....Newt...Romeny...Hillary...Reid...Rice...
I have listened to McCain....Leiberman...McConnel.....DeMint...
I have listened to Frank.....Dodd....Bachman...

And there is not one of them that I can say I find to be anything but intelligent...and their academic records support this as do their acheivements in the pubolic and private sectors....although I disagree with the ideology of many of them..... who says you would bet your last dime on Obama if he were to have an IQ contest with Cain...

What makes you think Huntsman is smarter than Santorum?
What makes you think Huntsman is smarter than Santorum?

Santorum Amendment to the No Child Left Behind Act.

Santorum argues that evolution is "just a theory" and here attempts to have Intelligent Design, an oxymoron if ever there was one, taught in schools by law.

The GOP has long had an anti-science bent. Huntsman has been one of the few, if not the only, candidates to flatly state he believes in evolution instead of pandering to the ignorant elements in the party. He has also been open minded about global warming, stating that while all the data is not in, we should listen to the scientists. He has not allowed himself to succumb to anti-science pressure from the Right, nor has he jumped on the cap-and-trade bandwagon from the left or any other economically ineffective if not outright disastrous legislative plans related to global warming.

And I can't help noticing you ignored that I also said Huntsman has more experience than the rest of the candidates. Is that not more important?

That's another trend that is really stupid these days. Having government experience is spun as if it means you are a corrupt insider or something. Well we just elected the most inexperienced President in history and look how fucking well that is working out.
“If the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual (gay) sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything.”

Rick Santorum. No wonder such an idiot lost re-election.
Wow Santorum draws large crowds in NH
I'm not surprised.

They don't get a whole lotta.....

....up that way.


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