The economy is recovering. One war has ended. Osama Bin Laden is dead. We Did Vote!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Somewhere in northern New Hampshire, the unemployment rate is 13% or more. Two mills have shut down in recent years, and one local school only has 27 students, in all grades. Finally, however, there will be a new biotech employer--Green Stuff(?)--which bought one of the mills. Anyone notices the Obama initiative campaign working, subsequent the political pay-offs. The Obamas are Ivy League.

The Republicans are mainly campaigning in the high-tech Southern part of the state, where the unemployment rate is below 5% and the Obama economy has already been working for some time. Unlike the Soviet Union, actually: Al Gore Invented That(?)!

The Republicans are campaigning for an end to the Southern part boom times, and an end to the northern new Green Ininitiave industries gearing up.

It probably makes better sense to go back to Washington, D. C., where probably there are some: And recommence yelling racist epithets at law-makers on the steps of the Capitol building. New Hampshire, somehow, makes no sense.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many misunderstand the veiled racism of Birther rage at birth certificates: When it is so obvious to anyone, that the unveiled racist epithets seem to work a whole lot better(?)!)
Somewhere in northern New Hampshire, the unemployment rate is 13% or more. Two mills have shut down in recent years, and one local school only has 27 students, in all grades. Finally, however, there will be a new biotech employer--Green Stuff(?)--which bought one of the mills. Anyone notices the Obama initiative campaign working, subsequent the political pay-offs. The Obamas are Ivy League.

The Republicans are mainly campaigning in the high-tech Southern part of the state, where the unemployment rate is below 5% and the Obama economy has already been working for some time. Unlike the Soviet Union, actually: Al Gore Invented That(?)!

The Republicans are campaigning for an end to the Southern part boom times, and an end to the northern new Green Ininitiave industries gearing up.

It probably makes better sense to go back to Washington, D. C., where probably there are some: And recommence yelling racist epithets at law-makers on the steps of the Capitol building. New Hampshire, somehow, makes no sense.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many misunderstand the veiled racism of Birther rage at birth certificates: When it is so obvious to anyone, that the unveiled racist epithets seem to work a whole lot better(?)!)

Unfortunately, the economy is recovering at too slow of a rate for anyone to notice on a national level. That is why Obama's ratings remain below 50%. If things start to really pick up (it's possible), I think Obama has it in the bag for '12.
Let's see.... unemployment has averaged 9.4%, we're at about 2% growth, we have noticeable inflation, worthless $, stock market is at levels lower than 10 years ago, close to a nuclear weaponized Iran, the Arab spring (whatever that is), high energy prices, hiring isn't keeping up with population growth... yeah, everything's just peachy.
The stock market is over 2000 points higher than it was ten years ago.

All economic leading indicators are positive.

Unemployment is dropping.

As long as these trends continue, that can only help Obama, regardless of whether or not he is responsible for them.

Better to live in and acknowledge reality and respond accordingly than to live in a delusion and make untrue statements that will bite you in the ass.

Don't be a sour grapes kind of person. Whining is the domain of liberals.
Don't be that guy who is pissed off more people are getting jobs. That won't win any friends.
People have seen the Tea Party in action on the TV visuals.

Apparently they get to send their real messge to America: When their primary elections head south--and then they can find people to yell at and curse, on the stairways, and stoops of even the smallest of their campaign stops: If they go to them.

These people need to get back onto their message! So far they look like one train that no one is getting off(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(If Romney comes out of a business-world background: Then that probably means that he knows more about outsourcing jobs to other nations: Than does anyone else who will be running for President(?)! He is running on his business background, and it makes sense to Republicans(?)! The sitting U. S. President, comparing, at least knows how to pay off U. S. Nationals, by comparison. Excepting maybe in parts of the Southwestern States, a civilization without borders, an anarchy, this is not(?)! Even there, of course, Widespread Wealth Worldwide is actually a true anarchy prerequisite. Arizona seems best, to understand that!)

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