wow I am impressed

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
I just visited two commercial jobsites that are under construction and being powered by solar and wind energy. First general contractor that ive ever seen power a construction job in this fashion
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I just visited two commercial jobsites that are under construction and being powered by solar and wind energy. First general contractor that ive ever seen power a construction job in this fashion

If you need expensive, unreliable power, solar and wind are the way to go.

If that were the case in this situation I doubt they would be using it. It was a very impressive setup none the less.
I just visited two commercial jobsites that are under construction and being powered by solar and wind energy. First general contractor that ive ever seen power a construction job in this fashion

If you need expensive, unreliable power, solar and wind are the way to go.

If that were the case in this situation I doubt they would be using it. It was a very impressive setup none the less.

Solar and wind are cheap and reliable? Where?
I just visited two commercial jobsites that are under construction and being powered by solar and wind energy. First general contractor that ive ever seen power a construction job in this fashion

If you need expensive, unreliable power, solar and wind are the way to go.

If that were the case in this situation I doubt they would be using it. It was a very impressive setup none the less.

So what are they building?
An indoor organic veggy greenhouse?
A 3phase 50 hp electric motor in a construction crane would need a wind turbine size that costs way more than the crane and takes as long to set up as what they are planning to build. The base concrete pad for such a windmill would use the same if not more concrete as what they want to build.
Same goes for the solar farm that it would take to supply the usual crane, compressors, hoists and all the arc welders for the steel work.
What you are looking at is almost certainly just the "green energy" to supply the supervisor`s shed..his field office.
Go check again when they actually start construction.
You wont be so impressed with the little windmill and the solar panels any more when you see the usual V12 Cat Diesel Generator start up..What`s impressive then is how the high pressure high torque air starter motor howls when it cranks over the massive super high compression diesel engine...and how that generator absorbs heavy electrical power surge loads effortlessly with a single short burp when the fuel rack modulates the stroke pulse of all the fuel injectors. Don`t get too close when it does that else the twin turbos will suck you right up the air intake pipe.
I made my living writing the software to start up and phase in huge generators into the local grid up in the Yukon and in the arctic...during the latter part of my professional live. I`m retired now but I do know what it takes to generate serious power !
I don`t need lectures from people that just put out a joint and had a "vision" how to implement a green POWER ON DEMAND power grid

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If you need expensive, unreliable power, solar and wind are the way to go.

If that were the case in this situation I doubt they would be using it. It was a very impressive setup none the less.

So what are they building?
An indoor organic veggy greenhouse?
A 3phase 50 hp electric motor in a construction crane would need a wind turbine size that costs way more than the crane and takes as long to set up as what they are planning to build. The base concrete pad for such a windmill would use the same if not more concrete as what they want to build.
Same goes for the solar farm that it would take to supply the usual crane, compressors, hoists and all the arc welders for the steel work.
What you are looking at is almost certainly just the "green energy" to supply the supervisor`s shed..his field office.
Go check again when they actually start construction.
You wont be so impressed with the little windmill and the solar panels any more when you see the usual V12 Cat Diesel Generator start up..What`s impressive then is how the high pressure high torque air starter motor howls when it cranks over the massive super high compression diesel engine...and how that generator absorbs heavy electrical power surge loads effortlessly with a single short burp when the fuel rack modulates the stroke pulse of all the fuel injectors. Don`t get too close when it does that else the twin turbos will suck you right up the air intake pipe.
I made my living writing the software to start up and phase in huge generators into the local grid up in the Yukon and in the arctic...during the latter part of my professional live. I`m retired now but I do know what it takes to generate serious power !
I don`t need lectures from people that just put out a joint and had a "vision" how to implement a green POWER ON DEMAND power grid
[ame=]MAN Diesel engine starting with pneumatic starter - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]C280-16 Startup - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]900hp Cat Turbo Diesel V12 Generators (Caterpillar) - YouTube[/ame]

I wasn't trying to lecture anyone. Unwad your fucking panties and calm down mr engineer.

It was a normal construction site with multiple solar arrays and a few small windmills. Its entirely possible that for heavy duty needs the pull from the power grid that is available. It's also entirely possible that you are an over reacting know it all prick.

I didn't ask them for their scematics to their power grid or ussage. I simply commented on their desire to do what they could to conserve energy. Very atypical for a construction company.
I just visited two commercial jobsites that are under construction and being powered by solar and wind energy. First general contractor that ive ever seen power a construction job in this fashion

"Job sites under construction"? What are they building and how did they manage to hook up a windmill? You need a football field full of solar panels to generate enough juice to power a couple of hand tools. Would you trust an elevator powered by solar junk?
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I just visited two commercial jobsites that are under construction and being powered by solar and wind energy. First general contractor that ive ever seen power a construction job in this fashion

"Job sites under construction"? What are they building and how did they manage to hook up a windmill? You need a football field full of solar panels to generate enough juice to power a couple of hand tools. Would you trust an elevator powered by solar junk?

It is a small strip center. And your assessment of the amount of panels needed to run simple tools is off by a mile. Also windmills come in different sizes beyond the huge white towers you see in open fields. And yes, I trust anything powered by solar power. The energy is stored and convertec prior to use so the odds of a sudden interruption are not much bigger than any other power failure.

The knee jerk reactions in this thread are shocking. Its a private company supplementing their own power. Whats the big fucking deal?
I just visited two commercial jobsites that are under construction and being powered by solar and wind energy. First general contractor that ive ever seen power a construction job in this fashion

"Job sites under construction"? What are they building and how did they manage to hook up a windmill? You need a football field full of solar panels to generate enough juice to power a couple of hand tools. Would you trust an elevator powered by solar junk?

It is a small strip center. And your assessment of the amount of panels needed to run simple tools is off by a mile. Also windmills come in different sizes beyond the huge white towers you see in open fields. And yes, I trust anything powered by solar power. The energy is stored and convertec prior to use so the odds of a sudden interruption are not much bigger than any other power failure.

The knee jerk reactions in this thread are shocking. Its a private company supplementing their own power. Whats the big fucking deal?

Sounds like good publicity, for their green stunt.

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