Wow for the first time I've heard someone admit....


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
California's mandate that by 2035,
  1. 55% of delivery vans and small trucks,
  2. 75% of buses and larger trucks, and
  3. 40% of tractor-trailers and other big rigs sold in the state would have to be all-electric.”
Half of California Trucks to Be Electric by 2035

This will cause electric outages in Calif. because of this: There is not enough electric generating plants today to generate the additional:
1) A regular truck average miles per truck/ year: 84.433 source: How Many Miles Do Truckers Drive a Year?
2) Average EV truck uses 4.3 kWh per mile.
3) This means an average EV truck will require in one year. 19,636 kWh (84,433/4.3 kWh/mile)
4) California has 15.9 million trucks..
5) If half or 7,950,000 trucks each use 19,636 kWh that is an additional 156,106,200,000 kWh on Calif. electric generation.
6) In 2019, total generation for California was 277,704,000,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh)
7) As of 2018, California had 80 GW of installed generation capacity encompassing more than 1,500 power plants; with
41 GW of natural gas, 26.5 GW of renewable (12 GW solar, 6 GW wind), 12 GW large hydroelectric, and 2.4 GW nuclear.
8) Average electricity generated per plant: 185,136,000 kWh
9) Number of power plants needed to generate the additional 156,106,200,000 kWh by trucks: 843 new electric power plants needed.
10)This accounted for 68% of CA's demand in 2018; the remaining 32% was imported. Energy in California - Wikipedia

Folks this is Calif, the leading innovation state and soon all the other states will adopt these mandates... now I'm going to shout....

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It's all political theater. Too bad it has real world consequences.
Maybe I'm not giving Biden enough credit for making his buddies more millions which in turn makes him more millions!
By making statements like:
I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”
There is no more drilling. I haven’t formed any new drilling."

A hypothetical President Biden would first “do away with any subsidy for fossil fuels,” he said. His climate change policy would involve “holding [fossil fuel executives] liable for what they have done, particularly in those cases where your underserved neighborhoods and - you know the deal,” the candidate continued - though judging from the blank faces behind him, they didn’t.
And by the way, when they don’t, and when they’re deliberate - put them in jail! That’s what I pr—I’m not joking about this,” Biden declared, to scattered applause
Biden family members – Hunter Biden, James Biden, Hallie Biden, and an unknown “Biden” – and their companies collectively received $1.3 million in payments from accounts related to Rob Walker, a Biden family associate.

Notably, on March 1, 2017, less than two months after Vice President Joe Biden left public office, State Energy HK Limited, a Chinese company, wired $3 million to Rob Walker’s company. The next day, the company wired $1,065,000 to a company associated with James Gilliar, another Biden family associate. Afterwards, the Biden family received approximately $1,065,000 in payments over a three-month period in different bank accounts. From the bank records, it appears that the Biden family received approximately one-third of the money obtained from the China wire.

So crafty Biden is making money of gas prices climbing. And today?
Saudi Arabia and other OPEC+ oil producers on Sunday announced further oil output cuts of around 1.16 million barrels per day, in a surprise move that analysts said would cause an immediate rise in prices and the United States called inadvisable.

Watch Biden's gas prices go up and indirectly Biden's wealth going up! All at OUR expense!

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