Would legalizing pot help the black community???


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Would it make the black community feel better if we legalized pot? Seriously, we throw people in prison for doing a drug. This costs us billions of dollars that we could otherwise use to focus on more serious crimes.

I also think it isn't very fair...We should focus on violent crimes like murder, rape and robbery.

Do you agree? Would this help the black community????
The drug war is essentially part of the race war.

Nobody will admit this.

I say, separate the races.

We save on drug war costs. They go free.

As it is, life is still better for them with us. Free money.
I say, separate the races.

Yes, you say that over and over and over (you say nothing else), but it's not going to happen, YOU PATHETIC FUCKING COWARD. If YOU want separation, then YOU get the FUCK our of MY country, you worthless loser.
Would it make the black community feel better if we legalized pot? Seriously, we throw people in prison for doing a drug. This costs us billions of dollars that we could otherwise use to focus on more serious crimes.

I also think it isn't very fair...We should focus on violent crimes like murder, rape and robbery.

Do you agree? Would this help the black community????

Well, considering that the whole reason that pot became illegal in the first place was because of a white racist FBI man named Anslinger who wanted to figure out a way to lock up all the blacks and hispanics. So, when he found out that the main consumers of cannabis were blacks and hispanics, he lobbied Congress to make it illegal, and he was helped out by the people of Hollywood who produced his propaganda film "Reefer Madness".

Not only would it help the black community, but it would help the nation as a whole. After you harvest the buds (the part of the plant you want to smoke), there's still a bunch of plant material left over in the form of the stalk and the leaves, which can be used to produce canvas, biofuel, paper and food.
Would it make the black community feel better if we legalized pot? Seriously, we throw people in prison for doing a drug. This costs us billions of dollars that we could otherwise use to focus on more serious crimes.

I also think it isn't very fair...We should focus on violent crimes like murder, rape and robbery.

Do you agree? Would this help the black community????

Well, considering that the whole reason that pot became illegal in the first place was because of a white racist FBI man named Anslinger who wanted to figure out a way to lock up all the blacks and hispanics. So, when he found out that the main consumers of cannabis were blacks and hispanics, he lobbied Congress to make it illegal, and he was helped out by the people of Hollywood who produced his propaganda film "Reefer Madness".

Not only would it help the black community, but it would help the nation as a whole. After you harvest the buds (the part of the plant you want to smoke), there's still a bunch of plant material left over in the form of the stalk and the leaves, which can be used to produce canvas, biofuel, paper and food.

Well, since you're such a tough guy, why don't you go challenge the DEA to a cage match to decide the matter, clown?
Would it make the black community feel better if we legalized pot? Seriously, we throw people in prison for doing a drug. This costs us billions of dollars that we could otherwise use to focus on more serious crimes.

I also think it isn't very fair...We should focus on violent crimes like murder, rape and robbery.

Do you agree? Would this help the black community????

I don't like to insult people, but fuck you are a bloody wanker. You must have been dropped on the head as a baby.
Would it make the black community feel better if we legalized pot? Seriously, we throw people in prison for doing a drug. This costs us billions of dollars that we could otherwise use to focus on more serious crimes.

I also think it isn't very fair...We should focus on violent crimes like murder, rape and robbery.

Do you agree? Would this help the black community????

Well, considering that the whole reason that pot became illegal in the first place was because of a white racist FBI man named Anslinger who wanted to figure out a way to lock up all the blacks and hispanics. So, when he found out that the main consumers of cannabis were blacks and hispanics, he lobbied Congress to make it illegal, and he was helped out by the people of Hollywood who produced his propaganda film "Reefer Madness".

Not only would it help the black community, but it would help the nation as a whole. After you harvest the buds (the part of the plant you want to smoke), there's still a bunch of plant material left over in the form of the stalk and the leaves, which can be used to produce canvas, biofuel, paper and food.

Well, since you're such a tough guy, why don't you go challenge the DEA to a cage match to decide the matter, clown?

Actually, I don't really have to if a person is smart enough to spell "anslinger" and "cannabis" and "reefer madness" into Google.

Send me your phone number, and I'd be more than willing to challenge YOU to a cage match.

Know anything about the 8 limbed method? I do.
yeh, pot should be legalized.

the harm from criminalization is worse than the harm from smoking it.

Anslinger (who wanted to be more powerful than Hoover) made thing very difficult by getting drug laws introduced into peace and commerce treaties between the US and other countries. could be done though
No, legalizing crack, herion, rape, murder, welfare fraud, car jacking, drug dealing and failure to pay child support would help the black community by keeping 33% of their men out of jail and prison and off probation or parole. This would have the added benefit of saving the Tax Payers the billions of dollars a year it costs us to catch, prosecute, imprison and guard these people.
Would it make the black community feel better if we legalized pot? Seriously, we throw people in prison for doing a drug. This costs us billions of dollars that we could otherwise use to focus on more serious crimes.

I also think it isn't very fair...We should focus on violent crimes like murder, rape and robbery.

Do you agree? Would this help the black community????

Would legalizing psychotropic meds help you?
Would it make the black community feel better if we legalized pot? Seriously, we throw people in prison for doing a drug. This costs us billions of dollars that we could otherwise use to focus on more serious crimes.

I also think it isn't very fair...We should focus on violent crimes like murder, rape and robbery.

Do you agree? Would this help the black community????

I don't know. I don't have the statistics in front of me but I'll bet that there are more blacks in jail for marijuana charges than whites so if that's true then yes. But, otoh, will freeing it up increase the abuse? That migh somewhat negate the benefits.
Would it make the black community feel better if we legalized pot? Seriously, we throw people in prison for doing a drug. This costs us billions of dollars that we could otherwise use to focus on more serious crimes.

I also think it isn't very fair...We should focus on violent crimes like murder, rape and robbery.

Do you agree? Would this help the black community????

Well, considering that the whole reason that pot became illegal in the first place was because of a white racist FBI man named Anslinger who wanted to figure out a way to lock up all the blacks and hispanics. So, when he found out that the main consumers of cannabis were blacks and hispanics, he lobbied Congress to make it illegal, and he was helped out by the people of Hollywood who produced his propaganda film "Reefer Madness".

Not only would it help the black community, but it would help the nation as a whole. After you harvest the buds (the part of the plant you want to smoke), there's still a bunch of plant material left over in the form of the stalk and the leaves, which can be used to produce canvas, biofuel, paper and food.

Tin foil hat much?
The vast majority of people in the penal system for drug charges are on probation or doing some form of community service unless the drug charges were part of other more serious charges. Most people actually behind bars on drug charges alone are dealers or multiple-time losers.
The drug war is essentially part of the race war.

Nobody will admit this.

I say, separate the races.

We save on drug war costs. They go free.

As it is, life is still better for them with us. Free money.

No one will admit it because it's bull shit.

Well, I can certainly see where, if I were black, I'd be suspcious.

Who wrote and passed the law (Controlled Substances Act): Mostly Caucasians

Who is in jail for breaking this law (possession of small amounts of crack cocain and MJ): Mostly Blacks.
Legalizing pot would help the black community if we could shovel enough pot into the black community to keep them comatose. The issue isn't pot OR criminal activity, but pot AND criminal activity.

Is pot mentioned anywhere in this gang banger's wish list?

‘Killing Is The Solution,’ Gang Member Tells Walter Jacobson « CBS Chicago

“We’ve got to eat. We want to. We want money. We want to get fresh, we want fresh J’s almost every day. We want all that,” another young man said.

But where do they get the money they need? The young man answered bluntly.

“Rob, steal and kill. That’s the only way. We didn’t grow up in Beverly Hills. We don’t get it handed to us,” he said.

But given the state of their impoverished Englewood neighborhood, where is the money they can get?

“Selling drugs,” a young man replied. “In our neighborhood, I ain’t going to lie to you. That’s where the money comes from.”

They sell crack, cocaine, heroin, meth, it's not limited to pot. They believe that people in Beverly Hills do not work, it's insulting to ask black people to work when the people in Beverly Hills have everything just handed to them without doing a thing.
So tonight's broadcast on 60 minutes, and the ensuing election which has Prop 64 on the ballot to change the CO Constitution to allow MJ to be as legal as Alcohol Sales, will be of particular academic interest.

However, practically it is all nonsence.

The US Government passed the law prohibiting MJ possession.

Article VI, section 2 of the US Constitution will prohibit any state law from over-riding this federal law.

Perhaps Obama should be asked what measures he will take if re-elected to change the Controlled Substances Act: He is the correct race to make this call.
obama will be looking to take advantage of any legal marijuana soon. He'll have lots of time on his hands and a great need to relax.

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