Worst Scenario for the Right!!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.When Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson accepted the reality that they could not effectively govern the nation if they sought re-election to the White House, both men took the moral high ground and decided against running for a new term as president. President Obama is facing a similar reality—and he must reach the same conclusion.

2. He should abandon his candidacy for re-election in favor of a clear alternative, one capable not only of saving the Democratic Party, but more important, of governing effectively and in a way that preserves the most important of the president's accomplishments. He should step aside for the one candidate who would become, by acclamation, the nominee of the Democratic Party: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

3. Certainly, Mr. Obama could still win re-election in 2012. Even with his all-time low job approval ratings (and even worse ratings on handling the economy) the president could eke out a victory in November. But the kind of campaign required for the president's political survival would make it almost impossible for him to govern—not only during the campaign, but throughout a second term.

4. ...White House has concluded that if the president cannot run on his record, he will need to wage the most negative campaign in history to stand any chance. With his job approval ratings below 45% overall and below 40% on the economy, the president cannot affirmatively make the case that voters are better off now than they were four years ago. He—like everyone else—knows that they are worse.

5. President Obama is now neck and neck with a generic Republican challenger in the latest Real Clear Politics 2012 General Election Average (43.8%-43.%). Meanwhile, voters disapprove of the president's performance 49%-41% in the most recent Gallup survey, and 63% of voters disapprove of his handling of the economy, according to the most recent CNN/ORC poll.

6. By taking himself out of the campaign, he would change the dynamic from who is more to blame—George W. Bush or Barack Obama?—to a more constructive dialogue about our nation's future.

7. Mrs. Clinton is favored over former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney by 17 points (55%-38%), and Texas Gov. Rick Perry by 26 points (58%-32%). But this is about more than electoral politics. Not only is Mrs. Clinton better positioned to win in 2012 than Mr. Obama, but she is better positioned to govern if she does.
Patrick Caddell and Douglas Schoen: The Hillary Moment - WSJ.com

Luckily for those, like myself, who wish to see this sad excuse for a President - and, by extension, those who still support him- get the drubbing they so richly deserve, he is far too self-absorbed to do as Caddell and Schoen suggest.

Bravo, Mr. President...keep on keepin' on!
Any travel plans for 2013?
Yeah, he's not stepping aside. And she's not interested in running against him. Any credible challenge to Obama would have had to have organization in place long before now.

About 6 months back I'd have believed there's a chance he'd step aside. Now, no.

I wouldn't count out him winning yet. I'd still give the nod to the GOP as having the edge, especially if they pick Romney or Newt as the nominee. But anyone in the GOP that thinks 2012 is a slam dunk could be disappointed. Underestimating your opponent is the surest way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
well, if you elect any of the Republican front runners, stupid people do deserve a stupid President. By the way Grunt11b, in any sense of the word, he never could be called a Maxist Dictator. But former President Bush and cheney could be called dictator.
well, if you elect any of the Republican front runners, stupid people do deserve a stupid President. By the way Grunt11b, in any sense of the word, he never could be called a Maxist Dictator. But former President Bush and cheney could be called dictator.

obama is Dick Tater..
Stevenson and Humphrey lost. Eisenhower and Nixon won. "Worst case scenario for the right" my ass. Who do you think you're fooling?
well, if you elect any of the Republican front runners, stupid people do deserve a stupid President. By the way Grunt11b, in any sense of the word, he never could be called a Maxist Dictator. But former President Bush and cheney could be called dictator.

So, you graduated the same 2nd grade that Grunt did....... :eusa_whistle:
1.When Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson accepted the reality that they could not effectively govern the nation if they sought re-election to the White House, both men took the moral high ground and decided against running for a new term as president. President Obama is facing a similar reality—and he must reach the same conclusion.

2. He should abandon his candidacy for re-election in favor of a clear alternative, one capable not only of saving the Democratic Party, but more important, of governing effectively and in a way that preserves the most important of the president's accomplishments. He should step aside for the one candidate who would become, by acclamation, the nominee of the Democratic Party: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

3. Certainly, Mr. Obama could still win re-election in 2012. Even with his all-time low job approval ratings (and even worse ratings on handling the economy) the president could eke out a victory in November. But the kind of campaign required for the president's political survival would make it almost impossible for him to govern—not only during the campaign, but throughout a second term.

4. ...White House has concluded that if the president cannot run on his record, he will need to wage the most negative campaign in history to stand any chance. With his job approval ratings below 45% overall and below 40% on the economy, the president cannot affirmatively make the case that voters are better off now than they were four years ago. He—like everyone else—knows that they are worse.

5. President Obama is now neck and neck with a generic Republican challenger in the latest Real Clear Politics 2012 General Election Average (43.8%-43.%). Meanwhile, voters disapprove of the president's performance 49%-41% in the most recent Gallup survey, and 63% of voters disapprove of his handling of the economy, according to the most recent CNN/ORC poll.

6. By taking himself out of the campaign, he would change the dynamic from who is more to blame—George W. Bush or Barack Obama?—to a more constructive dialogue about our nation's future.

7. Mrs. Clinton is favored over former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney by 17 points (55%-38%), and Texas Gov. Rick Perry by 26 points (58%-32%). But this is about more than electoral politics. Not only is Mrs. Clinton better positioned to win in 2012 than Mr. Obama, but she is better positioned to govern if she does.
Patrick Caddell and Douglas Schoen: The Hillary Moment - WSJ.com

Luckily for those, like myself, who wish to see this sad excuse for a President - and, by extension, those who still support him- get the drubbing they so richly deserve, he is far too self-absorbed to do as Caddell and Schoen suggest.

Bravo, Mr. President...keep on keepin' on!
Any travel plans for 2013?

I agree with some of this but do not think he'll step aside!
Interesting...........the right wants Obama to step down and have Hillary step in for the nomination.

Anyone else remember when people here at USMB were saying the same thing about GOP candidates, and the right wing lunatics were saying it's just because "the left is scared of them"?

I guess the right is getting scared of Obama.
Interesting...........the right wants Obama to step down and have Hillary step in for the nomination.

Anyone else remember when people here at USMB were saying the same thing about GOP candidates, and the right wing lunatics were saying it's just because "the left is scared of them"?

I guess the right is getting scared of Obama.

"...the right wants Obama to step down and have Hillary step in for the nomination..."

Sailor, perhaps you'd like to peruse the OP one more time...you seem to have gotten the perspective exactly the opposite of the intent.

No...I'm on the Right, and fondly wish this empty suit to run...and be embarrassed by the result.
I believe Hillary would lose, as well...but I really, really want to see Obama in the dunking chair.
Interesting...........the right wants Obama to step down and have Hillary step in for the nomination.

Not me.

Obama is way easier to beat.

Anyone else remember when people here at USMB were saying the same thing about GOP candidates, and the right wing lunatics were saying it's just because "the left is scared of them"?

I guess the right is getting scared of Obama.

The left was terrified of Herman Cain, but the little Goebbels did their usual job on him.
Caddell and Schoen are two "Dem pollsters" who have nothing good at all to say about their party. This is at least the second time Schoen has argued for the Prez to step down. They dont' believe for a second that it would happen and they're just trotting out shit like this to be trolls and and try to capture part of the media narrative.

Just how much coverage have these two phonies gotten with their trolling op-eds, anyway?

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