World War III: North Korea (Fake News!)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This Memorial Day marks a time when our capitalism-diplomatic U.S. President (Donald Trump) is obligated to serve as a real diplomat of globalization consciousness.

The Trump Administration managed the nuclear-missile test crisis involving North Korea during Labor Day weekend 2017 and the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang and the resulting alliance between North Korea and South Korea.

Terrorism has scarred the modern landscape as has nuclear weapons and biochemical warfare threats, so this Memorial Day is the perfect day to reflect on why/how the Trump Administration is obligated to hype sanity!



"As Americans celebrated Memorial Day 2018, North Korea dropped two devastating nuclear bombs on Los Angeles (California) and Dallas (Texas) to send the message that modern democracy was not safe in any way from the anti-capitalism and anti-Western sentiments lingering since WWII because of Israel-Palestine conflicts. Is this the real face of modern diplomacy?"


"American youngsters reflected on the modernism relevance of comic book super-villains such as Red Skull (a fascist and 'super-terrorist') and Ruckus (a mutant whose vocal cords unleashed destructive and nuclear-like ripples). Every American youngster wondered who would raise up the evangelical spirit of the patriotic comic book superhero Captain America and how Captain America would deal with the modern problem of anti-globalization hellfire!"


"American film-makers made two Captain America films and were wondering how this destructive nuclear attack by North Korea on Memorial Day 2018 revealed that modern diplomacy was somehow...failing. After 9/11, the world knew that nothing was safe, and now, political theorists wondered just how the 'spirit' of Captain America would save Earth from the threat of anti-social behaviors --- namely, terrorism, nuclear weapons, and biochemical warfare."


"After the nuclear bombs dropped on American soil, God released his archangel Michael to control the fury and chaos and Michael dealt with Satan (the adversary of God and mankind) who himself was trying to use all this nuclear hysteria to incite violence, cynicism, and madness. Michael descended on Earth and found Satan cloaked invisibly as a great Minotaur-like dragon-creature. America was the property at stake, and Michael knew how democracy was nearly-invaluable to modern civilization."


"American comic book writers suggested that this nuclear devastation was a clear sign that Americans should embrace the patriotism and democratic symbolism of the crusading superhero team known as the Justice League of America (which included heroes/heroines such as Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and the Flash!). Would creative imagination about the potential for democratic Utopia conquer this new deadly threat of anarchy created by the looming desire to actually use nuclear and biochemical weapons? Even liberal society-critic radio-DJ Howard Stern was fascinated and commented that this World War III scenario offered the modern world the special opportunity to embrace the romantic patriotism of the gorgeous superheroine Wonder Woman..."


"America is the world's unofficial 'Big Brother' and hence is responsible for curbing the temptation to create anarchy and violence in this modern world of great networking and military intelligence related intrigue. American educators wanted to use James Bond political-espionage films to encourage students to think about the contours between global warfare and 'pro-humanism imagination'."


GOD: World War III is a sign of diplomacy requirements.
SATAN: World War II was a sign of anarchy control!
GOD: Perhaps war-films such as Saving Private Ryan symbolize hope.
SATAN: Many hate capitalism...cut and dry.
GOD: That's blunt but dangerously true!
SATAN: We have to encourage mankind to consider the value of philosophy.
GOD: Philosophy/art should be tempered with ethics and humility.
SATAN: I suppose creativity itself can be 'vain.'
GOD: That's because self-idealization can be selfish...
SATAN: How does democracy promote safe teamwork?
GOD: Wall Street is a totem of peaceful commerce...
SATAN: After 9/11, the world has become paranoid about commerce!
GOD: That's why we have the United Nations and the Security Council.
SATAN: Could World War III destroy humanity's respect for basic governance?
GOD: Fury is a reality, but teamwork promotes sane progress...
SATAN: In that case, let's hype Memorial Day as 'capitalism-patriotic.'
GOD: Isn't that what G.I. Joe comics and G.I. Joe films are all about?
SATAN: Could Planet Hollywood facilitate 'commercial diplomacy,' God?
GOD: Why not?
SATAN: I believe Facebook creates capitalism-friendships.
GOD: Let's hope you're right, my former 'first knight.'
SATAN: I'll always serve the 'global bazaar'...




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