World Cup 2006 - No Haters Please

How can fans help when refs card a team for doing slightly late tackles going for the ball. I understand its a foul but a freakin card? One little hit on their toes and those Italians would keep falling and grab their ankle, cry like a baby and out comes the card. I don't even think the Italian that elbowed the American deserved a red, it was a hard hit but didn't seem blatant. The guy got patched up and was fine. Let the boys play soccer for Pete's sake.
I'd have no problem getting drunk and cheering for them :D
I'm just not going to fly all the way over to the EU to do it :beer:
freeandfun1 said:
You've got to give it to the US. They far outplayed Italy today and would have won the game, in my opinion, if not for the officiating.

We've still got an outside chance to move on to the next round.:clap: :salute:

Who was involved in the goal that was offside? That was a rubbish call...
Magic Spray is just a ice cold freezing spray.

No surprise with Portugal. Figured they would win that one.

Anyone who watched the Ghana - CR game witnessed one of the biggest upsets in world soccer. Granted, CR was without Koller this game but still...compared to the way Ghana played (it actually looked like the played their "A" team today instead of the "B" team like last game), I don't think he even could have helped.

U.S. - Italy. Well...hard to describe my feelings about that one. Yes..I'm glad the U.S. tied them. We still have an outside chance to advance althought I still doubt that we will. Pope and Mastroeni are out the next game due to their red cards. I don't think we can beat Ghana.

As far as the officiating, I will agree with Roomy to a certain extent. Yes, you have to play with bad refs but...this guy was to the extreme. The only red card that was really a red card with De Rossi's elbow. Watching the replays, and slowing it down on the DVR, I don't think it was an "oops" elbow..I have never seen anyone jump for a ball with the arm like that.

The other reds were just bogus. Then it seemed like the ref decided that he would just sit back and let the teams play the last 35 minutes or so. There were challenges in that last part of the game that were far worse than the ones that drew the cards earlier.

Being an Italy fan, I noticed something that I haven't heard anyone mention yet. If Ghana beats the U.S. (which they probably will) and the CR beats Italy, Ghana and the CR will finish with 6 points; Italy with 4, and the U.S. with one.

Italy won't advance. Lippi is already under fire for some of his picks and other "style of play" disgreements. After the tie with the U.S, today, then not advancing to the next round..I think we will see him teaching in Mozambique next year.
I though I heard someone talking.....hmm..guess not.

It sure would be nice if the U.S. could score a goal (themselves) in this year's World Cup.
GotZoom said:
I though I heard someone talking.....hmm..guess not.

It sure would be nice if the U.S. could score a goal (themselves) in this year's World Cup.

Man, there were several really close ones. Twice Dempsey put it right on the foot of somebody who went wide, then Mastoeni puts it just over the crossbar!
no1tovote4 said:
Man, there were several really close ones. Twice Dempsey put it right on the foot of somebody who went wide, then Mastoeni puts it just over the crossbar!

Italy wasn't up to their game today. And the U.S. definitely played better than their opening game.

If it hadn't been for Cech, the CR would have probably got beat 6 nil. He definitely showed why he is the best keeper in the world right now.
If you want some humor, read some of the European coverage of yesterday's game between the US and Italy. From reading some of the articles on the game, it was the best officiated game of the cup so far, with the Americans being whiners while the Italians just simply shrugged off their cards and were classy in accepting them. The telegraph even said the US "ruined the game of Futbol" by playing so nasty. Quite interesting and obviously very biased. No mention that the ref was banned from officiating the 2002 World Cup because of being convicted of corruption in 2002 and because of poor evaluations from his own peers.

I agree that in Futbol officiating is part of the game and something both teams have to live with, but the European press is blaming the US for everything. They even said that both Pope and Mastreioni nearly broke the ankles of the players they tackled and that they both did with "extremely late and with their cleats up in an obvious attempt to injure".

I've never seen such bullshit reporting on a sports event before.
Well, The group with USA, Italy, Ghana and Czech Rep. is quite amazing...

Italy beats Ghana, Ghana beats Czech, and Czech beats strongly USA. But USA made a tie with Italy.... So, who can predict future ?

Tonight : France - South-Korea.

SK is in form, after the victory against Togo.

France is in trouble after the 0-0 vs. Switzerland.
France won the World Cup strength in 1998, won the European Championship in 2000, in these 2 tournaments they won against strong team (Denmark, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Brazil, Portugal...
In 2002 France missed totally the World Cup.
In 2004 for the Euro, they beats England, but after lost against Greece (the future winner of the Euro).
So, irregularity since 2002.
but France won the 3 last matches, before the World Cup : 1-0 against Mexico, 2-0 against Denmark, 3-1 against China.
Denmark and Mexico are stronger (on the paper) than SK or Togo....

So I hope France will shows her real face, the winning face.

We have the best players of the world, with Brazil and Argentina. But they seems to have less will than before.
the young french generation, winner of the former Euro junior and semi-finalist in the Euro junior 2006, announce a good generation of players.
Ribéry is one of these youthes.
He's awesome, but didn't play as well he cans against Switzerland.

Tonight, he will play probably in the last 25/30 minutes. And then give some fresh blood in the team, with his great speed and technic.

I hope France will win and convince.

Allez la France !!!! Allez les Bleus !!!!
I simply can't believe Parreira is keeping Ronaldo in the game. He whiffs on the one good opportunity for a goal. He is being double and triple teamed rendering him ineffective.

I think he is more concerned with Ronaldo getting his goals to give him the record for goal scoring.

(Aussies aren't playing bad either)
I will give Ronaldo a "good job" on that assist. Aussies should have crashed in on him; not given him time for a two step overs then a pass across the top of the area.

Good finish by Adriano too.

Aussies need a quick goal to tie. If Brazil scores another, it is liable to deflate the Aussies completely.

Then the flood gates will open.
GotZoom said:

Robinho in; Ronaldo out. what happens.


What a great first touch shot know who.

And Fred in the perfect position.

Still...Brazil does not look like a World Cup Champion.

If Australia plays as well against Croatia and they did against Brazil and Japan, they will advance.
Often the champion seems to play poorly in the first round. I've seen Brazil play, they aren't up to their normal level, but they did win 2-0...

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