Words to my fellow Democrat, Progressive, Liberals and Elites


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
We need to tone down the hateful, hurtful rhetoric, it makes us look bad!

I say this as a lifelong Liberal, Progressive, Democtatic, Left Winger. Most of you are acting like the kook fringe and it pains me. We got shellacked ion 2010 because we drifted too far Left. We need to take a look at ourselves as Liberal, Progressive, Democtatic, Left Wingers, tune down our rhetoric, stop the hate and be more like real Americans.

I read the words of my fellow Liberal, Progressive, Democtatic, Left Wingers here and I cry, I cry for our Democratic Party, I cry for the baby seals, I cry for the polar bears stranded by global warming, I cry for the children most of all I cry from the shellacking the Repubs handed us! Ouch!

Tune down the Hate! Our future as Liberal, Progressive, Democtatic, Left Wingers depends on it!

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We need to tone down the hateful, hurtful rhetoric, it make us look bad!

I say this as a lifelong Liberal, Progressive, Democtatic, Left Winger. Most of you are acting like the kook fringe and it pains me. We got shellacked ion 2010 because we drifted too far Left. We need to take a look at ourselves as Liberal, Progressive, Democtatic, Left Wingers, tune down our rhetoric, stop the hate and be more like real Americans.

I read the words of my fellow Liberal, Progressive, Democtatic, Left Wingers here and I cry, I cry for our Democratic Party, I cry for the baby seals, I cry for the polar bears stranded by global warming, I cry for the children most of all I cry from the shellacking the Repubs handed us! Ouch!

Tune down the Hate! Our future as Liberal, Progressive, Democtatic, Left Wingers depends on it!


Dear Frank,

Being the typical neocon whackjob that you are, the only thing you cry for, or care for, is yourself.

Kind regards
Frank is being silly as usual.

Well, while it may be true that it's silly to imagine CrusaderFrank as a liberal, the actual advice he is offering -- free of charge -- to liberals and Democrats is actually far from silly.

If they collectively had the ability and maturity to heed such advice, there is a chance that they might not get their asses kicked again in 2012 -- at least not so badly as they got their asses kicked in the recent midterm elections.
There is irony in that (IMO) these past mid-terms will get Obama elected again. My logic? If the status quo at been held, then he would all the blame for the mess. Now, with Republicans in charge of the house, the blame can be (deservedly) spread around. Plus, it will be a nice reminder to independents how much the GoP is the party of "No", as opposed to actually doing something...
There is irony in that (IMO) these past mid-terms will get Obama elected again. My logic? If the status quo at been held, then he would all the blame for the mess. Now, with Republicans in charge of the house, the blame can be (deservedly) spread around. Plus, it will be a nice reminder to independents how much the GoP is the party of "No", as opposed to actually doing something...

Silly calculation you make.

When the liberal Democratics held the Executive and BOTH houses of Congress by decisive numbers, they couldn't get much of anything passed -- not even a real budget -- without massive bribery. And what they did cram through, the people reject.

Now that they no longer have such massive voting advantages in the Senate and now, especially, that they lost the House entirely to the new GOP majority, they can't even do that much.

The GOP will get no blame (at least logically) when the answer to any pandering bullshit from the liberal Democratics is "Well, THEY had the House majority!" is the rejoinder, "But the GOP didn't have the Senate and couldn't override a Presidential veto!" The GOP can fairly say, "we had only enough power to STOP the President and liberal Democrat leaders from performing any more mischief like Obamacare."

Blame still resides entirely on the liberal Democrats in Congress and their nominal "leader," the President.

The Dims OWN this mess. They will get full "credit" for the mess. And the GOP can fairly say, "We were here to put on the brakes. It was the most we could do. Now we implore you, the American electorate, to help us help you. Turn out the liberal Democrats and give the GOP the veto-proof majorities and the filibuster proof Senate."

I say it again. I'm THRILLED with the prospect of GRIDLOCK.

And if the liberals attempt to turn the Arizona shooting into some kind of "let's all get along and achieve compromise" kumbaya sing-along crap, woe be upon the feckless Republicans who try to "go along" with that bullshit. America doesn't want your "compromise." Half a loaf of shit is still shit. No thanks.

Gridlock is good.
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We need to tone down the hateful, hurtful rhetoric, it make us look bad!

I say this as a lifelong Liberal, Progressive, Democtatic, Left Winger. Most of you are acting like the kook fringe and it pains me. We got shellacked ion 2010 because we drifted too far Left. We need to take a look at ourselves as Liberal, Progressive, Democtatic, Left Wingers, tune down our rhetoric, stop the hate and be more like real Americans.

I read the words of my fellow Liberal, Progressive, Democtatic, Left Wingers here and I cry, I cry for our Democratic Party, I cry for the baby seals, I cry for the polar bears stranded by global warming, I cry for the children most of all I cry from the shellacking the Repubs handed us! Ouch!

Tune down the Hate! Our future as Liberal, Progressive, Democtatic, Left Wingers depends on it!


Dear Frank,

Being the typical neocon whackjob that you are, the only thing you cry for, or care for, is yourself.

Kind regards

Your hateful fringe Leftists rhetoric will get us shellacked again in 2012
There is irony in that (IMO) these past mid-terms will get Obama elected again. My logic? If the status quo at been held, then he would all the blame for the mess. Now, with Republicans in charge of the house, the blame can be (deservedly) spread around. Plus, it will be a nice reminder to independents how much the GoP is the party of "No", as opposed to actually doing something...

If you had been paying attention or feel like doing a little digging you'll find independents fled the Dimocrats in droves in the November elections, siding instead with many of the positions taken by the Party of No.
There is irony in that (IMO) these past mid-terms will get Obama elected again. My logic? If the status quo at been held, then he would all the blame for the mess. Now, with Republicans in charge of the house, the blame can be (deservedly) spread around. Plus, it will be a nice reminder to independents how much the GoP is the party of "No", as opposed to actually doing something...

Don't be so accommodating, Dr. G. They will have two years to start up again with their neoconservative crapola. Plenty of time for our country to be reminded of what is lurking behind today's Republican party.
There is irony in that (IMO) these past mid-terms will get Obama elected again. My logic? If the status quo at been held, then he would all the blame for the mess. Now, with Republicans in charge of the house, the blame can be (deservedly) spread around. Plus, it will be a nice reminder to independents how much the GoP is the party of "No", as opposed to actually doing something...

Don't be so accommodating, Dr. G. They will have two years to start up again with their neoconservative crapola. Plenty of time for our country to be reminded of what is lurking behind today's Republican party.

It's not because of Republican that we got shellacked, it's because us Liberal, Progressive, Democtatic, Left Wingers fell away too far Left, we need to move back to the Center or we will go the way of the Wigs, I think they were the political party that made people wear those stupid wigs in Parliament.
We need to tone down the hateful, hurtful rhetoric, it make us look bad!

I say this as a lifelong Liberal, Progressive, Democtatic, Left Winger. Most of you are acting like the kook fringe and it pains me. We got shellacked ion 2010 because we drifted too far Left. We need to take a look at ourselves as Liberal, Progressive, Democtatic, Left Wingers, tune down our rhetoric, stop the hate and be more like real Americans.

I read the words of my fellow Liberal, Progressive, Democtatic, Left Wingers here and I cry, I cry for our Democratic Party, I cry for the baby seals, I cry for the polar bears stranded by global warming, I cry for the children most of all I cry from the shellacking the Repubs handed us! Ouch!

Tune down the Hate! Our future as Liberal, Progressive, Democtatic, Left Wingers depends on it!


Dear Frank,

Being the typical neocon whackjob that you are, the only thing you cry for, or care for, is yourself.

Kind regards
Neocons want to follow Wilsonian policies of making the whole world America as a global governance. Frank has never shown that tendency.

But I understand. You don't know what a neocon is outside it's nature as an epithet.
There is irony in that (IMO) these past mid-terms will get Obama elected again. My logic? If the status quo at been held, then he would all the blame for the mess. Now, with Republicans in charge of the house, the blame can be (deservedly) spread around. Plus, it will be a nice reminder to independents how much the GoP is the party of "No", as opposed to actually doing something...

Don't be so accommodating, Dr. G. They will have two years to start up again with their neoconservative crapola. Plenty of time for our country to be reminded of what is lurking behind today's Republican party.

It's not because of Republican that we got shellacked, it's because us Liberal, Progressive, Democtatic, Left Wingers fell away too far Left, we need to move back to the Center or we will go the way of the Wigs, I think they were the political party that made people wear those stupid wigs in Parliament.

Crumbling Fascade, a/k/a CrappyFaker, you fool NO ONE!

Frank is being silly as usual.

Well, while it may be true that it's silly to imagine CrusaderFrank as a liberal, the actual advice he is offering -- free of charge -- to liberals and Democrats is actually far from silly.

If they collectively had the ability and maturity to heed such advice, there is a chance that they might not get their asses kicked again in 2012 -- at least not so badly as they got their asses kicked in the recent midterm elections.

That is truly silly.

Somehow you just skipped right past all the hateful rhetoric and angry words from the right.

If Frank .. or you, were serious about toming down the anger, you'd be talking toyour own side of the fence.

The best thing democrats can do to ensure they won't get their asses kicked again is to pay attention to their base instead of pining to the hapless right .. which caused them to get their asses kicked in the first place.

Did you also somehow forget that republicans got stomped in 2008 .. did nothing to tone down right-wing idiocy. Try following your own advice.
Frank is being silly as usual.

Well, while it may be true that it's silly to imagine CrusaderFrank as a liberal, the actual advice he is offering -- free of charge -- to liberals and Democrats is actually far from silly.

If they collectively had the ability and maturity to heed such advice, there is a chance that they might not get their asses kicked again in 2012 -- at least not so badly as they got their asses kicked in the recent midterm elections.

That is truly silly.

Somehow you just skipped right past all the hateful rhetoric and angry words from the right.

If Frank .. or you, were serious about toming down the anger, you'd be talking toyour own side of the fence.

The best thing democrats can do to ensure they won't get their asses kicked again is to pay attention to their base instead of pining to the hapless right .. which caused them to get their asses kicked in the first place.

Did you also somehow forget that republicans got stomped in 2008 .. did nothing to tone down right-wing idiocy. Try following your own advice.

One of the problems with you stupid uber-libs is that you are unable to focus and LISTEN.

It is YOUR words, your hate-filled rhetoric, which your fellow liberal, CF, is warning you about.

But, it's casual. Don't listen to his sound, sage, rational advice. Stick with your hateful rhetoric and abysmal intolerance, instead.

Why not? It worked for you in the midterms so well, after all.

Yes. Ignore CF's advice.
Frank is being silly as usual.

Well, while it may be true that it's silly to imagine CrusaderFrank as a liberal, the actual advice he is offering -- free of charge -- to liberals and Democrats is actually far from silly.

If they collectively had the ability and maturity to heed such advice, there is a chance that they might not get their asses kicked again in 2012 -- at least not so badly as they got their asses kicked in the recent midterm elections.

That is truly silly.

Somehow you just skipped right past all the hateful rhetoric and angry words from the right.

If Frank .. or you, were serious about toming down the anger, you'd be talking toyour own side of the fence.

The best thing democrats can do to ensure they won't get their asses kicked again is to pay attention to their base instead of pining to the hapless right .. which caused them to get their asses kicked in the first place.

Did you also somehow forget that republicans got stomped in 2008 .. did nothing to tone down right-wing idiocy. Try following your own advice.

Black, hateful hurtful rhetoric like yours is why we got shellacked in 2010 and will get it worse in 2012! Please tone down the hate! You make us Centrists Dems look bad
Well, while it may be true that it's silly to imagine CrusaderFrank as a liberal, the actual advice he is offering -- free of charge -- to liberals and Democrats is actually far from silly.

If they collectively had the ability and maturity to heed such advice, there is a chance that they might not get their asses kicked again in 2012 -- at least not so badly as they got their asses kicked in the recent midterm elections.

That is truly silly.

Somehow you just skipped right past all the hateful rhetoric and angry words from the right.

If Frank .. or you, were serious about toming down the anger, you'd be talking toyour own side of the fence.

The best thing democrats can do to ensure they won't get their asses kicked again is to pay attention to their base instead of pining to the hapless right .. which caused them to get their asses kicked in the first place.

Did you also somehow forget that republicans got stomped in 2008 .. did nothing to tone down right-wing idiocy. Try following your own advice.

One of the problems with you stupid uber-libs is that you are unable to focus and LISTEN.

It is YOUR words, your hate-filled rhetoric, which your fellow liberal, CF, is warning you about.

But, it's casual. Don't listen to his sound, sage, rational advice. Stick with your hateful rhetoric and abysmal intolerance, instead.

Why not? It worked for you in the midterms so well, after all.

Yes. Ignore CF's advice.


Ignoring CF is like .. normal for me. No effort is required.

No reason whatever for me to LISTEN to the likes of you or CF. Both of you have lots of advice for others, heed none yourself.

You hold onto the midterms for as long as you can. :lol:

In the words of republicans all over the tube today, "We don't run the government."

No, you don't .. and I have NO DOUBT that Obama will be re-elected .. although without my vote.

Here's what you don't know .. the biggest winner of the midterms was Barack Obama. No differently than the biggest winner of Clinton's first term midterms was Bill Clinton. After two years of right-wing moronic politics, Americans went screaming back to the polls to re-elect Clinton .. and guess what?

A better understanding of politics would do you well. :lol:

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