Women Punching..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
It's wrong..wrong..wrong

[ame=http://youtu.be/c7Y2zJSt0ck]Jets fan socks woman in face - YouTube[/ame]

A Jets fan was caught on video slugging a woman right in the face during a brawl at MetLife Stadium on Sunday.

The video, posted on the website Deadspin and YouTube shows a hulking Jets fan being pulled away from the brawl before he is confronted by the female fan and decks her.

A commenter on Deadspin said that the fight started over a rivalry between Jets and New England Patriot fans.

“The whole thing was shameful it’s a football game and you don’t hit a girl or call her a bitch,” the commenter said.

Jets fan socks woman in face | New York Post
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I can't help but wonder that in this time of lowered chivalry, morality and stressful times, if this sorta thing will happen more often or already does...?

Do women feel more threatened by men than they used to..:dunno:
Let's be specific. The women had to run a dozen feet to criminally push him, not back away, and get hit in the face.

He is a jerk to criminally batter her. She was stupid to go where she did not belong. Stupid sometimes gets hurt.

They both are persons of interest in a police investigation. They can both be charged and prosecuted.
A guy shouldn't have to hit a woman. That said, why is this women jumping in here anyway?
I believe I heard today that the woman is going to be charged as well, because she charged at the man and slapped him.

Far as I'm concerned, no one should be hitting anyone, ever, it's wrong no matter of your sex. If you're going to be hitting on people, you should just expect to get hit back, you opened the door. Don't want to get hit, don't hit anyone.

But fighting just because you're fans of different football teams... the height of stupidity.
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I believe I heard today that the woman is going to be charged as well, because she charged at the man and slapped him.

Far as I'm concerned, no one should be hitting anyone, ever, it's wrong no matter of your sex. If you're going to be hitting on people, you should just expect to get hit back, you opened the door. Don't want to get hit, don't hit anyone.

But fighting just because you're fans of different football teams... the height of stupidity.

True, they are all crazy, no game or team is worth it.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebJBVqrZHGM]Black Man Brutally Knocks Out a 16 yr old GIRL - London CCTV of Plaistow Hate Crime Victim - YouTube[/ame]
I can't help but wonder that in this time of lowered chivalry, morality and stressful times, if this sorta thing will happen more often or already does...?

Do women feel more threatened by men than they used to..:dunno:

How would this indicate women feeling more threatened? If anything it would seem to indicate less threat; why would the woman have charged and attacked the man if she felt particularly threatened by him?

Being female should not be protection from retaliation if you swing at someone. :)
Bullshit. Men don't need to punch women unless they are in fear for their life. That guy wasn't in fear for his life, and it appears he shoved her, thus instigating the altercation.

So do you maintain a woman should just submit to being shoved?
Batterers pull this kind of crap, it is a well documented and recognized tactic..they push, pull, slap...the whole intent is to initiate an attack, so then they can say "she hit me first".

Don't hit women. If you're telling yourself it's okay if she hits you first, then you're a batterer, because it's still not okay, unless you are literally incapable of defending yourself in any other way. That guy had no business hitting her in the face, and he had no business shoving her.
(1) It is almost never appropriate to strike another person. Regardless of the genders involved.

(2) If one person has a huge physical advantage over another person, one might say that it is absolutely never appropriate to strike the smaller person. First choice, walk away; if not possible, then restrain without striking.

(3) While men are generally bigger and stronger than women, that may not be true in every single case.

(4) I have seen cases when a woman was intentionally "over-playing her hand," in a confrontation, assuming that the man would never strike her. This ain't exactly fair, and it would be understandable if a man decided to physically strike back in response to strident verbal or physical abuse from a woman.

(5) Regardless, nothing good can result from striking a woman.

(6) One of the big attractions of professional football is seeing a 350 pound defensive lineman sneak up behind a 190 pound quarterback who is looking in another direction, and pound the shit out of him. Knock him out cold. Put him on the "disabled list" or whatever they call it in football. Nice, huh?

(7) It is sad that the 5% of pro football fans who are normal have to be slandered with bad press because of the actions of the 95% who are idiots.

Wait. That didn't come out right, did it?
Bullshit. Men don't need to punch women unless they are in fear for their life. That guy wasn't in fear for his life, and it appears he shoved her, thus instigating the altercation.

So do you maintain a woman should just submit to being shoved?

I didn't see a shove. If he shoved her first, he obviously started it.

My point is that women shouldn't get a free pass to be physical with men. In a situation where it is acceptable to hit a man, it is acceptable to hit a woman. Those situations are few and far between, but differentiating by gender IMO says that women are less than men.
Batterers pull this kind of crap, it is a well documented and recognized tactic..they push, pull, slap...the whole intent is to initiate an attack, so then they can say "she hit me first".

Don't hit women. If you're telling yourself it's okay if she hits you first, then you're a batterer, because it's still not okay, unless you are literally incapable of defending yourself in any other way. That guy had no business hitting her in the face, and he had no business shoving her.

Let me guess....this doesn't hold true if I substitute men for women in your paragraph?
Bullshit. Men don't need to punch women unless they are in fear for their life. That guy wasn't in fear for his life, and it appears he shoved her, thus instigating the altercation.

So do you maintain a woman should just submit to being shoved?

I thought you wanted equality
Batterers pull this kind of crap, it is a well documented and recognized tactic..they push, pull, slap...the whole intent is to initiate an attack, so then they can say "she hit me first".

Don't hit women. If you're telling yourself it's okay if she hits you first, then you're a batterer, because it's still not okay, unless you are literally incapable of defending yourself in any other way. That guy had no business hitting her in the face, and he had no business shoving her.

Excuse me, but were you there? According to the statement of the guy's mother who was at the game with him, her son was defending her. She claimed that they were being harassed by that group throughout the entire game and they escalated things as the game was letting out. Maybe she isn't being truthful, but we don't really know that since there is no video documenting what happened earlier.

Everyone is jumping all over this guy and making assumptions about him without knowing the whole story.
Bullshit. Men don't need to punch women unless they are in fear for their life. That guy wasn't in fear for his life, and it appears he shoved her, thus instigating the altercation.

So do you maintain a woman should just submit to being shoved?
I don't see the woman get shoved.

In any case, a shove is no reason to attack someone and HIT them. If you do attack someone and HIT them just because you got shoved, then you are every bit as guilty of escalating the situation as the person that shoved you, man or woman, makes no difference.
Bullshit. Men don't need to punch women unless they are in fear for their life. That guy wasn't in fear for his life, and it appears he shoved her, thus instigating the altercation.

So do you maintain a woman should just submit to being shoved?

I thought you wanted equality

You have me mixed up with someone else. I have never thought men and women are equal physically. I don't think they are alike at all.
Bullshit. Men don't need to punch women unless they are in fear for their life. That guy wasn't in fear for his life, and it appears he shoved her, thus instigating the altercation.

So do you maintain a woman should just submit to being shoved?
I don't see the woman get shoved.

In any case, a shove is no reason to attack someone and HIT them. If you do attack someone and HIT them just because you got shoved, then you are every bit as guilty of escalating the situation as the person that shoved you, man or woman, makes no difference.

Meh, whatever.

It's just more of the same, "If you're strong enough, you can do whatever you want and nobody better say anything."

You guys defend criminal pieces of shit right across the board.

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