Women can't be trusted with their own bodies

It does accurately describe the great majority of Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right – not just ‘MAGA.’

The ignorance, fear, and hate, the illiberal, anti-democratic, neo-fascist authoritarianism, the contempt for the rule of law and the Constitution, and the tyranny of Republican minority rule seeking more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty existed decades before Trump.

Trump is the product of an illiberal, anti-democratic, neo-fascist, authoritarian GOP.
Perfect example of the Marxist propaganda; falsely blaming those who disagree with you for the bad shit you yourself do. ^^^^^^
In his book The Anatomy of Fascism, Robert O. Paxton identifies fascism as “political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity.”

This defines the GOP and conservativism perfectly.
America is not Vichy France, dumbo.
Here's how it works. The PEOPLE elect representatives in the legislatures, and the legislators decide what to put in the laws. BY DEFINITION, the legislators reflect the will of the People. Saying that the legislators are preventing the will of the people from carrying the day is simply stupid. They ARE the will of the people.

Deal with it.
Gerrymander would like to have a word.
We know the "old America" you are referring to.
Women can't "legally" commit suicide or ingest harmful substances. Why do left wingers think they can kill the life inside them that they created?
Our legal system has decided that a woman can be judge, jury and executioner of the innocent life inside her. Some women claim that their bodies are solely theirs to do with what they will but, the truth is, there is another entity (male) that is needed to create that life. Today males are generally thought of as nothing more than sperm donors and the life growing inside is nothing but a bunch of self replicating cells. What they fail to realize, (because of bad education) is that self replicating cells ARE life.

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