Woman Survives Vicious Otter Attack

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Boy, first sea lions and now the otters are attacking. Who would have thunk? Next thing you know a man will get attacked by a confused squirrel who is just trying to store his nuts away for winter. This woman is extremely lucky to be alive though.

Boy, first sea lions and now the otters are attacking. Who would have thunk? Next thing you know a man will get attacked by a confused squirrel who is just trying to store his nuts away for winter. This woman is extremely lucky to be alive though.

Humans are a trip. We are such a weak species that we would let a small critter like that fuck us up. I understand a few bites to the hand but then adrenaline kicks in and suddenly I'm stomping out it's life in about 2 seconds.

I remember the story of the guy who drown because he got attacked by a swan and it was a winter pond. He got hypotermia. He should have done what I did when a swan attacked me. I grabbed that long neck with one hand and the body with my other hand and I dunked it. Of course I wasn't swimming over my head when it happened and it wasn't winter time either.

I heard a story once where a raccoon I believe had rabies and attacked this woman. She said she will never look at nature the same. She let it just bite the shit out of one of her hands. With her other hand she called her son who then came and killed it.

I will admit if a raccoon, squirrel, possum, anything came after me I'd freak out too. And you know you are going to take a few bites and claw marks. It would suck. But how did the thing tear her face apart so much? I have to see if I can read the story.
Boy, first sea lions and now the otters are attacking. Who would have thunk? Next thing you know a man will get attacked by a confused squirrel who is just trying to store his nuts away for winter. This woman is extremely lucky to be alive though.

Dyer TN, home of the white albino squirrels already has had squirrels attacking people in years past, as it make momentary local news, but to my knowledge, not like that lady, you posted on.
Dyer TN, home of the white albino squirrels already has had squirrels attacking people in years past, as it make momentary local news, but to my knowledge, not like that lady, you posted on.
Huh, we had a whole host of albino white squirrels in Olney, IL...didn't know TN had them also.
I always thought that otters were so cute, I didn't realize how dangerous they actually are.
Boy, first sea lions and now the otters are attacking. Who would have thunk? Next thing you know a man will get attacked by a confused squirrel who is just trying to store his nuts away for winter. This woman is extremely lucky to be alive though.

Royce’s face, arms, ears, hands, legs and ankle were all bit by the otter as it attacked for about five minutes. When Royce attempted to kick the otter off her friends, it continued to attack her elsewhere on her body.

Eventually the three women managed to get to shore, in different areas, and the otter swam away.

“While attacks from otters are rare, otters can be protective of themselves and their young, especially at close distances,” Montana FWP said. “They give birth to their young in April and can later be seen with their young in the water during the summer. They may also be protective of food resources, especially when those resources are scarce.”
I always thought that otters were so cute, I didn't realize how dangerous they actually are.
While attacks from otters are rare, otters can be protective of themselves and their young. They may also be protective of food resources, especially when those resources are scarce.
Seems that they couldn't get it sorted out on whether is was sea otters or land otters?

Which indicates that it was a fill in story for lack of something better.

And 2/3's of Americans won't know the difference anyway.
Seems that they couldn't get it sorted out on whether is was sea otters or land otters?

Which indicates that it was a fill in story for lack of something better.

And 2/3's of Americans won't know the difference anyway.
It was a river otter.

What's a land otter?
Huh, we had a whole host of albino white squirrels in Olney, IL...didn't know TN had them also.
I think, within that city limits, they are protected. But, I have also heard white squirrel stew is delicious. :auiqs.jpg:
It was a river otter.

What's a land otter?
You missed the caption in which it was said to be a river (land) otter. Pictured around 55 seconds are a couple of shots of sea otters.
don't dwell on the details, it's not important.
Humans are a trip. We are such a weak species that we would let a small critter like that fuck us up. I understand a few bites to the hand but then adrenaline kicks in and suddenly I'm stomping out it's life in about 2 seconds.

I remember the story of the guy who drown because he got attacked by a swan and it was a winter pond. He got hypotermia. He should have done what I did when a swan attacked me. I grabbed that long neck with one hand and the body with my other hand and I dunked it. Of course I wasn't swimming over my head when it happened and it wasn't winter time either.

I heard a story once where a raccoon I believe had rabies and attacked this woman. She said she will never look at nature the same. She let it just bite the shit out of one of her hands. With her other hand she called her son who then came and killed it.

I will admit if a raccoon, squirrel, possum, anything came after me I'd freak out too. And you know you are going to take a few bites and claw marks. It would suck. But how did the thing tear her face apart so much? I have to see if I can read the story.

How do you stomp something in the water?
An otter will bite in the testicles.

They will raid the foot cabinets although they are six feet off the ground.

They will run away with your spouse.

Leave the alone.
How do you stomp something in the water?
That otter moves so fast you don't. But I would grab whatever was biting my face and squeeze the life out of it. Even if it bit my hands, I wouldn't let go.

I was at the dog park and a pitbull attacked this little mut. In it's mouth shaking it like a rag doll. My first instinct was to grab it by the collar and yell let it go. When that didn't work, I immediately tried to ram my right middle finger up it's ass. I missed but barely. He let the mutt go. LOL.

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