Woke College Administrators Discover, Pledge to Fight, RACISM


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

This is one of thousands of ersatz apologies from college flunkies around the nation, kowtowing to a mindless, fact-free "movement" that was energized by the recent death of one George Floyd, a death which no tangible evidence indicates had anything to do with his race. Floyd was a career ne'er-do-well and petty criminal, caught in the act of passing counterfeit money, being high on illegal substances and refusing DOZENS OF TIMES to accede to the reasonable requests of the arresting officers to get in the [fucking] squad car. Had he done so, he would be alive today. But I digress...

As for the college statement and declaration, there is a PROBLEM with it.

The PROBLEM is that...there is no recent history of racism at Brown. Far from it. Brown, like virtually every other college in the Land has for DECADES discriminated IN FAVOR of Blacks and other "minorities" and "persons of color." Discrimination against Blacks on college campuses hasn't occurred since Stokely Carmichael was railing about it in the 60's. And there was damn little of it even at that time.

For at least the past 40 years, Brown has accepted Black students with sub-par credentials, hired Black teachers with middling resumes, promoted Blacks to professorships with less-than-sterling scholarship, and appointed Black Administrators based onf no particular merit on their part. This has been the norm for as long as any of their students have been alive.

So to say now that, in effect, "We" acknowledge our current racism and promise to do better is almost unimaginable. Will they require even a HS diploma for Blacks to get into Brown (or pick your other favored institution)? How could they? Will they promote their janitors to faculty positions? How can they grovel even more than they are already grovelling?

But you know that they will do it. By writing these apology letters, the Academics demonstrate to THE WORLD that they have abandoned all reference to facts and/or logical thought. They confess to racism that not only does not exist on campus, it is the OPPOSITE of what occurs on most campuses every freakin' day!

Pity the white students who strive for the four-point-something QPA's, study for the SAT's, strive to add things to their personal background that will make them look more attractive to the Admission committees, only to learn that a fourth of the Freshman class has been chosen purely on the basis of the color of their skin - which is to say, anything but white or yellow. And what about the white students who DO get in, being forced to endure four years of Leftist indoctrination, trying to convince them that they are EVIL because some unrelated people many scores of years ago once owned SLAVES, the the descendants of those slaves are taking up space in their classrooms.

It is fucked up. How could anyone send their kids to such an institution? And pay dearly for the privilege?

This is one of thousands of ersatz apologies from college flunkies around the nation, kowtowing to a mindless, fact-free "movement" that was energized by the recent death of one George Floyd, a death which no tangible evidence indicates had anything to do with his race. Floyd was a career ne'er-do-well and petty criminal, caught in the act of passing counterfeit money, being high on illegal substances and refusing DOZENS OF TIMES to accede to the reasonable requests of the arresting officers to get in the [fucking] squad car. Had he done so, he would be alive today. But I digress...

As for the college statement and declaration, there is a PROBLEM with it.

The PROBLEM is that...there is no recent history of racism at Brown. Far from it. Brown, like virtually every other college in the Land has for DECADES discriminated IN FAVOR of Blacks and other "minorities" and "persons of color." Discrimination against Blacks on college campuses hasn't occurred since Stokely Carmichael was railing about it in the 60's. And there was damn little of it even at that time.

For at least the past 40 years, Brown has accepted Black students with sub-par credentials, hired Black teachers with middling resumes, promoted Blacks to professorships with less-than-sterling scholarship, and appointed Black Administrators based onf no particular merit on their part. This has been the norm for as long as any of their students have been alive.

So to say now that, in effect, "We" acknowledge our current racism and promise to do better is almost unimaginable. Will they require even a HS diploma for Blacks to get into Brown (or pick your other favored institution)? How could they? Will they promote their janitors to faculty positions? How can they grovel even more than they are already grovelling?

But you know that they will do it. By writing these apology letters, the Academics demonstrate to THE WORLD that they have abandoned all reference to facts and/or logical thought. They confess to racism that not only does not exist on campus, it is the OPPOSITE of what occurs on most campuses every freakin' day!

Pity the white students who strive for the four-point-something QPA's, study for the SAT's, strive to add things to their personal background that will make them look more attractive to the Admission committees, only to learn that a fourth of the Freshman class has been chosen purely on the basis of the color of their skin - which is to say, anything but white or yellow. And what about the white students who DO get in, being forced to endure four years of Leftist indoctrination, trying to convince them that they are EVIL because some unrelated people many scores of years ago once owned SLAVES, the the descendants of those slaves are taking up space in their classrooms.

It is fucked up. How could anyone send their kids to such an institution? And pay dearly for the privilege?
Sounds like a college that shouldn't be at all.
Spot on. I can verify that the wave of "Wokeness" is sweeping through the large state universities as well. My wife has just about had it and has a meeting to discuss her retirement options. The problem is on top of all of the work professors do, they are now expected to attend special meetings on how to deal with students of color, how to combat "anti-Racism", how to "deconolize your syllabus, and dozens of other nonsense tasks that have nothing to do with educating graduate students.

This is one of thousands of ersatz apologies from college flunkies around the nation, kowtowing to a mindless, fact-free "movement" that was energized by the recent death of one George Floyd, a death which no tangible evidence indicates had anything to do with his race. Floyd was a career ne'er-do-well and petty criminal, caught in the act of passing counterfeit money, being high on illegal substances and refusing DOZENS OF TIMES to accede to the reasonable requests of the arresting officers to get in the [fucking] squad car. Had he done so, he would be alive today. But I digress...

As for the college statement and declaration, there is a PROBLEM with it.

The PROBLEM is that...there is no recent history of racism at Brown. Far from it. Brown, like virtually every other college in the Land has for DECADES discriminated IN FAVOR of Blacks and other "minorities" and "persons of color." Discrimination against Blacks on college campuses hasn't occurred since Stokely Carmichael was railing about it in the 60's. And there was damn little of it even at that time.

For at least the past 40 years, Brown has accepted Black students with sub-par credentials, hired Black teachers with middling resumes, promoted Blacks to professorships with less-than-sterling scholarship, and appointed Black Administrators based onf no particular merit on their part. This has been the norm for as long as any of their students have been alive.

So to say now that, in effect, "We" acknowledge our current racism and promise to do better is almost unimaginable. Will they require even a HS diploma for Blacks to get into Brown (or pick your other favored institution)? How could they? Will they promote their janitors to faculty positions? How can they grovel even more than they are already grovelling?

But you know that they will do it. By writing these apology letters, the Academics demonstrate to THE WORLD that they have abandoned all reference to facts and/or logical thought. They confess to racism that not only does not exist on campus, it is the OPPOSITE of what occurs on most campuses every freakin' day!

Pity the white students who strive for the four-point-something QPA's, study for the SAT's, strive to add things to their personal background that will make them look more attractive to the Admission committees, only to learn that a fourth of the Freshman class has been chosen purely on the basis of the color of their skin - which is to say, anything but white or yellow. And what about the white students who DO get in, being forced to endure four years of Leftist indoctrination, trying to convince them that they are EVIL because some unrelated people many scores of years ago once owned SLAVES, the the descendants of those slaves are taking up space in their classrooms.

It is fucked up. How could anyone send their kids to such an institution? And pay dearly for the privilege?
Thank you for that and keep the faith. I have a good feeling about the way things are going to go.
The PROBLEM is that...there is no recent history of racism at Brown. Far from it. Brown, like virtually every other college in the Land has for DECADES discriminated IN FAVOR of Blacks and other "minorities" and "persons of color."
So true
Brown? That place is so far left it's amazing that it's still on earth.
College (and likely as not public education) adminstrators are products of the dumbing down of America.
Neither race or George Floyd has anything to do with it- although race, when accounted for, shows far more racism practiced against Asians.

Two articles I want to point out here.

America’s Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution

Today's ruling class, from Boston to San Diego, was formed by an educational system that exposed them to the same ideas and gave them remarkably uniform guidance, as well as tastes and habits. These amount to a social canon of judgments about good and evil, complete with secular sacred history, sins (against minorities and the environment), and saints. Using the right words and avoiding the wrong ones when referring to such matters -- speaking the "in" language -- serves as a badge of identity. Regardless of what business or profession they are in, their road up included government channels and government money because, as government has grown, its boundary with the rest of American life has become indistinct. Many began their careers in government and leveraged their way into the private sector. Some, e.g., Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, never held a non-government job. Hence whether formally in government, out of it, or halfway, America's ruling class speaks the language and has the tastes, habits, and tools of bureaucrats. It rules uneasily over the majority of Americans not oriented to government.

This is an old archived article so it takes a bit to load

The second one is this
American Pravda: Racial Discrimination at Harvard


It appears to me the "elite" schools have not only a race problem, but a religious one as well and gotta be connected one too.

The second article was accepted by the MSM as true- though they wouldn't address the Jewish aspect- I wonder why? Of course one has to want to know and therefore read both articles. Or, "opinion" can be accepted as fact and let it go at that.

Not that I disagree with the OT, or the OP- but there's a lot more to it than a cut and dried "race" problem.
The highest levels of academia are as corrupt as the gov't they serve. BOTH sides subscribe to Public Education and guess who determines what is or isn't valuable in the education arena? All the way to the "elite" schools there is a corrupt to the core model that has succeeded in it's intent.

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