WND kooks: Obama "planned" Baltimore, wants to delay 2016 elections...


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!

So, today's portion of teh batshit-craaaazy, from RWNJ WND:

Baltimore Is it a set-up

I don’t think the chaos in Baltimore 'just happened'; I think it was planned and is the next step in the breakdown of our society. From now until the verdict in this trial, the agitators will continue to travel and communicate city to city, town to town, stirring up unrest and hate, keeping people on edge waiting to see the result of this cliff-hanger. If the verdict is not what they want, perhaps Obama will have to institute martial law to preserve order, form a national police force and postpone the 2016 elections. Crazy? Maybe, but we are on the edge in this country. Attacks are coming from all sides, from inside and outside of our borders, and we are becoming overwhelmed. What happens when Baltimore spreads across the country and our television screens show four or five cities burning at once? Who will we turn to at that point? 'One Nation under God' – we need Him now more than ever.


Discuss: how batshit crazy is faded actress Morgan Brittany ("I shot JR")?
OF course it was planned. So was Fergurson, St. Louis etc... anywhere Al sharpton show up at. Obama didn't host Al Sharpton 61 times at the white house for, tea and crumpets.
  1. National Review: Al Sharpton Was WH Guest 61 Times Since '09. Not everyone gets to drop in at the presidential residence for a chat with President Barack Obama, but the White House welcome mat most definitely has been out for one frequent visitor — the Rev. Al Sharpton.Dec 12, 2014
  2. National Review: Al Sharpton Was WH Guest 61 Times ...

and you Obots calling others kooks. that a real frikken hoot. Especially coming from the head clown Obot

are you this hard up?
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BHO did not plan it and did not exploit.

The far right has to get over itself.

So, today's portion of teh batshit-craaaazy, from RWNJ WND:

Baltimore Is it a set-up

I don’t think the chaos in Baltimore 'just happened'; I think it was planned and is the next step in the breakdown of our society. From now until the verdict in this trial, the agitators will continue to travel and communicate city to city, town to town, stirring up unrest and hate, keeping people on edge waiting to see the result of this cliff-hanger. If the verdict is not what they want, perhaps Obama will have to institute martial law to preserve order, form a national police force and postpone the 2016 elections. Crazy? Maybe, but we are on the edge in this country. Attacks are coming from all sides, from inside and outside of our borders, and we are becoming overwhelmed. What happens when Baltimore spreads across the country and our television screens show four or five cities burning at once? Who will we turn to at that point? 'One Nation under God' – we need Him now more than ever.


Discuss: how batshit crazy is faded actress Morgan Brittany ("I shot JR")?
The volume in an echo chamber increases rapidly.

Not Mr. Gray.

but the riots afterwards are being fed by Sharpton with Obama's approval. the black panthers are now involved along with the OWS, unions, the DNC/progressive/commie party.

So, today's portion of teh batshit-craaaazy, from RWNJ WND:

Baltimore Is it a set-up

I don’t think the chaos in Baltimore 'just happened'; I think it was planned and is the next step in the breakdown of our society. From now until the verdict in this trial, the agitators will continue to travel and communicate city to city, town to town, stirring up unrest and hate, keeping people on edge waiting to see the result of this cliff-hanger. If the verdict is not what they want, perhaps Obama will have to institute martial law to preserve order, form a national police force and postpone the 2016 elections. Crazy? Maybe, but we are on the edge in this country. Attacks are coming from all sides, from inside and outside of our borders, and we are becoming overwhelmed. What happens when Baltimore spreads across the country and our television screens show four or five cities burning at once? Who will we turn to at that point? 'One Nation under God' – we need Him now more than ever.


Discuss: how batshit crazy is faded actress Morgan Brittany ("I shot JR")?

Here the author writes:

Something is not right. I can feel it down to my core. I know that by saying out loud what I think I will be branded a kook and conspiracy theorist, but things are just not adding up. I completely agree with Erik Rush in his WND column of last week when he lays out his theory on why we are facing such turmoil.

I don’t think the chaos in Baltimore “just happened”; I think it was planned and is the next step in the breakdown of our society. I’m not saying that Freddie Gray, the 25 year old African-American man who died at the start of this was responsible; he was just the catalyst that the anarchists needed. He was the spark that ignited the flames.

So I believe everyone in America at this point has the feeling that "something isn't right", Stat. You are in Europe so you may not know that the climate today is many are suspicious of Obama. But putting that aside.... Since the day he stepped into office I have told people that I do not believe he will leave when his term is up. Granted he won another term. But when it is up in 2016. Will he leave? Not a chance. This guy is not going anywhere. I believe that as Americans we have become so acclimated to believing what should be rather than what is that we are ignoring the evidence right in front of us. What is that? That Obama has not abided by the Constitution, by the laws of the land since he entered office.

So is she right? Is this how he'll stay in? In the words of Hillary Clinton, what does it matter? The bottom line is he'll do whatever he has to do to make sure he doesn't have to leave. Whatever it takes? That's what he'll do.

And when the liberals see him get away with it? They will cheer him on. Because like him, they are godless men and women who have no moral compass (if ever they had one). No common sense to understand that America is the last great bastion of Freedom and they are handing it over to our enemies without a fight.

How will they explain that to their children when they are all in a slave labor camp together or worse yet standing before a communist firing squad?

In closing another clip from the author you are quoting:

This is not new. The playbook for inciting riots and racial division has been followed for years, definitely at a slower pace than we are seeing today – but now the final chapters are being read, and the climax is imminent.

So, today's portion of teh batshit-craaaazy, from RWNJ WND:

Baltimore Is it a set-up

I don’t think the chaos in Baltimore 'just happened'; I think it was planned and is the next step in the breakdown of our society. From now until the verdict in this trial, the agitators will continue to travel and communicate city to city, town to town, stirring up unrest and hate, keeping people on edge waiting to see the result of this cliff-hanger. If the verdict is not what they want, perhaps Obama will have to institute martial law to preserve order, form a national police force and postpone the 2016 elections. Crazy? Maybe, but we are on the edge in this country. Attacks are coming from all sides, from inside and outside of our borders, and we are becoming overwhelmed. What happens when Baltimore spreads across the country and our television screens show four or five cities burning at once? Who will we turn to at that point? 'One Nation under God' – we need Him now more than ever.


Discuss: how batshit crazy is faded actress Morgan Brittany ("I shot JR")?

Here the author writes:

Something is not right. I can feel it down to my core. I know that by saying out loud what I think I will be branded a kook and conspiracy theorist, but things are just not adding up. I completely agree with Erik Rush in his WND column of last week when he lays out his theory on why we are facing such turmoil.

I don’t think the chaos in Baltimore “just happened”; I think it was planned and is the next step in the breakdown of our society. I’m not saying that Freddie Gray, the 25 year old African-American man who died at the start of this was responsible; he was just the catalyst that the anarchists needed. He was the spark that ignited the flames.

So I believe everyone in America at this point has the feeling that "something isn't right", Stat. You are in Europe so you may not know that the climate today is many are suspicious of Obama. But putting that aside.... Since the day he stepped into office I have told people that I do not believe he will leave when his term is up. Granted he won another term. But when it is up in 2016. Will he leave? Not a chance. This guy is not going anywhere. I believe that as Americans we have become so acclimated to believing what should be rather than what is that we are ignoring the evidence right in front of us. What is that? That Obama has not abided by the Constitution, by the laws of the land since he entered office.

So is she right? Is this how he'll stay in? In the words of Hillary Clinton, what does it matter? The bottom line is he'll do whatever he has to do to make sure he doesn't have to leave. Whatever it takes? That's what he'll do.

And when the liberals see him get away with it? They will cheer him on. Because like him, they are godless men and women who have no moral compass (if ever they had one). No common sense to understand that America is the last great bastion of Freedom and they are handing it over to our enemies without a fight.

How will they explain that to their children when they are all in a slave labor camp together or worse yet standing before a communist firing squad?

In closing another clip from the author you are quoting:

This is not new. The playbook for inciting riots and racial division has been followed for years, definitely at a slower pace than we are seeing today – but now the final chapters are being read, and the climax is imminent.

thanks for posting that. We can't expect the kook Obots to be Honest.

they are so hard up for anything to cover for the MESS we are seeing and Living under this President. They have to cruise the web for things someone SAYS. that's just downright pathetic and show they're desperate
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Kind an amusing thread considering how many lefties out there still like to claim the Bush administration was behind 9-11.It's like no one thinks anyone remembers all the bat shit crazy stuff the left wing nut jobs put out.

So, today's portion of teh batshit-craaaazy, from RWNJ WND:

Baltimore Is it a set-up

I don’t think the chaos in Baltimore 'just happened'; I think it was planned and is the next step in the breakdown of our society. From now until the verdict in this trial, the agitators will continue to travel and communicate city to city, town to town, stirring up unrest and hate, keeping people on edge waiting to see the result of this cliff-hanger. If the verdict is not what they want, perhaps Obama will have to institute martial law to preserve order, form a national police force and postpone the 2016 elections. Crazy? Maybe, but we are on the edge in this country. Attacks are coming from all sides, from inside and outside of our borders, and we are becoming overwhelmed. What happens when Baltimore spreads across the country and our television screens show four or five cities burning at once? Who will we turn to at that point? 'One Nation under God' – we need Him now more than ever.


Discuss: how batshit crazy is faded actress Morgan Brittany ("I shot JR")?

You are quite the mentally disturbed individual aren't you?
Kind an amusing thread considering how many lefties out there still like to claim the Bush administration was behind 9-11.It's like no one thinks anyone remembers all the bat shit crazy stuff the left wing nut jobs put out.

oooooooooooo, burn...bravo
they are hard up to cover for everything happening to us under his reign of terror. that's all it is
that's Jim Jones cultist in my book

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