with Obamacare gone, what should Trumpcare look like? give your solution to health care


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
here's my plan: everyone's gotta be covered, this is an unconservative thing for me to say. a lot of times they say no no the lower 25 percent that cant afford private, but i would cover everyone, i dont care if it tanks my popularity on here, the government pays for it, but we save so much money on the other side. for the most part, its a private plan, but people go out and negotiate private plans with lots of competitors and they can have their doctors they can have their plans they can have everything
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under what should be Trumpcare, the older you get, the more money you get in subsidies. think of it as the opposite of being a Hollywood actor!
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Obamacare is universally hated in Washington. it is the Ted Cruz of health care!
here's my plan: everyone's gotta be covered, this is an unconservative thing for me to say. a lot of times they say no no the lower 25 percent that cant afford private, but i would cover everyone, i dont care if it tanks my popularity on here, the government pays for it, but we save so much money on the other side. for the most part, its a private plan, but people go out and negotiate private plans with lots of competitors and they can have their doctors they can have their plans they can have everything
We can’t afford the socialist entitlement programs we already have… We certainly cannot afford any more
insurance isn't the problem.....why "fixing" it is doomed to failure so they can get to where they want to go...universal which will also fail but you'll be stuck with it
Well I always thought that it would be great if we all paid into the government (a tax) that insures that we all get a health care card that can be used anywhere in the U.S. where it is needed. Pre-existing conditions are covered, and eye and dental are added instead of being seperate from the health card that is being issued.

Not sure what it would be called, but it could be worked out to include everyone to be covered by working out the tax to be spread out among all the working tax payers in the nation by a deduction to be levied or taken out of their paychecks each week.

Otherwise for example, if the tax was to cost the tax paying citizen $ 7.00 dollars a paycheck, then to add those who are struggling and needy by no fault of their own would be an additional $ 1.50 a week to be added as a "my brothers keeper ID"
in the amount as it would be listed.

The total deduction would be for example $8.50 a week for health care coverage for every working American citizen in the country to be covered along with the struggling Americans by no fault of their own being covered as well. Be nice to have a government health care card to just walk into a medical facility or practice with confidence that everything will be ok. Would allow the patient to focus on healing instead of worrying about finances etc.
Obamacare is dead. Pass legislation allowing insurance companies to compete in every state. Less regulation.
Get insurance out of the equation. Make insurance illegal. Medical facilities should only accept cash. That will reduce crime and prevent the savages from procreating. Medical facilities will have to bring their fees way down to market levels since American citizens will actually change their behavior to prevent needing a medical facility. Also allow pharmacists to prescribe stuff. They are more acquainted with medicine than most "doctors" anyway.
Even if it's broken ????
Who broke it?
You tell me ??? All I know is that I have worked all my life paying into private insurance, and have nothing to show for it, and that doesn't cut it. Now I'm older, and in that bad place where private insurance is to high, and I'm not old enough for the senior benefits. So why am I getting screwed over or abused by this messed up system that has cracks big enough for an elephant to fall through ??

The GOP plan has been to die quickly. For decades. Why would it change now?

Republicans have controlled the entire government for the last two years. Who did they help? Besides billionaires I mean?
Even if it's broken ????
Who broke it?
You tell me ??? All I know is that I have worked all my life paying into private insurance, and have nothing to show for it, and that doesn't cut it. Now I'm older, and in that bad place where private insurance is to high, and I'm not old enough for the senior benefits. So why am I getting screwed over or abused by this messed up system that has cracks big enough for an elephant to fall through ??
What you are describing is how it was before Obamacare.

The only reason I could retire early is because of Obamacare. Now I have medicare because I passed 65. Otherwise, for a few years, I wouldn't have had healthcare. During that time, I had polyps removed from a colonoscopy. I had a cancerous lump removed from my neck. Now I'm OK.

Relying on the GOP and I would be dead.

Infant Mortality and Life Expectancy in Appalachia Versus the Rest of the US

Look how they treat their own.

The GOP plan has been to die quickly. For decades. Why would it change now?

Republicans have controlled the entire government for the last two years. Who did they help? Besides billionaires I mean?
Where do you get the idea government is supposed to help you? Are you of sound mind and body and able to work for a living?
Insurance is only part of the problem. Pharma, Dr's, Hospitals, etc are all a part of the problem, not to mention the medical politics &/or paperwork as well.

Dr's no longer treat your problem, they treat the symptoms and/or side effects but rarely the root cause. A patient gets shuffled around between Drs, specialists, surgeons & prescribed more drugs than what they really need.

If a lot of that BS was cut out it would cut costs dramatically making it more affordable all the way around
Even if it's broken ????
Who broke it?
You tell me ??? All I know is that I have worked all my life paying into private insurance, and have nothing to show for it, and that doesn't cut it. Now I'm older, and in that bad place where private insurance is to high, and I'm not old enough for the senior benefits. So why am I getting screwed over or abused by this messed up system that has cracks big enough for an elephant to fall through ??
What you are describing is how it was before Obamacare.

The only reason I could retire early is because of Obamacare. Now I have medicare because I passed 65. Otherwise, for a few years, I wouldn't have had healthcare. During that time, I had polyps removed from a colonoscopy. I had a cancerous lump removed from my neck. Now I'm OK.

Relying on the GOP and I would be dead.

Infant Mortality and Life Expectancy in Appalachia Versus the Rest of the US

Look how they treat their own.
Oh bullcorn. You would have received care regardless. No one goes without care in this country when they need it.
Insurance is the problem - or rather our abuse of insurance. And that abuse has been directly fueled by decades of tax and labor policy herding us into our current employer provided healthcare pens.

The obvious and easiest thing to do is simply repeal the laws propping up the current system and let "We the People" work out solutions to our problems voluntarily - no laws required!

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