Witchhunt: Benghazi Panel Grills Huma Abedin For Six Hours In Closed Hearing


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Turmoil swirled again around the Republican-controlled Benghazi committee on Friday as it questioned a senior aide to Hillary Clinton, prompting fresh accusations that the panel was created to damage the Democratic front-runner's presidential campaign.

In a six-hour closed door interview, members and staff sought answers from Huma Abedin, for years a close confidante of Clinton. Abedin has served as the former secretary of state's assistant at the time of the 2012 attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya that killed four Americans.

Democratic Representative and panel member Elijah Cummings told reporters that summoning Abedin raised more questions about whether the panel is "a taxpayer funded effort to derail the candidacy of Hillary Clinton."

Cummings said Abedin, now campaign vice chairwoman of Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, had no responsibilities related to the tragedy the committee was set up to investigate.

Abedin said little about the interview. But she read a handwritten statement afterward, saying she "answered all of their questions to the best of my ability."

"I came here today to be as helpful as I could be to the committee. I wanted to honor the service of those lost and injured in the Benghazi attacks," Abedin said, adding she was "honored" to work for Clinton at State and "proud" of her service there.

Representative Lynn Westmoreland, a Republican panel member, said Abedin frequently answered questions with responses of "'I don't remember' and 'I don't recollect.'"

He did not reveal the questions that prompted such answers.

Representative Trey Gowdy, the panel's Republican chairman, said Abedin's testimony would assist the committee in writing a final report.

Though not in attendance, Gowdy said in a statement that the panel "greatly appreciates her willingness to take the time to voluntarily appear before the committee."

Abedin's appearance came less than a week before Clinton is to appear before the panel.

Benghazi Panel Grills Huma Abedin For Six Hours

It's curious why Trey Gowdy didn't see fit to personally attend Abedin's hearing. It has been reported that he has only personally attended about 10 out of 50 some Benghazi hearings - those with the "closest" connection to Hillary Clinton. Curious...

Trey Gowdy Says His Benghazi Investigation Isn't About Hillary, But...
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All eyes will be on Hillary on Thursday, October 22, when she publicly testifies before the Benghazi panel. She had to fight them to make her upcoming hearing public. Republicans wanted a closed hearing. Thank you, Mrs. Clinton. We'll be watching.
All eyes will be on Hillary on Thursday, October 22, when she publicly testifies before the Benghazi panel. She had to fight them to make her upcoming hearing public. Republicans wanted a closed hearing. Thank you, Mrs. Clinton. We'll be watching.
Why would you support a woman who deliberately lied for her sexual predator husband while deliberately destroying women who were victims of her husband's behavior?
She is Iranian and Hillary's closet advisor. Does that make you libs even a little curious?
I'm not a lib, and it makes me terribly upset that you have a fucking
She is Iranian and Hillary's closet advisor. Does that make you libs even a little curious?

It pisses me off that there is a Muslim with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood close to a major presidential candidate, as well as holding a high level position at the Department of State. It enrages me that there is an Iranian in the WH advising our president - Valerie Ferret.

But then, when I see photographs and video of Huma all of the blood flows out of my brain and my objective capacity flies out the window.
She should have just answered the questions. Then it would have been done sooner.

She should have been put in thumb screws or on the rack.
Hillary lied and people died. It makes Watergate look like child's play. If the mainstream media didn't circle the wagons around the democrat party Hillary would be in jail and Barry Hussein would have been laughed out of town eight years ago.
It must suck to be told to defend your selected leader.

Keep it up Lakhota, the pay off will be.... something... someday... You git to brag when you help get bad people elected, by defending them for not being as bad as the people you're told to hate....

Fuck this is getting weird, I'm out lol.

Turmoil swirled again around the Republican-controlled Benghazi committee on Friday as it questioned a senior aide to Hillary Clinton, prompting fresh accusations that the panel was created to damage the Democratic front-runner's presidential campaign.

In a six-hour closed door interview, members and staff sought answers from Huma Abedin, for years a close confidante of Clinton. Abedin has served as the former secretary of state's assistant at the time of the 2012 attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya that killed four Americans.

Democratic Representative and panel member Elijah Cummings told reporters that summoning Abedin raised more questions about whether the panel is "a taxpayer funded effort to derail the candidacy of Hillary Clinton."

Cummings said Abedin, now campaign vice chairwoman of Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, had no responsibilities related to the tragedy the committee was set up to investigate.

Abedin said little about the interview. But she read a handwritten statement afterward, saying she "answered all of their questions to the best of my ability."

"I came here today to be as helpful as I could be to the committee. I wanted to honor the service of those lost and injured in the Benghazi attacks," Abedin said, adding she was "honored" to work for Clinton at State and "proud" of her service there.

Representative Lynn Westmoreland, a Republican panel member, said Abedin frequently answered questions with responses of "'I don't remember' and 'I don't recollect.'"

He did not reveal the questions that prompted such answers.

Representative Trey Gowdy, the panel's Republican chairman, said Abedin's testimony would assist the committee in writing a final report.

Though not in attendance, Gowdy said in a statement that the panel "greatly appreciates her willingness to take the time to voluntarily appear before the committee."

Abedin's appearance came less than a week before Clinton is to appear before the panel.

Benghazi Panel Grills Huma Abedin For Six Hours

It's curious why Trey Gowdy didn't see fit to personally attend Abedin's hearing. It has been reported that he has only personally attended about 10 out of 50 some Benghazi hearings - those with the "closest" connection to Hillary Clinton. Curious...

Trey Gowdy Says His Benghazi Investigation Isn't About Hillary, But...
Any women that is married to Anthony wiener and works for Hillary Clinton has to have the lowest of character... She deserves the worst possible treatment and the lowest of respect.

Dumb a$$ bitch

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