State Department: Christianity Under Attack Worldwide


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The State Dept. has concluded that Christians are being targeted by Muslims. Of course, after so much senseless slaughter, it's impossible to ignore. Still waiting for Obama to show some outrage.

Now young males of prime fighting age make up most of the "refugees" that are being spread all over the globe. Where are all the women and children? Why are most photos showing the young males? And there are increasing reports of violence from these "refugees." They are making demands and acting hostile towards the people in the host countries. There is a lot of hate and it's coming mainly from the Muslims. The facts are what they are and it's time to stop pretending that Islamophobia is the problem. After all, which came first, the violence from Muslims or the growing concern over radicalized Muslims? Polls consistently show that a large percent of Muslims agree with the more radical views.

"The U.S. State Department released its annual International Religious Liberty report, and the findings show that Christianity is being targeted around the world.

The State Department cites the Islamic State as one of the worst persecutors of Christians.

"In Mosul, Iraq and nearby towns, shortly after the takeover of the area by militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), Christians who had been given the choice to convert, pay a ruinous tax, or die, gathered their families and what few possessions they could carry, and sought all possible means to escape,"
the report states. "It has forcibly displaced hundreds of thousands of people, conducted mass executions, and kidnapped, sold, enslaved, raped and/or forcibly converted thousands of women and children—all on the grounds that these people stand in opposition to ISIL’s religious dogma."

The persecution of Christians is not limited to the Middle East. From Boko Haram’s violence in West Africa to China’s crackdown on the Christian church, the world has become a more dangerous place for those who believe in Christ.

"In the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, and throughout Asia, a range of non-state actors including terrorist organizations, have set their sights on destroying religious diversity," the report states.

The extensive Congressional-mandated report examines every nation and non-affiliated groups for their treatment of religious minorities.

"In the report’s Executive Summary, Christians are mentioned 23 times in 6 pages, and they are always cited as victims, never perpetrators, of religious persecution," Catholic League President Bill Donohue said in a statement.

The report also addressed anti-semitism, which "continued to be a major problem around the globe with increases in anti-Semitic incidents recorded in many countries," the report states."

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the cabal of muslims and Brotherhood sympathizers in the Administration don't give a damn about the extermination of Christians....
the cabal of muslims and Brotherhood sympathizers in the Administration don't give a damn about the extermination of Christians....

Hi actions certainly leave no doubt about that. I saw more outrage over the Confederate flag than about the slaughter of infidels. Some good ole boys are being charged with domestic terrorism even though no one was killed. How can they do that when they defend Bergdahl and declare the Ft. Hood shootings workplace violence?

It's not enough to defend Muslims at every turn, no matter how heinous their crimes, they have to vilify those who haven't harmed anyone just because they oppose the administration.
The State Dept. has concluded that Christians are being targeted by Muslims. Of course, after so much senseless slaughter, it's impossible to ignore. Still waiting for Obama to show some outrage.

Now young males of prime fighting age make up most of the "refugees" that are being spread all over the globe. Where are all the women and children? Why are most photos showing the young males? And there are increasing reports of violence from these "refugees." They are making demands and acting hostile towards the people in the host countries. There is a lot of hate and it's coming mainly from the Muslims. The facts are what they are and it's time to stop pretending that Islamophobia is the problem. After all, which came first, the violence from Muslims or the growing concern over radicalized Muslims? Polls consistently show that a large percent of Muslims agree with the more radical views.

"The U.S. State Department released its annual International Religious Liberty report, and the findings show that Christianity is being targeted around the world.

The State Department cites the Islamic State as one of the worst persecutors of Christians.

"In Mosul, Iraq and nearby towns, shortly after the takeover of the area by militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), Christians who had been given the choice to convert, pay a ruinous tax, or die, gathered their families and what few possessions they could carry, and sought all possible means to escape,"
the report states. "It has forcibly displaced hundreds of thousands of people, conducted mass executions, and kidnapped, sold, enslaved, raped and/or forcibly converted thousands of women and children—all on the grounds that these people stand in opposition to ISIL’s religious dogma."

The persecution of Christians is not limited to the Middle East. From Boko Haram’s violence in West Africa to China’s crackdown on the Christian church, the world has become a more dangerous place for those who believe in Christ.

"In the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, and throughout Asia, a range of non-state actors including terrorist organizations, have set their sights on destroying religious diversity," the report states.

The extensive Congressional-mandated report examines every nation and non-affiliated groups for their treatment of religious minorities.

"In the report’s Executive Summary, Christians are mentioned 23 times in 6 pages, and they are always cited as victims, never perpetrators, of religious persecution," Catholic League President Bill Donohue said in a statement.

The report also addressed anti-semitism, which "continued to be a major problem around the globe with increases in anti-Semitic incidents recorded in many countries," the report states."

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Better start doing as Jesus commanded then, and pray for those who persecute you.

Love Your Enemies
43"You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.' 44"But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.…"
When can we expect all the Christian refugees to be placed in the states? Is the Obama administration making plans considering the Christians are in more danger than the current "refugees?"
When can we expect all the Christian refugees to be placed in the states? Is the Obama administration making plans considering the Christians are in more danger than the current "refugees?"
BO would rather Muslim refugees come here......they would be much more disruptive to America than Christians....
Thought you didn't want darkies coming here? Make up your mind.

I have no issues whatsoever with color, but idiots like you prefer to make assumptions.

I have problems with violent people and those who disrespect us.
The Genocide of Christians has been going on over there for a while..........................If the world waits too long there will be very few Christians left in the Middle East.
"State Department: Christianity Under Attack Worldwide"

Not in the United States, however, as per the rightwing lie; and according to the report the persecution of Christians is not solely at the hands of Muslims, where governments and other religions are just as responsible. Indeed, Muslims likewise are under attack in places such a Burma and China – in Egypt the condition of Christians is actually improving, according to the report.

Consequently, the premise of your thread fails, that Christians alone are subject to 'comprehensive attack' world-wide by a “Muslim conspiracy', when in fact Christians are among other religious groups under attack, attacks which originate from sources both religious and secular.
I can't wait until "our" christians meet "their" christians.

No different than the muslims in my book!!
Thought you didn't want darkies coming here? Make up your mind.

I have no issues whatsoever with color, but idiots like you prefer to make assumptions.

I have problems with violent people and those who disrespect us.
You also have problems with facts, logic, and rational thought – for example, your many threads and posts, this thread included, concerning Muslims and Islam that fail as composition fallacies, where you attempt to propagate the lie that 'all Muslims' are 'terrorists,' and that Islam is a 'terrorist religion' that 'condones and foments' terrorism, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Not 'all Muslims' are violent people who disrespect us; indeed, such Muslims constitute a tiny minority of the faith, and are in no way 'representative' of Muslims or Islam.

So again, the premise of your thread fails, as neither Muslims nor Islam pose a 'threat' to the United States, rather, the threat comes from criminal terrorists who have misappropriated the Muslim faith, and attempt to use its tenets in an effort to 'justify' their doctrine of hate and violence.
the cabal of muslims and Brotherhood sympathizers in the Administration don't give a damn about the extermination of Christians....
Another rightwing nitwit who didn't bother to read the actual report, whose only motive is to engage in an unwarranted attack of the Administration for purely partisan reasons.

This from an irony impaired far left drone who is going to vote for worse than Bush in 2016..
Thought you didn't want darkies coming here? Make up your mind.

I have no issues whatsoever with color, but idiots like you prefer to make assumptions.

I have problems with violent people and those who disrespect us.
You also have problems with facts, logic, and rational thought – for example, your many threads and posts, this thread included, concerning Muslims and Islam that fail as composition fallacies, where you attempt to propagate the lie that 'all Muslims' are 'terrorists,' and that Islam is a 'terrorist religion' that 'condones and foments' terrorism, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Not 'all Muslims' are violent people who disrespect us; indeed, such Muslims constitute a tiny minority of the faith, and are in no way 'representative' of Muslims or Islam.

So again, the premise of your thread fails, as neither Muslims nor Islam pose a 'threat' to the United States, rather, the threat comes from criminal terrorists who have misappropriated the Muslim faith, and attempt to use its tenets in an effort to 'justify' their doctrine of hate and violence.

Another irony impaired post from a far left drone filled with far left propaganda taken from the far left religious texts..
I wonder if the assholes targeting Christians in Sweden are some of the refugees. ISIS has really progressed under Obama and they are spreading the hate worldwide.

ISIS is declaring a caliphate in Sweden and letting Christians know they are targets. It must be very scary for the people. Only a matter of time before we start seeing more of that shit here.

ISIS Declares First Caliphate in West: The Bone-Chilling Message Left On a Bakery's Wall
You also have problems with facts, logic, and rational thought – for example, your many threads and posts, this thread included, concerning Muslims and Islam that fail as composition fallacies, where you attempt to propagate the lie that 'all Muslims' are 'terrorists,' and that Islam is a 'terrorist religion' that 'condones and foments' terrorism, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Not 'all Muslims' are violent people who disrespect us; indeed, such Muslims constitute a tiny minority of the faith, and are in no way 'representative' of Muslims or Islam.

So again, the premise of your thread fails, as neither Muslims nor Islam pose a 'threat' to the United States, rather, the threat comes from criminal terrorists who have misappropriated the Muslim faith, and attempt to use its tenets in an effort to 'justify' their doctrine of hate and violence.

Poll after poll shows that most Muslims are embracing the radicalized version of Islam, which is to say they believe those who leave Islam or those who oppose it should face the death penalty and they want sharia law to be the law everywhere.

While most haven't committed violence, just supporting those who impose the death penalty on infidels is something to be concerned about.

When most say they want sharia law over all others, it would mean a huge fight when they become the majority in a country.

What chance do women born into Muslim families have of ever knowing equality? From birth they are taught to cover their bodies in shame and obey their men. Normally, the left would have a big problem with that.

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