Wisconsin: Don't Retreat or Reload...Recall!

You people have bumped the dump. Corporations have zit to do with thuggs and unions.
Corporate Profits Hit 18-Year High

But by all means, raise the taxes on the guy picking up your trash...

You know, corporate loopholes and oil subsidies are our tax dollars too. At least the union guy PAYS his taxes.
"Thursday, March 17, 2011
Corporate Profits Hit 18-Year High
Profit margins are expected to climb nearly 9% this year among companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, marking an 18-year high.

"The third consecutive year of the bull market will see profits increase 8.9% in 2011, which would be the highest level since 1993. That’s good news for investors, who could see higher dividends. Bloomberg reports that of 380 companies in the S&P that pay dividends, 378 are projected to maintain or increase them.

"The situation is less encouraging for non-investors.

"Back in that banner year of 1993, the unemployment rate fell from 7.3% to 6.5%.

"According to the most recent figures released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate is 8.9%."

Corporate profits are higher than they've been since Clinton signed NAFTA, and these current spoils come immediately after millions of (mostly) productive Americans lost their jobs and homes due (primarily) to control fraud on Wall Street.

Henry Ford was prescient in many ways. Maybe his most telling insight was what would happen if the American taxpayer ever discovered the truth about how corruption fuels the US economy and its government.

Maybe Henry needed cyberspace to make it happen?
You people have bumped the dump. Corporations have zit to do with thuggs and unions.
That may be true if you believe the corporation played a small role in US history.

"We tend to think of corporations as fairly recent phenomena, the legacy of the Rockefellers and Carnegies. In fact, the corporate presence in prerevolutionary America was almost as conspicuous as it is today.

"There were far fewer corporations then, but they were enormously powerful: the Massachusetts Bay Company, the Hudson's Bay Company, the British East India Company.

"Colonials feared these chartered entities. They recognized the way British kings and their cronies used them as robotic arms to control the affairs of the colonies, to pinch staples from remote breadbaskets and bring them home to the motherland.

"The colonials resisted. When the British East India Company imposed duties on its incoming tea (telling the locals they could buy the tea or lump it, because the company had a virtual monopoly on tea distribution in the colonies), radical patriots demonstrated.

"Colonial merchants agreed not to sell East India Company tea.

"Many East India Company ships were turned back at port. And, on one fateful day in Boston, 342 chests of tea ended up in the salt chuck.

"The Boston Tea Party was one of young America's finest hours. It sparked enormous revolutionary excitement. The people were beginning to understand their own strength, and to see their own self-determination not just as possible but inevitable.

"The Declaration of Independence, in 1776, freed Americans not only from Britain but also from the tyranny of British corporations, and for a hundred years after the document's signing, Americans remained deeply suspicious of corporate power.

"They were careful about the way they granted corporate charters, and about the powers granted therein."

All that started to change with the US Civil War, and corporate thugs have been gaining power and influence ever since.

The Uncooling of America...
After their recent service to corporate America, Wisconsin State Senators wasted little time jetting into DC to collect their pay.

Outside the offices of BGR Group (the "B" stands for Barbour, as in Hayley) "as many as 1000 workers, students, union activists and allies filled the streets of downtown Washington."

"Many surged into the building where the senators met with lobbyists who paid as much a $5,000 to 'host' the gathering to thank the Wisconsin Republicans."

"They DC protesters chanted many of the same unions slogans that have been heard at mass protests in Wisconsin.

"And they picked up a political slogan as well: 'Recall!'

"Across Wisconsin, citizens are gathering petition signatures to force recall elections that could remove as many as eight GOP senators who backed the governor's anti-union bill.

"If just three seats (including Darling's) flip to the Democrats, Fitzgerald will no longer be majority leader and Walker's agenda will suddenly face serious legislative hurdles.

"Mocking the Tea Party rhetoric about gunplay and 'Second Amendment Solutions,' one protester in DC held a sign that read: 'We Don't Reload, We Recall!'"

Wisconsin Senators...

Absolutely hilarious.

The Dems shirk their responsibility and leave the state like criminals, and they want to recall the Republicans that stayed and did their jobs.

If this BS works and GOP members get recalled anywhere the pitchforks will come out.

My suggestion to any lefties is they'd better hope that they don't get enough signatures because this is about to get ugly.



Get violent.

It will TOTALLY swing the election your way!

(or at the very least get a few of you asshats shot and killed!)
Ruh roh ...

Republican incumbents look dominant in just two of the districts — the 20th (southeastern Wisconsin) and 28th (southwestern Milwaukee suburbs). No surprises there. Those are the first and third reddest districts in the entire state, respectively.

No surprise either in the 32nd (southeastern Wisconsin, straddling the Minnesota and Iowa borders), the state’s bluest district to be held by a Republican. Incumbent Dan Kapanke faces a 55-41 deficit against a Democratic challenger. President Obama won the district 61-38.

In the 18th (Oshkosh, Fond du Lac and surroundings), Republican incumbent Randy Hopper faces a 44-49 deficit against a generic Democrat. Polling by SurveyUSA last week paints an even direr picture for Hopper — trailing 43-54. Petition canvassers in the district claim that his estranged wife and maid signed the recall petition. Whether those rumors are true or not, it’s clear that this is the second best pickup opportunity for Democrats in this recall effort. They need just one more.

In the 14th (central Wisconsin, Marquette), Republican Luther Olsen will be fighting for his political life, trailing a generic Democrat 49-47. Obama won the district 52-47.

In two more districts, Republicans lead narrowly, but are under 50 percent: In the 10th (St. Croix, northwestern Wisconsin), Sheila Harsdorf holds a 48-44 lead, while in the 2nd (northeastern Wisconsin, outside Green Bay), Rob Cowles holds a mere 45-43 lead. Obama won both districts narrowly.

Finally, Democrats are within striking range in the 8th (Milwaukee’s northern suburbs), where incumbent Republican Alberta Darling holds a single-digit lead — 52-44.

So, if you weren’t keeping score, Democrats have a fighting chance or better in six districts. They only need three.

Wisconsin recall is real - TheHill.com

I hope y'all er sharpenin' dem der pitchforks, ya hear?!
"For weeks, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) claimed his push to cripple his state’s public unions was motivated solely by a need to balance the budget.

"Last week, he tacitly admitted his lies by passing his ban on collective bargaining using a legislative procedure specifically applicable only to non-budgetary items.

"While Walker won the battle, he’s about to lose the war.

"Wisconsin Democrats are channeling a wave of popular (and populist) outrage into an effort to recall the eight Republican state senators eligible for recall.

"If Democrats flip just three seats, the Senate is theirs."

Scott Walker is no Sarah Palin.

Wisconsin recall...
By all means. Lets recall all the Reps and then vote in Dems again.

I'm sure the States fiscal problems will be solved by the Dems. After all. They are the ones who screwed the pooch to begin with.

The Union will regain power, the taxpayers will get hosed and all will be well in WI.

Yep. Sounds like a plan to me.
By all means. Lets recall all the Reps and then vote in Dems again.

I'm sure the States fiscal problems will be solved by the Dems. After all. They are the ones who screwed the pooch to begin with.

The Union will regain power, the taxpayers will get hosed and all will be well in WI.

Yep. Sounds like a plan to me.

The pooch was never as screwed as Wanker made it out to be.

Evil People Have All the Plans
By all means. Lets recall all the Reps and then vote in Dems again.

I'm sure the States fiscal problems will be solved by the Dems. After all. They are the ones who screwed the pooch to begin with.

The Union will regain power, the taxpayers will get hosed and all will be well in WI.

Yep. Sounds like a plan to me.
If Wisconsin's fiscal problems stem from a lack of revenue brought about by the Great Recession, "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican won't do much to solve that problem.

On most issues in most states Wall Street controls the responses of both major parties.

Organized labor issues in Wisconsin is an exception.

I don't see how eliminating collective bargaining in Wisconsin solves a problem Wall Street created. I can see how weakening organized political opposition to Wall Street's corporate agenda would solve a big problem for David Koch and Scott Walker.
By all means. Lets recall all the Reps and then vote in Dems again.

I'm sure the States fiscal problems will be solved by the Dems. After all. They are the ones who screwed the pooch to begin with.

The Union will regain power, the taxpayers will get hosed and all will be well in WI.

Yep. Sounds like a plan to me.
If Wisconsin's fiscal problems stem from a lack of revenue brought about by the Great Recession, "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican won't do much to solve that problem.

On most issues in most states Wall Street controls the responses of both major parties.

Organized labor issues in Wisconsin is an exception.

I don't see how eliminating collective bargaining in Wisconsin solves a problem Wall Street created. I can see how weakening organized political opposition to Wall Street's corporate agenda would solve a big problem for David Koch and Scott Walker.

I don't think WI fiscal problems started with Wall St. or the recession You don't rack up 3 Billion in debt overnight.

As for collective bargaining?/ If I read it correctly the Union members still have the right to bargain wages and if I'm not mistaken, benifits as well. What else do you need to collectivly bargain over??

If Walkers plans for WI don't create jobs and repair the States fiscal problems then he will be voted out in 3yrs. The Dems will be voted in and the status quo will be alive and well in WI and the taxpayers/voters will have effectivly hosed themselves yet again.
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Georgeeeee tell us how bargaining for classroom sizes by union negotiators is a benefit to teachers. Is it easier working conditions? Is it so the school districts are forced to hire more teachers? Hmmmmmm. I wonder why that would be. Are teachers in Wisconsin forced to join the unions or pay a "agency shop fee?" Does the state automatically take those union fees out of their pay? Collective bargaining in Wisconsin was NOT obliterated by Walker, the costly ridiculous benefits were no longer negotiable collectively. All state employees can still negotiate for base salary. You need to stop reading the Huff'n Puff post.
Georgeeeee tell us how bargaining for classroom sizes by union negotiators is a benefit to teachers. Is it easier working conditions? Is it so the school districts are forced to hire more teachers? Hmmmmmm. I wonder why that would be. Are teachers in Wisconsin forced to join the unions or pay a "agency shop fee?" Does the state automatically take those union fees out of their pay? Collective bargaining in Wisconsin was NOT obliterated by Walker, the costly ridiculous benefits were no longer negotiable collectively. All state employees can still negotiate for base salary. You need to stop reading the Huff'n Puff post.

Thanks for the clarification. I knew about salary. Thought it was kinda funny that Beni's were still included. Can't remember where I read it.

Sure wasn't HuffPO. LOL
Big deal, flooding the streets of a city with paid Union thugs (most of them BUSSED IN) and a bunch of YOUNG college students isn't anything. And we all will laugh our asses of when you all LOSE at this too.
Are you saying Scott Walker's side doesn't have enough money to hire marchers or that no one is willing to accept corporate money to participate on his behalf?

Ah, so you ADMITT these are HIRED thugs? good for you, like we all didn't know it already.

Apparently you don't know it. I was there. Was not hired. Am not a thug. AND I live in Wisconsin.
The outcome of any Recall Election is far from being decided; however, if you look at which side is able to flood streets from Madison to DC with thousands of supporters, the fates of as many as eight GOP senators in Wisconsin appear to be about as doomed as a Hayley Barbour run for the White House in 2012.

When do these people work?
Or do they work?
If they re dimwits they are probably on welfare.

Not on welfare. I work full time. I was there on my days off.
You people have bumped the dump. Corporations have zit to do with thuggs and unions.
Right...that's why governors like Wanker are justifying taxing their employees more while giving away HUGE tax breaks to corporations.
I keep hearing this statement but see no proof of a 'huge corporate tax break'. Could you point out where one has been given?

I'm not going to call you a liar, but I just want to see the evidence of your claim.

We are talking public sector unions, not private sector. Many unions have been exempted because they HAVE played ball with the state. The teacher's union has not. So how is it that busting an out of control GOVERNMENT union giving any corporation a tax break.

I am very curious as to how you justify such statements. One requirement. Use reputable sources for your links. No activist blogs or known bullshitters like fuckedcheck or politifucked or medialiars.
Ruh roh ...

Republican incumbents look dominant in just two of the districts — the 20th (southeastern Wisconsin) and 28th (southwestern Milwaukee suburbs). No surprises there. Those are the first and third reddest districts in the entire state, respectively.

No surprise either in the 32nd (southeastern Wisconsin, straddling the Minnesota and Iowa borders), the state’s bluest district to be held by a Republican. Incumbent Dan Kapanke faces a 55-41 deficit against a Democratic challenger. President Obama won the district 61-38.

In the 18th (Oshkosh, Fond du Lac and surroundings), Republican incumbent Randy Hopper faces a 44-49 deficit against a generic Democrat. Polling by SurveyUSA last week paints an even direr picture for Hopper — trailing 43-54. Petition canvassers in the district claim that his estranged wife and maid signed the recall petition. Whether those rumors are true or not, it’s clear that this is the second best pickup opportunity for Democrats in this recall effort. They need just one more.

In the 14th (central Wisconsin, Marquette), Republican Luther Olsen will be fighting for his political life, trailing a generic Democrat 49-47. Obama won the district 52-47.

In two more districts, Republicans lead narrowly, but are under 50 percent: In the 10th (St. Croix, northwestern Wisconsin), Sheila Harsdorf holds a 48-44 lead, while in the 2nd (northeastern Wisconsin, outside Green Bay), Rob Cowles holds a mere 45-43 lead. Obama won both districts narrowly.

Finally, Democrats are within striking range in the 8th (Milwaukee’s northern suburbs), where incumbent Republican Alberta Darling holds a single-digit lead — 52-44.

So, if you weren’t keeping score, Democrats have a fighting chance or better in six districts. They only need three.

Wisconsin recall is real - TheHill.com

I hope y'all er sharpenin' dem der pitchforks, ya hear?!
I wonder what kind of deficit the fleebaggers are facing in a 'generic poll'.

This poll is about as useful as chicken shit on a pump handle.

Keep deluding yo' radical ass with fantasy polls.
By all means. Lets recall all the Reps and then vote in Dems again.

I'm sure the States fiscal problems will be solved by the Dems. After all. They are the ones who screwed the pooch to begin with.

The Union will regain power, the taxpayers will get hosed and all will be well in WI.

Yep. Sounds like a plan to me.

The pooch was never as screwed as Wanker made it out to be.

Evil People Have All the Plans
From moveon.org???? Writing about evil people having the plans? Come on, talk about the definition of evil organizations. So I guess they must know who has the plans.

Created to run whitewash for Bill Clinton during his impeachment, funded by George Soros.
By all means. Lets recall all the Reps and then vote in Dems again.

I'm sure the States fiscal problems will be solved by the Dems. After all. They are the ones who screwed the pooch to begin with.

The Union will regain power, the taxpayers will get hosed and all will be well in WI.

Yep. Sounds like a plan to me.
If Wisconsin's fiscal problems stem from a lack of revenue brought about by the Great Recession, "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican won't do much to solve that problem.

On most issues in most states Wall Street controls the responses of both major parties.

Organized labor issues in Wisconsin is an exception.

I don't see how eliminating collective bargaining in Wisconsin solves a problem Wall Street created. I can see how weakening organized political opposition to Wall Street's corporate agenda would solve a big problem for David Koch and Scott Walker.

I don't think WI fiscal problems started with Wall St. or the recession You don't rack up 3 Billion in debt overnight.

As for collective bargaining?/ If I read it correctly the Union members still have the right to bargain wages and if I'm not mistaken, benifits as well. What else do you need to collectivly bargain over??

If Walkers plans for WI don't create jobs and repair the States fiscal problems then he will be voted out in 3yrs. The Dems will be voted in and the status quo will be alive and well in WI and the taxpayers/voters will have effectivly hosed themselves yet again.
Only if you're president and propose massive spending. Then you can rack up a deficit of 1.3 TRILLION in a single year.

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