Wisconsin: Don't Retreat or Reload...Recall!

After their recent service to corporate America, Wisconsin State Senators wasted little time jetting into DC to collect their pay.

Outside the offices of BGR Group (the "B" stands for Barbour, as in Hayley) "as many as 1000 workers, students, union activists and allies filled the streets of downtown Washington."

"Many surged into the building where the senators met with lobbyists who paid as much a $5,000 to 'host' the gathering to thank the Wisconsin Republicans."

"They DC protesters chanted many of the same unions slogans that have been heard at mass protests in Wisconsin.

"And they picked up a political slogan as well: 'Recall!'

"Across Wisconsin, citizens are gathering petition signatures to force recall elections that could remove as many as eight GOP senators who backed the governor's anti-union bill.

"If just three seats (including Darling's) flip to the Democrats, Fitzgerald will no longer be majority leader and Walker's agenda will suddenly face serious legislative hurdles.

"Mocking the Tea Party rhetoric about gunplay and 'Second Amendment Solutions,' one protester in DC held a sign that read: 'We Don't Reload, We Recall!'"

Wisconsin Senators...

In case you did not know, more Democrat legislators are being recalled than Republicans in Wisconsin.
This is about union membership, thus about union dues, thus about money going to Democrats. Quit bringing up ancient history to justify the deceptions being perped on us today.
Nothing ancient about the multi-trillion dollar taxpayer bailout of Wall Street that spawned the current revenue shortages in Wisconsin and elsewhere.

Or maybe you think union dues are responsible for the Great Recession?

He mentioned the 40 hr work week.

WTF does that have to do with Wall Street?

Besides, WTF does Wall Street have to do with Wisconsin?

Wisconsin is going broke because they made agreements with unions that they can't deliver on. Now the unions don't want to budge. That has nothing to do with Wall Street.

Obama gave them Stimulus money to bail them out. Many states tried to refuse the money for a couple of reasons. One of them was because they didn't need it and the other is they had to accept terms that they knew would be unsustainable. Obama offered them dimes and the states knew each of those dimes would cost them a dollar. Again, Wall Street had nothing to do with this.
What event is most responsible for Wisconsin's budget deficit?

The evaporation of trillions of dollars in housing wealth and subsequent bailout of those on Wall Street who stole the wealth or public unions?

Was it unions or Wall Street that kept the debt overhead in place for 98% of Americans (including those in Wisconsin) while doubling the returns to wealth for the other 2%?

Do you get much mileage from conflating TARP with Wall Street's Bailout?

Saying Wall Street has nothing to do with the Great Recession is like saying corporations have nothing to do with profit$.
After their recent service to corporate America, Wisconsin State Senators wasted little time jetting into DC to collect their pay.

Outside the offices of BGR Group (the "B" stands for Barbour, as in Hayley) "as many as 1000 workers, students, union activists and allies filled the streets of downtown Washington."

"Many surged into the building where the senators met with lobbyists who paid as much a $5,000 to 'host' the gathering to thank the Wisconsin Republicans."

"They DC protesters chanted many of the same unions slogans that have been heard at mass protests in Wisconsin.

"And they picked up a political slogan as well: 'Recall!'

"Across Wisconsin, citizens are gathering petition signatures to force recall elections that could remove as many as eight GOP senators who backed the governor's anti-union bill.

"If just three seats (including Darling's) flip to the Democrats, Fitzgerald will no longer be majority leader and Walker's agenda will suddenly face serious legislative hurdles.

"Mocking the Tea Party rhetoric about gunplay and 'Second Amendment Solutions,' one protester in DC held a sign that read: 'We Don't Reload, We Recall!'"

Wisconsin Senators...

In case you did not know, more Democrat legislators are being recalled than Republicans in Wisconsin.
And there is proof of direct dereliction of duty on that point.
"The great recession"? Amazing. Selective memory is a useful tool for liberals I see. We tried wealth redistribution via tax increases on wealth in our last "great recession" and it only gave us double digit inflation to go with double digit unemployment. I think it is educations' fault that we have to remind people that when we tax entities and individuals that can simply redirect the loss we cause inflation and raise overhead which stagnates jobs creation. This also reduces donation and public service funding by larger industries that fund a significant amount of those activities.

The only entity that benefits is the government and foreign industry that competes directly with U.S. industry, yet somehow it seems to be a repetitive cry from people who apparently would rather push penalty on the wealthy than to attempt to expand opportunity for everyone.
They live and die by ag business and the commodities.

Yeah, they live and die in poverty and crushing debt so that Monsanto and Cargill can make billions in profit. if any sector of people should be anti-corporation, it would be the American farmer. You are the one who is an ignorant corporate shill. Just sayin'...
Nothing ancient about the multi-trillion dollar taxpayer bailout of Wall Street that spawned the current revenue shortages in Wisconsin and elsewhere.

Or maybe you think union dues are responsible for the Great Recession?

He mentioned the 40 hr work week.

WTF does that have to do with Wall Street?

Besides, WTF does Wall Street have to do with Wisconsin?

Wisconsin is going broke because they made agreements with unions that they can't deliver on. Now the unions don't want to budge. That has nothing to do with Wall Street.

Obama gave them Stimulus money to bail them out. Many states tried to refuse the money for a couple of reasons. One of them was because they didn't need it and the other is they had to accept terms that they knew would be unsustainable. Obama offered them dimes and the states knew each of those dimes would cost them a dollar. Again, Wall Street had nothing to do with this.
What event is most responsible for Wisconsin's budget deficit?

The evaporation of trillions of dollars in housing wealth and subsequent bailout of those on Wall Street who stole the wealth or public unions?

Was it unions or Wall Street that kept the debt overhead in place for 98% of Americans (including those in Wisconsin) while doubling the returns to wealth for the other 2%?

Do you get much mileage from conflating TARP with Wall Street's Bailout?

Saying Wall Street has nothing to do with the Great Recession is like saying corporations have nothing to do with profit$.

Hate to break this to you bud, but economies are local. Tennessee doesn't have the same economy as NYC. Neither does Wisconsin have the same economy as California.

Maybe you need to stay away from the Marxist rhetoric and read up on what makes one state different from another, why one city is more well off then another. It all has to do with governments, businesses in the area, how much money is being transferred. Alot of things go into it. Not just Wall Street fucking the little guy.
They live and die by ag business and the commodities.

Yeah, they live and die in poverty and crushing debt so that Monsanto and Cargill can make billions in profit. if any sector of people should be anti-corporation, it would be the American farmer. You are the one who is an ignorant corporate shill. Just sayin'...

Never said life was easy, buckwheat. I come from a dairy farm family. I damn well know how hard it can be. I also know how fucked the poultry industry is. There's a lot of reform that should be done to the agricultural business in how it treats smaller farmers.

Like ending subsidies for all companies that have over x amount of acreage, and do not reside on location for starters. Agribusiness is fucked up on the producer and consumer side of the coin and needs to be re-evaluated.
I'm sorry, you're incapable of holding a reasoned conversation anymore due to being overheated by whacked out class hatred.

I'll wait till you quit boiling over before discussing this further with you. You can't see through the steam of your braincell cooking.

Observing that a class war is taking place in our leigislation and in our economic and tax policies isn't indicative of class hatred.

It's commenting on what is so completely obvious that it takes blinders not to see it.

Naturally the tools here are offended that more and more Americans are hip to the trick.
Oh of course there's no class hatred going on here. :rolleyes:

You just have come out on the side of the rich having the right to be denigrated and spat upon while being given the privilege of having their wealth confiscated by a bunch of envy crazed revolutionaries to distribute mere token amounts to those they really care fore while growing fat on the profit of the act of looting.

Of course, I find no end to the humor in that the far left is turning on P-BO because he's not leftist enough and hasn't started barging into the estates with guns and agents to frog walk the wealthy to prison while confiscating everything like Robespierre and his mobs of 'revolutionary justice'.

We conservatives and libertarians be hip to that shit too.
Are you hip to the bonfire of the bling?

"Historians will tell you there is often a time-lag between the onset of economic disaster and the accumulation of social fury.

"In act one, the shock of a crisis initially triggers fearful disorientation; the rush for political saviours; instinctive responses of self-protection, but not the organised mobilisation of outrage…

"Act two is trickier. Objectively, economic conditions might be improving, but perceptions are everything and a breathing space gives room for a dangerously alienated public to take stock of the brutal interruption of their rising expectations.

"What happened to the march of income, the acquisition of property, the truism that the next generation will live better than the last?

"The full impact of the overthrow of these assumptions sinks in and engenders a sense of grievance that 'Someone Else' must have engineered the common misfortune….At the very least, the survival of a crisis demands ensuring that the fiscal pain is equitably distributed...

Have you noticed US oligarchs sharing in our fiscal pain?
Or have they increased their "fair share" of national wealth over the last two years?

"Having weakened faith in government and made considerable progress towards creating a social Darwinist paradise of isolated individuals pitted against each other, the oligarchs may be about to harvest a whirlwind."

Are the Guillotines...

Some of the wealthy parasites you feel such fondness for will be lucky to get off with frog walks.
Sigh, not through chipping your teeth on that doorjamb yet I see. Another post from a half-assed source of not your own thoughts. And don't tell me you're using your whole ass, because that doesn't cut it.

Life must suck for the Myna Bird.

Some of the wealthy parasites you feel such fondness for will be lucky to get off with frog walks.
Ahhh.. there's the original, all be it expected, thought. Gleeful anticipation of killing the rich and taking their shit. Are you a wandering monster BTW? Going around desiring to kill people and loot their bodies? Three cheers for Robespierre and Dr. Guillotine perhaps?

Scarlet Pimpernel! Where are you??? :rolleyes:
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Some political problems in this country are too big to solve by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican, I suspect this is one of the biggest examples.

HAH! you stumbled across a truth! no fucking way! You could miss a point tattooed in reverse on your forehead.

Money isn't the issue, hiding the sources of money is. You cannot take money out of politics and have an educated electorate. Therefore campaign finance should be an utterly open and transparent system. So if someone's being bought by agribusiness, you can clearly see that.

I think people are not outraged by corporate corruption because corporate media and corporate celebrities are constantly working overtime to distract them.

[cautious whisper] do.... :::looks both ways:::: do the JEWS control the media and everything too??? :eek: [/cautious whisper] :rolleyes:

In theory, the internet could convince a majority of Americans to cut back on television and educate themselves; however, the world may have to become far more unfriendly than it is today before enough American eyes open.

And that's why we need 'net neutrality' don't we! To control all those 'dangerous' forces out there like... rightwingers!
"Money isn't the issue."

The issues are how the money is distributed, and, more importantly, Americans' false perceptions about its distribution:

"This chart is from a paper called 'Building a Better America One Wealth Quintile at a Time' by Dan Ariely and Michael I. Norton.

"The top row shows the actual distribution of wealth in America. The richest 20 percent, represented by that blue line, has about 85 percent of the wealth.

"The next richest 20 percent, represented by that red line, has about 10 percent of the wealth.

"And the remaining three-fifths of America shares a tiny sliver of the country's wealth.

"Below that, the 'Estimated' rows show how different groups think wealth is distributed.

"As you can see, in people's misinformed minds things are much more equitable.

"Matt Yglesias explains what's interesting here:

"'What’s interesting here is the extent to which the public vastly overestimates the prosperity of lower-income Americans.

"'The public thinks the 4th quintile has more money than the median quintile actually has. And the public thinks the 5th quintile has vastly more wealth than it really has.

"'You can easily see how this could have a giant distorting effect on our politics. Poor Americans are simply much, much, much needier than people realize and this is naturally going to lead to an undue slighting of their interests.'"

Did you find that interesting?
Does anybody see a pattern here?

Obama tells businesses that they have to take bailout money with conditions.

He tells them how to run their companies, and for some strange reason the conditions are to do things they know will hurt their bottom-line.

He's done it with every bank or financial institution he's bailed out. Every auto company. Every state. He tells them they must run their business in a manner that they know will end up ruining them.

Now everyone he's dealt with is going broke (but they will never admit it). But if they dare to say anything he releases the dogs on them. If new management tries to fix things somebody shows up to protest their homes. Scott Walker is just the latest victim.

He and his friends have the Middle East on fire.

Obama for some reason is causing chaos everywhere he goes and with everything he touches. Now he wants to go to South and Central America to set up the same thing there.
Does Goldman Sachs know about this?

Why did GS give BHO's campaign over $900,000 in '08?
Four times more than it bestowed upon Songbird?
More than any other candidate ever?

To impose global socialism?
Some political problems in this country are too big to solve by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican, I suspect this is one of the biggest examples.

HAH! you stumbled across a truth! no fucking way! You could miss a point tattooed in reverse on your forehead.

Money isn't the issue, hiding the sources of money is. You cannot take money out of politics and have an educated electorate. Therefore campaign finance should be an utterly open and transparent system. So if someone's being bought by agribusiness, you can clearly see that.

[cautious whisper] do.... :::looks both ways:::: do the JEWS control the media and everything too??? :eek: [/cautious whisper] :rolleyes:

In theory, the internet could convince a majority of Americans to cut back on television and educate themselves; however, the world may have to become far more unfriendly than it is today before enough American eyes open.

And that's why we need 'net neutrality' don't we! To control all those 'dangerous' forces out there like... rightwingers!
"Money isn't the issue."

The issues are how the money is distributed, and, more importantly, Americans' false perceptions about its distribution:

"This chart is from a paper called 'Building a Better America One Wealth Quintile at a Time' by Dan Ariely and Michael I. Norton.

"The top row shows the actual distribution of wealth in America. The richest 20 percent, represented by that blue line, has about 85 percent of the wealth.

"The next richest 20 percent, represented by that red line, has about 10 percent of the wealth.

"And the remaining three-fifths of America shares a tiny sliver of the country's wealth.

"Below that, the 'Estimated' rows show how different groups think wealth is distributed.

"As you can see, in people's misinformed minds things are much more equitable.

"Matt Yglesias explains what's interesting here:

"'What’s interesting here is the extent to which the public vastly overestimates the prosperity of lower-income Americans.

"'The public thinks the 4th quintile has more money than the median quintile actually has. And the public thinks the 5th quintile has vastly more wealth than it really has.

"'You can easily see how this could have a giant distorting effect on our politics. Poor Americans are simply much, much, much needier than people realize and this is naturally going to lead to an undue slighting of their interests.'"

Did you find that interesting?

...we come back full circle to hating rich people because they have more money than me.

We've done this song and dance twice before with the same bullshit graphs that prove nothing. You lose every time, and I'm not going down this track again. When you get back from gibbering to yourself about the ebil rich peoples and have an original thought... we'll try again.
The Union fucked themselves big time.They don't do their job and think they're going to get sympathy from people that do.

Which union fucked Bear Stearns?
How about Lehman Brothers?

Wall Street parasites inflated and collapsed housing/credit bubbles that SUCKed UP trillions of dollars of middle class wealth AND then got trillion$ more in taxpayer bailouts.

That's the only reason Wisconsin and 48 other states face the magnitude of deficit they face today.

Save your sympathy for Hank Paulson.
The Union fucked themselves big time.They don't do their job and think they're going to get sympathy from people that do.



And I hope they keep up this Spoilt Brat Temper Tantrum Display all the way up to the 2012 election. It's a great reminder for the People That Do regarding the real problem.
Do you expect to influence Wall Street's behavior by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican in 2012?
The Union fucked themselves big time.They don't do their job and think they're going to get sympathy from people that do.

Which union fucked Bear Stearns?
How about Lehman Brothers?

Wall Street parasites inflated and collapsed housing/credit bubbles that SUCKed UP trillions of dollars of middle class wealth AND then got trillion$ more in taxpayer bailouts.

That's the only reason Wisconsin and 48 other states face the magnitude of deficit they face today.

Save your sympathy for Hank Paulson.
That would be Congress who created the rigged game, and the greedy bastards both on wall street and the consumers on main street who tried to get all they could and get out the door before time ran out.

It's not all wall streets fault. BTW, How's Goldman Sachs doing with the demise of the the carbon credit scam... I mean market? Or Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae who own the rights to the carbon credit trading system? Think that's going to hurt them at all?

You're so partisan you can't even see the hand of government on the scale messing with the weights.
The Union fucked themselves big time.They don't do their job and think they're going to get sympathy from people that do.



And I hope they keep up this Spoilt Brat Temper Tantrum Display all the way up to the 2012 election. It's a great reminder for the People That Do regarding the real problem.
Do you expect to influence Wall Street's behavior by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican in 2012?
About the same as the unions have been for the past few decades.
After their recent service to corporate America, Wisconsin State Senators wasted little time jetting into DC to collect their pay.

Outside the offices of BGR Group (the "B" stands for Barbour, as in Hayley) "as many as 1000 workers, students, union activists and allies filled the streets of downtown Washington."

"Many surged into the building where the senators met with lobbyists who paid as much a $5,000 to 'host' the gathering to thank the Wisconsin Republicans."

"They DC protesters chanted many of the same unions slogans that have been heard at mass protests in Wisconsin.

"And they picked up a political slogan as well: 'Recall!'

"Across Wisconsin, citizens are gathering petition signatures to force recall elections that could remove as many as eight GOP senators who backed the governor's anti-union bill.

"If just three seats (including Darling's) flip to the Democrats, Fitzgerald will no longer be majority leader and Walker's agenda will suddenly face serious legislative hurdles.

"Mocking the Tea Party rhetoric about gunplay and 'Second Amendment Solutions,' one protester in DC held a sign that read: 'We Don't Reload, We Recall!'"

Wisconsin Senators...

In case you did not know, more Democrat legislators are being recalled than Republicans in Wisconsin.
As of last Wednesday (March 16) Democrats seemed to be taking their recall efforts more seriously:

"While the Wisconsin Democratic Party, with major assists from progressive groups and unions, has harnessed resentment towards the governor into a full-throttled effort to recall eight GOP Senators, neither the enthusiasm nor organizational acumen exists on the Republican side of the aisle.

“'It's clear that Democrats and liberal organizations are engaging in an attempt to make recall more than a mere hypothetical possibility for some Wisconsin Republicans,' said Liz Mair, Vice President of Hynes Communications and former RNC Online Communications Director, who has worked closely with officials on the ground in Wisconsin. 'Even though Governor Walker acted to end the impasse, Republicans and conservatives should not be acting like this is done and dusted.'

"A conservative activist working inside the state on recall efforts was even more explicitly distraught.

"The Wisconsin Republican Party, the operative said, was not lending resources to the recall campaign groups had launched against Democratic Senators, in turn causing those groups to narrow their target list down from eight lawmakers to just three."
After their recent service to corporate America, Wisconsin State Senators wasted little time jetting into DC to collect their pay.

Outside the offices of BGR Group (the "B" stands for Barbour, as in Hayley) "as many as 1000 workers, students, union activists and allies filled the streets of downtown Washington."

"Many surged into the building where the senators met with lobbyists who paid as much a $5,000 to 'host' the gathering to thank the Wisconsin Republicans."

"They DC protesters chanted many of the same unions slogans that have been heard at mass protests in Wisconsin.

"And they picked up a political slogan as well: 'Recall!'

"Across Wisconsin, citizens are gathering petition signatures to force recall elections that could remove as many as eight GOP senators who backed the governor's anti-union bill.

"If just three seats (including Darling's) flip to the Democrats, Fitzgerald will no longer be majority leader and Walker's agenda will suddenly face serious legislative hurdles.

"Mocking the Tea Party rhetoric about gunplay and 'Second Amendment Solutions,' one protester in DC held a sign that read: 'We Don't Reload, We Recall!'"

Wisconsin Senators...

In case you did not know, more Democrat legislators are being recalled than Republicans in Wisconsin.
As of last Wednesday (March 16) Democrats seemed to be taking their recall efforts more seriously:

"While the Wisconsin Democratic Party, with major assists from progressive groups and unions, has harnessed resentment towards the governor into a full-throttled effort to recall eight GOP Senators, neither the enthusiasm nor organizational acumen exists on the Republican side of the aisle.

“'It's clear that Democrats and liberal organizations are engaging in an attempt to make recall more than a mere hypothetical possibility for some Wisconsin Republicans,' said Liz Mair, Vice President of Hynes Communications and former RNC Online Communications Director, who has worked closely with officials on the ground in Wisconsin. 'Even though Governor Walker acted to end the impasse, Republicans and conservatives should not be acting like this is done and dusted.'

"A conservative activist working inside the state on recall efforts was even more explicitly distraught.

"The Wisconsin Republican Party, the operative said, was not lending resources to the recall campaign groups had launched against Democratic Senators, in turn causing those groups to narrow their target list down from eight lawmakers to just three."
mmmmm truthiness from The Daily Kos.

Thanks for proving more about your predicted lunacy.
The Union fucked themselves big time.They don't do their job and think they're going to get sympathy from people that do.

Which union fucked Bear Stearns?
How about Lehman Brothers?

Wall Street parasites inflated and collapsed housing/credit bubbles that SUCKed UP trillions of dollars of middle class wealth AND then got trillion$ more in taxpayer bailouts.

That's the only reason Wisconsin and 48 other states face the magnitude of deficit they face today.

Save your sympathy for Hank Paulson.
That would be Congress who created the rigged game, and the greedy bastards both on wall street and the consumers on main street who tried to get all they could and get out the door before time ran out.

It's not all wall streets fault. BTW, How's Goldman Sachs doing with the demise of the the carbon credit scam... I mean market? Or Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae who own the rights to the carbon credit trading system? Think that's going to hurt them at all?

You're so partisan you can't even see the hand of government on the scale messing with the weights.
Tell me what you mean by "partisan"?

Except to deny my vote to an incumbent, I haven't voted for a Republican OR Democrat in decades.

Big Business (Wall Street) and Big Government (Republican AND Democrat) conspired to socialize cost and privatize profit by inflating and collapsing housing and credit bubbles. Main Street speculators who flipped houses like pancakes certainly contributed to the crash, but I'm not clear on how many speculators were bailed out with taxpayer billion$?

I have heard of very low income applicants for Section 8 rental vouchers being told the waiting list for new vouchers was closed; however, how would you like a ninja loan instead?

In some cases their only other option was homelessness.

Fish rot from the head down, and the head(s) of this particular shark are on Wall Street and in DC.

I thought your boy Hank Paulson was teaming up with Al Gore to become the first Carbon Billionaires? FWIW, I suspect a Carbon Bubble looms large in all our futures.
After their recent service to corporate America, Wisconsin State Senators wasted little time jetting into DC to collect their pay.

Outside the offices of BGR Group (the "B" stands for Barbour, as in Hayley) "as many as 1000 workers, students, union activists and allies filled the streets of downtown Washington."

"Many surged into the building where the senators met with lobbyists who paid as much a $5,000 to 'host' the gathering to thank the Wisconsin Republicans."

"They DC protesters chanted many of the same unions slogans that have been heard at mass protests in Wisconsin.

"And they picked up a political slogan as well: 'Recall!'

"Across Wisconsin, citizens are gathering petition signatures to force recall elections that could remove as many as eight GOP senators who backed the governor's anti-union bill.

"If just three seats (including Darling's) flip to the Democrats, Fitzgerald will no longer be majority leader and Walker's agenda will suddenly face serious legislative hurdles.

"Mocking the Tea Party rhetoric about gunplay and 'Second Amendment Solutions,' one protester in DC held a sign that read: 'We Don't Reload, We Recall!'"

Wisconsin Senators...

In case you did not know, more Democrat legislators are being recalled than Republicans in Wisconsin.
And there is proof of direct dereliction of duty on that point.
Standing tall for Democracy is not dereliction of duty.

Ask Abe if you're still confused. (and I'm sure you are)

"Legislators fleeing to prevent a quorum is nothing new. In fact, KPMH-TV reports Abraham Lincoln did it in 'one of the most bizarre episodes' of his political career by trying to keep the Illinois House of Representatives in session so the Illinois State Bank might survive.

"On December 5, 1840, Democrats 'proposed an early adjournment, knowing this would bring a speedy end to the State Bank.

"The Whigs tried to counter by leaving the capitol building before the vote, but the doors were locked. That's when Lincoln made his move. He headed for the second story, opened a window and jumped to the ground!"

"For a while Lincoln's escape denied the House its quorum, but it didn't last long. He was returned to the chambers and the House voted to adjourn."

When Lincoln Fled

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