Winning Strategies for the GOP: Part 1, Every Vote Counts, Only Once


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Progressives were able to take a legitimate issue, massive Voter fraud in Democrat controlled cities, and make it as if Republicans were the problem. They played it perfectly and because Republicans haven't figured out how and why we got played, we lost in 2012. Had the election been held in purple-fingered Baghdad, Romney would have won in a landslide.

So what can we do?

It's simple.

We don't want to appear that we're "Disenfranchising" minorities, we should embrace their participation in the democratic, but not Democratic process.

The problem is two-fold: Democrats stuff the ballot box, but then they do the counting.

We can control the stuffing process with Voter ID and a serious clamp down on absentee ballots (Blank checks), but more importantly, WE NEED TO OPEN THE COUNTING PROCESS TO BROAD DAYLIGHT!

Think of the show "Survivor" and Probst is counting ballots to see who is voted off the Island. When Dems control the count, thought the ballot says "Romney" Dems counted it as "Obama". We need to get the counting process out into the open. No more we will allow counts behind closed doors where boxes full of ballots magically appear in close races.

We can even mock the Democrat counting process as described above and that's our first step to ending the Party of Boss Tweed's stranglehold on vote counting which becomes voter fraud.
Instead of your sore-loser fantasies about this imaginary vote fraud, you could try changing your party so it doesn't hold positions that suck so badly. You need to give someone besides plutocrats, preachers and xenophobes a reason to vote Republican.

By the way, your fellow Republicans won't stand for any restriction of absentee ballots, as that's a big source of Republican votes-via-fraud.
Romney lost because he sucked and the republican party sucked and their campaign organization sucked and Obama didn't suck as much and ran an awesomely good campaign.

Get over it and use the next couple of years to contemplate the shortcomings of your party and Hint: it was not because they were too moderate.
The only voter fraud that was going on was from the GOP.

The GOP trash were committing voter fraud in virtually every swing state and three separate cases alone in Virginia.

All the GOP tries to do is pass as much voter suppression and fraud they can.
Progressives were able to take a legitimate issue, massive Voter fraud in Democrat controlled cities, and make it as if Republicans were the problem. They played it perfectly and because Republicans haven't figured out how and why we got played, we lost in 2012. Had the election been held in purple-fingered Baghdad, Romney would have won in a landslide.

So what can we do?

It's simple.

We don't want to appear that we're "Disenfranchising" minorities, we should embrace their participation in the democratic, but not Democratic process.

The problem is two-fold: Democrats stuff the ballot box, but then they do the counting.

We can control the stuffing process with Voter ID and a serious clamp down on absentee ballots (Blank checks), but more importantly, WE NEED TO OPEN THE COUNTING PROCESS TO BROAD DAYLIGHT!

Think of the show "Survivor" and Probst is counting ballots to see who is voted off the Island. When Dems control the count, thought the ballot says "Romney" Dems counted it as "Obama". We need to get the counting process out into the open. No more we will allow counts behind closed doors where boxes full of ballots magically appear in close races.

We can even mock the Democrat counting process as described above and that's our first step to ending the Party of Boss Tweed's stranglehold on vote counting which becomes voter fraud.

Let us know when the “Winning Strategies” part starts.

If the Republicans ever denounce Trickle Down Voodoo Economics and jettison pretty much their entire social agenda, I'll take a look to the right again at ballot time.

Until then, pass! :eusa_hand:
:eusa_think: Can the careful Gerrymandering of congressional districts by the state houses be considered 'voter fraud'?

That game may have been invented by the democrats back in the day, but the republicans perfected it after the 2010 census.
Winning Strategies for the GOP Part 2

At least ACT like you value the brown vote
If the Republicans ever denounce Trickle Down Voodoo Economics and jettison pretty much their entire social agenda, I'll take a look to the right again at ballot time.

Until then, pass! :eusa_hand:

If we did that, we'd be Democrats.
Romney lost because he sucked and the republican party sucked and their campaign organization sucked and Obama didn't suck as much and ran an awesomely good campaign.

Get over it and use the next couple of years to contemplate the shortcomings of your party and Hint: it was not because they were too moderate.

How much more moderate can a Republican be than Romney? A Republican more moderate than Romney would be a Democrat.
Progressives were able to take a legitimate issue, massive Voter fraud in Democrat controlled cities, and make it as if Republicans were the problem. They played it perfectly and because Republicans haven't figured out how and why we got played, we lost in 2012. Had the election been held in purple-fingered Baghdad, Romney would have won in a landslide.

So what can we do?

It's simple.

.....Turn-back-the-clock, to....

.....the GOOD OL' DAYS!!!!!

[ame=]Perversion for Profit (Part I) - 1965 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Perversion for Profit (Part 2) - 1965 - YouTube[/ame]​
VOTING MACHINES are a menace to democracy. That much is obvious

Like you Crus, I not longer have confidence in the electoral process.

I didn't have it when Bush II won, I didn't have it this round, either.

Personally I think this round the MASTERS choose for Obama to win.

I think that in part explains why MITT seems to have set out to destroy his chances of winning.

NOt that I wanted the Mittster to win, but's very disturbing to think that our elections are now fraudalent.
If the Republicans ever denounce Trickle Down Voodoo Economics and jettison pretty much their entire social agenda, I'll take a look to the right again at ballot time.

Until then, pass! :eusa_hand:

Reagan's started the greatest peace time expansion of the economy in history.
Which Clinton was able to ride, thanks to a GOP congress, for his whole 8 years. What Clinton did do is f...k the country with free trade agreements. What is happening today was predicted then, there is no denying that the president that has done the most harm to the US economy, or should I say working man, was WJC. To that there is no doubt. At least until we see the full effects of Obamatax. Maybe natural gas will bail out the economy, I am hoping so.
If the Republicans ever denounce Trickle Down Voodoo Economics and jettison pretty much their entire social agenda, I'll take a look to the right again at ballot time.

Until then, pass! :eusa_hand:

Why would we denounce success? Because you wish to reinvent history? How about this, we will denounce the success of Reagan when you admit that whatever you call whatever it is Obama has done for 4 years has been a disaster.
Romney lost because he sucked and the republican party sucked and their campaign organization sucked and Obama didn't suck as much and ran an awesomely good campaign.

Get over it and use the next couple of years to contemplate the shortcomings of your party and Hint: it was not because they were too moderate.

How much more moderate can a Republican be than Romney? A Republican more moderate than Romney would be a Democrat.

Doesn't matter how moderate or extreme the message is, it's the message that needs work.

The right could embrace their libertarian wing and advocate fair and SIMPLE taxes, public budgets that are balanced by law and transparency in all things politics.

That's a message that would attract this average voter back toward the right..... :smoke:
Progressives were able to take a legitimate issue, massive Voter fraud in Democrat controlled cities, and make it as if Republicans were the problem. They played it perfectly and because Republicans haven't figured out how and why we got played, we lost in 2012. Had the election been held in purple-fingered Baghdad, Romney would have won in a landslide.

So what can we do?

It's simple.

We don't want to appear that we're "Disenfranchising" minorities, we should embrace their participation in the democratic, but not Democratic process.

The problem is two-fold: Democrats stuff the ballot box, but then they do the counting.

We can control the stuffing process with Voter ID and a serious clamp down on absentee ballots (Blank checks), but more importantly, WE NEED TO OPEN THE COUNTING PROCESS TO BROAD DAYLIGHT!

Think of the show "Survivor" and Probst is counting ballots to see who is voted off the Island. When Dems control the count, thought the ballot says "Romney" Dems counted it as "Obama". We need to get the counting process out into the open. No more we will allow counts behind closed doors where boxes full of ballots magically appear in close races.

We can even mock the Democrat counting process as described above and that's our first step to ending the Party of Boss Tweed's stranglehold on vote counting which becomes voter fraud.

My opinion, everyone shows up at the polls to vote. Polls could be open overseas for the military. No more absentee ballots for just about anyone who is too damn lazy to get out of their chair and go vote. No more "early" voting. The polls could be open for two days if it was required. Second, there has to be a paper back up to the computers. Even that I don't think would stop cheating. There is in reality no way to stop cheating other then having honest election officials using honest machines. I would have everyone vote on punch cards that would be read by a machine which then could have test votes fed in verifying the accuracy of the machine.

What the whole situation tells me is that the Democrats could care less about anything anyone thinks but themselves. Voter id makes sense, it makes sense for those in Iraq and it would make sense in America. The foreign observers were surprised at the openness of our elections, and I don't think that is a good thing. So the right is concerned that the elections maybe fixed and the left is steadfast in changing nothing. Even though they attempt to turn the tables and accuse republicans of fraud. You would think they would want to stop that fraud if nothing else. But no they want the status quo because, as you said, they cheat better.
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If the Republicans ever denounce Trickle Down Voodoo Economics and jettison pretty much their entire social agenda, I'll take a look to the right again at ballot time.

Until then, pass! :eusa_hand:

Why would we denounce success? Because you wish to reinvent history? How about this, we will denounce the success of Reagan when you admit that whatever you call whatever it is Obama has done for 4 years has been a disaster.

Success?!? You arrived here sometime AFTER the fall of '08, eh?

With the defeat of Mitt, history will hopefully show that GWB hammered the last political nail in the coffin of Trickle-Down Economics when he and Karl crashed the economy.

If you guys want to come back in 2016 with one more power grab from the top, knock yourselves out - but you risk total irrelevancy if you do.

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