Windows 11


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
So...I have a little thingymajig on my lower bar saying to upgrade to windows 11.

Should I? That are the pros and cons?
So...I have a little thingymajig on my lower bar saying to upgrade to windows 11.

Should I? That are the pros and cons?

You can shut that little thingymajig off. I got a new computer last month and disabled half the Microsoft crap on there. You should be good to go until Windows 10 get so old that it's buggy.
You can shut that little thingymajig off. I got a new computer last month and disabled half the Microsoft crap on there. You should be good to go until Windows 10 get so old that it's buggy.
Mine has suggested the free upgrade to 11. I am waiting at least 6 months and then reading what is out there on the decision.
You can shut that little thingymajig off. I got a new computer last month and disabled half the Microsoft crap on there. You should be good to go until Windows 10 get so old that it's buggy.

Thats what I did with Windows XP...........the PERFECT Windows.
WHY the fucked it up, is beyond any comprehension.

I have all my settings for MS updates all turned off, so I have to manually authorize them.
That way I know whats getting loaded on my pc.

Everything else is turned off. All the ads, bloatware I can't delete, etc....

Only thing I have problems with once in a while, my WORD will open up as a demo for some reason, and not the WORD I have as the user issued one I installed myself. I can't delete it, and I don't know how to "turn it off".

It's not really a big issue, it only happens once in a while, but it takes up time when I need to be doing something in WORD.

I barely got inducted with using Win 8.5 when 10 came out. I gave my 8.5 to a friend that needed a "new" pc, as he still had a VISTA model. It was on it's last legs. LOL

So I got a new pc which has Win 10 on it of course. Can't find SHIT on it. Nothing is where it's supposed to be. Most everything is renamed, so I can't even find what I need to find. Things that I could change in earlier Windows versions are no longer available to change....which pisses me off to no end.

I just want them to stop fucking it up more and more!!!! These new generations of Windows are NOT upgrades by any means.......they are just upgraded FUCKUPS!!
So...I have a little thingymajig on my lower bar saying to upgrade to windows 11.

Should I? That are the pros and cons?

It changes the interface. Everything moves all around and you won't be able to find anything.

But it doesn't really break anything.

It sure doesn't improve anything. (Unless you're a hard core gamer with an RTX 3 series on a PCIe 4 bus with an M.2 ssd on PCIe 4)
It changes the interface. Everything moves all around and you won't be able to find anything.

But it doesn't really break anything.

It sure doesn't improve anything. (Unless you're a hard core gamer with an RTX 3 series on a PCIe 4 bus with an M.2 ssd on PCIe 4)
I don't know how to disable the thingymajig, but I did hide it.
I wait until they stop servicing the one I have, THEN I update to the newer version.
That is what I did, last time. I did not change even to 10, until I was forced by buying a new tower system, when my ancient hard drive crapped out on my laptop. Even when they quit servicing, the updates are out there in many cases. Belark identified and then I just hunted down and loaded.
That is what I did, last time. I did not change even to 10, until I was forced by buying a new tower system, when my ancient hard drive crapped out on my laptop. Even when they quit servicing, the updates are out there in many cases. Belark identified and then I just hunted down and loaded.

I admit I liked 10 right away. It's more Vista like than 7.
You can shut that little thingymajig off. I got a new computer last month and disabled half the Microsoft crap on there. You should be good to go until Windows 10 get so old that it's buggy.

Really, how do you do that? I got a little thing at the bottom of my screen too that says that my computer is ready to upgrade to Windows 11, but I figured that it would do it automatically eventually anyways. Then today I got something that was a red lightning bolt with COMP written a crossed it, but I don't have that on there like I have the constant reminder of Windows 11.
Really, how do you do that? I got a little thing at the bottom of my screen too that says that my computer is ready to upgrade to Windows 11, but I figured that it would do it automatically eventually anyways. Then today I got something that was a red lightning bolt with COMP written a crossed it, but I don't have that on there like I have the constant reminder of Windows 11.

You shut off notifications from Microsoft.
Thanks, but I decided that I'm probably just going to go ahead and let it do what it's going to do.
If it lets you. Microsoft sent the "time to upgrade" notice in (I think) the last update but doesn't tell you if your computer is compatible or not. For that you have to run the test which I think is linked in the notice.
If it lets you. Microsoft sent the "time to upgrade" notice in (I think) the last update but doesn't tell you if your computer is compatible or not. For that you have to run the test which I think is linked in the notice.

It does. I already knew that my computer was compatible when I got it.
If it lets you. Microsoft sent the "time to upgrade" notice in (I think) the last update but doesn't tell you if your computer is compatible or not. For that you have to run the test which I think is linked in the notice.
You are one of the people on here, I pay attention to on computer tech and sometimes fire arms. Surely you are not making the change to Window 11, at this time, or do you have multiple systems that will accept it and thinking of putting it on one of them to try out?
You are one of the people on here, I pay attention to on computer tech and sometimes fire arms. Surely you are not making the change to Window 11, at this time, or do you have multiple systems that will accept it and thinking of putting it on one of them to try out?
I have three home built desktops (one is older and in mothballs.......), a 17" Dell laptop and a 13" Lenovo Yoga 2. Just got rid of an older 17" Dell that I had put Linux Mint on. My primary daily use desktop is Linux Mint, the other desktop is my Windows Gamer so it will eventually get Win 11, maybe a year from now. The Lenovo is designed to run Windows and I would have to change code to make some Windows specific hardware to run Linux but for the time being it's remaining as a Win 10 computer. The other 17" I just replaced Windows with Linux Mint and may just get rid of it also. Most likely I'll just get rid of the other two laptops because I almost never use them.

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