Windows 11, Lenovo Blue Screening weekly


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I recently changed over from Samsung phone to iPhone. It took a little to get used to Apple, but OK, I'm there now

I've been a PC user since Commodore 64 and have stayed with Bill Gate's microsoft equipment. I just had another blue screen!

This is my last one, going to get an Apple desktop or laptop. I'm done with MSFT and the Blue Screen o' Death.

It's 2023 FFS

Can't you get it fucking right by now???
I recently changed over from Samsung phone to iPhone. It took a little to get used to Apple, but OK, I'm there now

I've been a PC user since Commodore 64 and have stayed with Bill Gate's microsoft equipment. I just had another blue screen!

This is my last one, going to get an Apple desktop or laptop. I'm done with MSFT and the Blue Screen o' Death.

It's 2023 FFS

Can't you get it fucking right by now???

Good for you, Frank. No more Blue Screen of Death for you. I had a custom PC I built that died that way in 2011, bought an HP PC with Win 7, saw that it came essentially broke needing 1200 things fixed to debug it, took it back, bought a Mac desktop and have not looked back since. Don't even run any AV.
The Blue Screen of Death is sometimes caused by malfunctioning RAM memory.

If all you do is surf the web and read emails, or maybe compose a letter now and problem.
But unfortunately, MS still dominates the software world.

Have you considered a Linux box? Lots of Open Source software. Open Office on Linux is great.

Apple is another of those Mega Establishment, "All Hail China" corporations that will screw you, your mother and your nation to make a buck.
I would feel sub-human using Apple products. Just me.
All the platforms have back doors for easy government access to your files. There was a reason Windows10 was "free".

If everyone dropped using computers and cellphones the government would implode and collapse in about a week. lol
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