Wind Power Cuts CO2 Emissions Considerably, Even At High Penetration Levels


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America

Wind Power Cuts CO2 Emissions Considerably, Even At High Penetration Levels

New empirical research out of Spain shows that wind power is very effective at cutting CO2 emissions, even at quite high penetration levels.

This is, of course, what many of us would expect, but some people have had the odd idea (or have at least claimed) that wind power plants require such a large amount of backup power that they are useless in making such cuts. Absurd… as this new research shows. Unfortunately, the myth proposed by the confused or biased commenters that most likely stimulated this research has been spread pretty far and wide. Media agencies with a weird bias against wind power, or simply looking to stir up controversy and counterintuitive claims, have been keen to present the myth noted above. Will this research put an end to that? One can only hope so.

The specific findings of the researchers from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid were as follows:
•“[E]very wind MWh introduced in the network allows us to avoid all the CO2 of each displaced thermal MWh at a low penetration.”
•“When penetration levels are as high as 50%, the wind effect is accumulative and reductions would reach just 80%. However, this reduction is still significant and there are no negative cases…”

Read more at Wind Power Cuts CO2 Emissions Considerably, Even At High Penetration Levels | CleanTechnica

Pouring the cement causes co2...Well, paving your street does too. ;) We're talking about order of magnitude and it isn't eve with the ball park. argument is just dumb.
Using coal or natural gas plants at times when the wind isn't blowing. How about when it is? Don't you think the fact that it is preventing coal from being burnt = less. Jezzzz.

Any electricy not being developed by coal ===---> less co2. Even if we cycle the damn power plant at times.
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Because people like you are fucking morons.

God you fuckers are fascist.

On top of far less co2 you also have far less pollution. This is a fact.

Producing more produces more CO2, Wind Farms use the largest amount of Fossil Fuels than any other form of Electrical Power Plant, using more Fossil Fuels results in more CO2 being produced.
Yeah, that might be it. Or...and this is just a thought....maybe the people who are smart enough to have this discussion don't want to have this discussion because they see what you're trying to do here? Maybe? Just a thought.
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Wind turbines produce no greenhouse gas emissions during their operation. It takes a turbine just three to six months to produce the amount of energy that goes into its manufacture, installation, operation, maintenance and decommissioning after its 20-25 year lifetime. During its lifetime a wind turbine delivers up to 80 times more energy than is used in its production, maintenance and scrapping. Wind energy has the lowest ‘lifecycle emissions’ of all energy production technologies.

2. Does wind energy reduce fossil fuel imports?

Using an indigenous source of energy such as the wind helps the EU be more self-reliant, providing its own power. In 2012 avoided fuel costs from wind power production were €9.6 bn. This will rise to €22 -27 billion in 2020 and €47-51 billion in 2030.

A 2012 study carried out in the UK (Pearce- Higgins et al.) concluded that a large majority of species can co-exist or thrive with wind farms once they are operating (Journal of Applied Ecology).

According to the Greening Blue Energy study, “Including both on and offshore facilities, estimated rates of mortality for different bird species range from 0.01 to 23 mortalities per turbine per year” (Drewitt & Langston, 2005). It has been estimated that wind turbines in the US cause the direct deaths of only 0.01-0.02% of all of the birds killed annually by collisions with man-made structures and activities.

Wind energy FAQ | EWEA
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Better then this shit that comes from coal.

The post I posted earlier also shows that even with cycling the fact that wind is causing less coal to be burnt = less co2 emissions. LESS POLLUTION. Lie all you want.

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