Wind farms are warming the earth, researchers say


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
New research finds that wind farms actually warm up the surface of the land underneath them during the night, a phenomenon that could put a damper on efforts to expand wind energy as a green energy solution.
Researchers used satellite data from 2003 to 2011 to examine surface temperatures across as wide swath of west Texas, which has built four of the world's largest wind farms. The data showed a direct correlation between night-time temperatures increases of 0.72 degrees C (1.3 degrees F) and the placement of the farms.
"Given the present installed capacity and the projected growth in installation of wind farms across the world, I feel that wind farms, if spatially large enough, might have noticeable impacts on local to regional meteorology," Liming Zhou, associate professor at the State University of New York, Albany and author of the paper published April 29 in Nature Climate Change said in an e-mail to Discovery News.

Read more: Wind farms are warming the earth, researchers say | Fox News

NOW what? asswipes? NOW what?

I think they kill a lot of birds too..

so we're killing two birds with one stone..

yay libtards.
How can that many research agencies that depend mainly on gov't monies and
crony capitalists who have ties to Papa Obama be wrong ?

New research finds that wind farms actually warm up the surface of the land underneath them during the night, a phenomenon that could put a damper on efforts to expand wind energy as a green energy solution.
Researchers used satellite data from 2003 to 2011 to examine surface temperatures across as wide swath of west Texas, which has built four of the world's largest wind farms. The data showed a direct correlation between night-time temperatures increases of 0.72 degrees C (1.3 degrees F) and the placement of the farms.
"Given the present installed capacity and the projected growth in installation of wind farms across the world, I feel that wind farms, if spatially large enough, might have noticeable impacts on local to regional meteorology," Liming Zhou, associate professor at the State University of New York, Albany and author of the paper published April 29 in Nature Climate Change said in an e-mail to Discovery News.

Read more: Wind farms are warming the earth, researchers say | Fox News

NOW what? asswipes? NOW what?

Speaking of wind....

"AMHERST — Former Vice president Al Gore on Friday refuted claims that global warning is a myth, saying that 97 to 98 percent of the worlds’ scientists attest to its veracity."
Al Gore at Hampshire College: Global warming is real and needs to be addressed now |

And, in a related story.....

“The problem is we don’t know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago. That led to some alarmist books – mine included – because it looked clear-cut, but it hasn’t happened.”
-JAMES LOVELOCK, British scientist and creator of the ‘Gaia hypothesis,’ in an interview with MSNBC last week. The 92-year-old scientist has long been a hero to the green movement for his groundbreaking theory that the Earth essentially functioned as a single organism—one that could react violently to our interference. In the past Lovelock had sounded the alarm over unchecked climate change, predicting in 2006 that billions would die because of warming before the end of the century, with much of the world left uninhabitable. But in a new book Lovelock is backing off those statements,

Read more: James Lovelock Walks Back His Alarmism on Climate | Ecocentric |
New research finds that wind farms actually warm up the surface of the land underneath them during the night, a phenomenon that could put a damper on efforts to expand wind energy as a green energy solution.
Researchers used satellite data from 2003 to 2011 to examine surface temperatures across as wide swath of west Texas, which has built four of the world's largest wind farms. The data showed a direct correlation between night-time temperatures increases of 0.72 degrees C (1.3 degrees F) and the placement of the farms.
"Given the present installed capacity and the projected growth in installation of wind farms across the world, I feel that wind farms, if spatially large enough, might have noticeable impacts on local to regional meteorology," Liming Zhou, associate professor at the State University of New York, Albany and author of the paper published April 29 in Nature Climate Change said in an e-mail to Discovery News.

Read more: Wind farms are warming the earth, researchers say | Fox News

NOW what? asswipes? NOW what?

Well considering they're made out of metal and metal conducts heat and the sun produces heat, I would expect that to happen...

Progressives are pretty fucking stupid - why not strap solar panels to the fucking blades? - not that would make their ideas dumber than they already are...

Your typical progressive is to fucking stupid to realize that it takes energy to manufacture their dumb "green" bullshit and that their bullshit require energy to maintain.....

Of course these are the same idiots that will go on and on about science but cant grasp the idea that free energy is impossible...

Of course some leftist here will give me a Pandoras Box lecture....
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Wait... so you guys are flip flopping on the fact that the globe can be warmed by the actions of man? Because if you think windmills can warm the earth but not all the other shit that is said to warm the earth by man, then you're a fucking idiot.

So you now agree with all the other things that are said to warm the earth, caused by man?

Hurrah! Conservatives are now on the global warming team!
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Wait... so you guys are flip flopping on the fact that the globe can be warmed by the actions of man? Because if you think windmills can warm the earth but not all the other shit that is said to warm the earth by man, then you're a fucking idiot.

So you now agree with all the other things that are said to warm the earth, caused by man?

Hurrah! Conservatives are now on the global warming team!

I guess WillowTard is a tree- hugger now too :eusa_drool:
Wait... so you guys are flip flopping on the fact that the globe can be warmed by the actions of man? Because if you think windmills can warm the earth but not all the other shit that is said to warm the earth by man, then you're a fucking idiot.

So you now agree with all the other things that are said to warm the earth, caused by man?

Hurrah! Conservatives are now on the global warming team!


good to see you again

It does seem people are pointing out the classic concept of...

The best laid schemes of mice and men

Let us not read too much into it

A side note
I believe that creepy troll
has stopped following for me for awhile
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