Will the Catholic Church Crash And Burn?

His Holiness needs to stay in the saving souls business and out of the political arena
He is a head of state. Ergo it is appropriate that he weigh in on issues. JPII was instrumental in overthrowing communism in Poland. He was a great man. This guy? Not so much.

That alone should be all the evidence you need to prove to you that Catholicism is not a bible based Christianity. (Jesus had no place to lay his head and Paul owned one coat. Not a country with a trillion dollar bank account at his fingertips) Rome's religion is based on the original Babylonian religion which had nothing to do with Christianity - Constantine was a sun god worshipper until his death. I believe this man will prove to be one of the most dangerous men of our time. He's already off to an aggressive start with his staking a claim on Christianity (Catholicism is not Christian) and "his church" as the "One true faith". There is nothing "holy" about him. One look at him and you can see he's a son of hell through and through.
His Holiness needs to stay in the saving souls business and out of the political arena
He is a head of state. Ergo it is appropriate that he weigh in on issues. JPII was instrumental in overthrowing communism in Poland. He was a great man. This guy? Not so much.

That alone should be all the evidence you need to prove to you that Catholicism is not a bible based Christianity. (Jesus had no place to lay his head and Paul owned one coat. Not a country with a trillion dollar bank account at his fingertips) Rome's religion is based on the original Babylonian religion which had nothing to do with Christianity - Constantine was a sun god worshipper until his death. I believe this man will prove to be one of the most dangerous men of our time. He's already off to an aggressive start with his staking a claim on Christianity (Catholicism is not Christian) and "his church" as the "One true faith". There is nothing "holy" about him. One look at him and you can see he's a son of hell through and through.

He should give you a huge check in your spirit! He's a son of hell! I'm telling you! Beat feet out of there, Lass! There is no salvation inside that God forsaken religion (RC).
His Holiness needs to stay in the saving souls business and out of the political arena
He is a head of state. Ergo it is appropriate that he weigh in on issues. JPII was instrumental in overthrowing communism in Poland. He was a great man. This guy? Not so much.

That alone should be all the evidence you need to prove to you that Catholicism is not a bible based Christianity. (Jesus had no place to lay his head and Paul owned one coat. Not a country with a trillion dollar bank account at his fingertips) Rome's religion is based on the original Babylonian religion which had nothing to do with Christianity - Constantine was a sun god worshipper until his death. I believe this man will prove to be one of the most dangerous men of our time. He's already off to an aggressive start with his staking a claim on Christianity (Catholicism is not Christian) and "his church" as the "One true faith". There is nothing "holy" about him. One look at him and you can see he's a son of hell through and through.

He should give you a huge check in your spirit! He's a son of hell! I'm telling you! Beat feet out of there, Lass! There is no salvation inside that God forsaken religion (RC).
His Holiness needs to stay in the saving souls business and out of the political arena
He is a head of state. Ergo it is appropriate that he weigh in on issues. JPII was instrumental in overthrowing communism in Poland. He was a great man. This guy? Not so much.

That alone should be all the evidence you need to prove to you that Catholicism is not a bible based Christianity. (Jesus had no place to lay his head and Paul owned one coat. Not a country with a trillion dollar bank account at his fingertips) Rome's religion is based on the original Babylonian religion which had nothing to do with Christianity - Constantine was a sun god worshipper until his death. I believe this man will prove to be one of the most dangerous men of our time. He's already off to an aggressive start with his staking a claim on Christianity (Catholicism is not Christian) and "his church" as the "One true faith". There is nothing "holy" about him. One look at him and you can see he's a son of hell through and through.

He should give you a huge check in your spirit! He's a son of hell! I'm telling you! Beat feet out of there, Lass! There is no salvation inside that God forsaken religion (RC).

The Vatican owns its own city / land. It is totally un-scriptural. Jesus had no place to lay his own head and Paul had one coat but let some Pagans claim to have founded a new religion - Catholicism - using same style occult rituals, gods, altar, golden chalice, man made holy days and the people who do not know their bible will line up for it (to their own demise).
The new Pope is certainly making a reputation for himself. After slamming the system, capitalism, that has done more to lift people out of poverty in 200 years than the Church has done in 2000 he has gone on and coddled Castro, an avowed communist, and now Abbas, a known terrorist.
Is the Pope some kind of "Manchurian candidate" of the Left, intent on bringing down the Church? I know JPII is rolling in his grave with this one.
Pope Francis calls Palestinians Abbas angel of peace - BBC News
I am not keen on the pope or the Catholic Church getting to “chummy” with any Palestinian delegation or leader. I also was opposed to recognizing the Palestinian state as some sovereign nation in 2012, or whatever formal edict they put forth? I am not keen on this pope’s exuberance about environmental issues and I surely oppose his almost guarantee of the evolutionary process.
But having said all that I still love this pope for so many other reasons. And I am only writing to make clear that he did not refer to Mahmoud Abbas as an “angel of peace” in the present or from the past. (thank you!) The JewishPress among other media outlets clarify this.

Main Stream Media Failure: Pope did NOT call Mahmoud Abbas an ‘Angel of Peace

*UPDATE*, with double-down

By: J. E. Dyer

Published: May 17th, 2015

{originally posted to the author’s website, Liberty Unyielding}

Fueled by wire stories from AP and AFP, the mainstream media have been running with a headline that Pope Francis, during a meeting at the Vatican on Saturday 16 May, called Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas “an angel of peace.”

[Editor’s note: Unlike the news wires, JewishPress.com accurately reported the translation of the Pope’s statement to Abbas (as well as the Pope’s decision to recognize a “Palestinian” state).]

The problem: the pope did not call Abbas — aka the terrorist Abu Mazen — an “angel of peace.”

He did utter the words “angel of peace,” and he suggested that Abbas could or might be one. In the context of the pope’s complete statement about the meeting, the implication was that Abbas could be an angel of peace if he resumed direct negotiations with Israel.

Why did Francis say the words “angel of peace” at all? Because he was making a gift to Abbas of a medallion engraved with an image of the Angel of Peace. The Vatican Insider feature of Italy’s La Stampa has this summary in its English version:

As is tradition with heads of State or of government, Francis presented presented a gift to the Palestinian leader, commenting: “May the angel of peace destroy the evil spirit of war. I thought of you: may you be an angel of peace.” Pope Francis had called Abu Mazen a “man of peace” when he visited Bethlehem in May 2014, just as he called the then Israeli Prime Minister, Shimon Peres, a “man of peace” during his subsequent visit to Jerusalem.

For those who are interested in comparing the original Italian report at La Stampa, it’s here. The same passage has more information about the gift of the medallion.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio ha regalato al leader palestinese, come è sua consuetudine con i Capi di Stato e di Governo, un medaglione con la figura dell’Angelo della Pace, commentando: «L’angelo della pace distrugge lo spirito cattivo della guerra. Ho pensato a lei: che lei possa essere un angelo della pace». Papa Francesco aveva definito Abu Mazen «uomo di pace» durante la visita a Betlemme nel maggio del 2014, così come aveva definito l’allora presidente israeliano Shimon Peres «uomo di pace» nella successiva tappa a Gerusalemme.

A more direct, exact translation is as follows:

Jorge Mario Bergoglio [i.e., the pope, but using his given name as the head of state of the Vatican] gave the Palestinian leader, as is his custom with heads of state and government, a medallion with the image of the Angel of Peace, commenting: “The angel of peace destroys the evil spirit of war. I thought of you*: that you might be an angel of peace.” Pope Francis had called Abu Mazen a “man of peace” during the visit to Bethlehem in May 2014, just as he called former Israeli President Shimon Peres a “man of peace” at his next stop in Jerusalem.

To summarize, then: Pope Francis had previously commended both Abbas and Peres as “men of peace,” presumably intending papal encouragement for the pursuit of peace. At the meeting with Abbas on Saturday, the pope gave Abbas a medallion with the image of the Angel of Peace, and commented that Abbas might be, or would have the chance to be, an angel of peace. He did not say that Abbas is an angel of peace.

In the latter regard, it’s worth noting further that the pope’s wish for Abbas is expressed in the subjunctive mode: “che lei possa essere un angelo della pace.” The level of dubiousness or “unfulfilledness” conveyed by the subjunctive mode in romance languages is something English no longer has a strong equivalent for. A more exact translation of the idea in English would be something like “may it be that you become an angel of peace,” or “let it be that you become an angel of peace.”

What the use of the subjunctive makes clear is that the pope was not saying Abbas already is an angel of peace. Notably, Francis went on in his additional remarks to hope that direct talks would resume between the parties:

Next, the peace process with Israel was discussed and the hope was expressed that direct negotiations between the Parties would resume in order to find a just and lasting solution to the conflict. For this purpose, the wish for Israelis and Palestinians to take determined and courageous decisions in aid of peace, with the support of the international community, was once against reiterated.

Read the whole La Stampa summary for yourself; it’s clear that the pope’s official comments were phrased carefully, avoiding premature applause for anyone’s incarnation as an “angel,” and endorsing mutual, direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs as the way ahead.

The MSM, of course, heard what they wanted to hear, and wrote biased headlines accordingly.

** UPDATE **: An acquaintance sent me the link to a Spanish-language Zenitarticle on the Abbas visit, whose wording mirrors the sense of the Italian story. The Zenit piece contains an additional piece of information as well: Pope Francis reportedly gave Abbas a copy of his 2013 encyclical Evangelii Gaudium. One of the things that encyclical was most especially noted for was its positive, affirming statement on the relation of the Church with Judaism and the Jewish people. Here is the relevant passage:

Relations with Judaism 247. We hold the Jewish people in special regard because their covenant with God has never been revoked, for “the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable” (Rom 11:29). The Church, which shares with Jews an important part of the sacred Scriptures, looks upon the people of the covenant and their faith as one of the sacred roots of her own Christian identity (cf. Rom 11:16-18). As Christians, we cannot consider Judaism as a foreign religion; nor do we include the Jews among those called to turn from idols and to serve the true God (cf. 1 Thes 1:9). With them, we believe in the one God who acts in history, and with them we accept his revealed word.

248. Dialogue and friendship with the children of Israel are part of the life of Jesus’ disciples. The friendship which has grown between us makes us bitterly and sincerely regret the terrible persecutions which they have endured, and continue to endure, especially those that have involved Christians.

249. God continues to work among the people of the Old Covenant and to bring forth treasures of wisdom which flow from their encounter with his word. For this reason, the Church also is enriched when she receives the values of Judaism. While it is true that certain Christian beliefs are unacceptable to Judaism, and that the Church cannot refrain from proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Messiah, there exists as well a rich complementary which allows us to read the texts of the Hebrew Scriptures together and to help one another to mine the riches of God’s word. We can also share many ethical convictions and a common concern for justice and the development of peoples.

(Of particular note, from a Christian standpoint, is that the section on Judaism is set apart from the section on “interreligious dialogue.” It is in that latter section that Pope Francis addresses the Church’s relations with Islam. This is not a rebuke to Islam or Muslims, but it clarifies that the Catholic Church recognizes a religious and spiritual connection with Judaism that it does not recognize with other religions, including Islam. It also clarifies the Church’s position that the Jewish covenant with God has never been revoked.)

We can assume that Francis did not select a text at random to give to Abbas at their meeting. On the topic at hand, meanwhile, my friend puts it this way: “There’s a sense in which the Pope did the exact opposite of what the NYT and AFP reported: he urged Abbas to change his way.”

In light of all the facts from the Italian and Spanish reports, that case can indeed be made.

* Italian cognoscenti will recognize that, technically, “lei,” without capitalization, is the pronoun “her” or “she.” The formal “you” is written “Lei,” with a capital L. However, since La Stampa translated the passage to reflect the pope addressing Abbas in the second person and calling him “you,” we can assume this was a case of grammatical sloppiness in the Italian original. “You” also makes more sense in the overall context of the event and the pope’s remarks.
The new Pope is certainly making a reputation for himself. After slamming the system, capitalism, that has done more to lift people out of poverty in 200 years than the Church has done in 2000 he has gone on and coddled Castro, an avowed communist, and now Abbas, a known terrorist.
Is the Pope some kind of "Manchurian candidate" of the Left, intent on bringing down the Church? I know JPII is rolling in his grave with this one.
Pope Francis calls Palestinians Abbas angel of peace - BBC News

The Pope is a Jesuit Communist / Satanist who is an avowed enemy of Jesus Christ and His Church and His Brethren. Pope Francis is the arch enemy of every protestant and Jew that rejects his offer of a one world cult which he will rule over. There is no possibility of this son of hell bringing down Catholicism any further than it already is - as it originated out of the Babylonian religion inspired from hell itself - the occult - and its gods - Tammuz (sun god) Semiramis (queen of heaven - a witch who gave birth to Tammuz and later married him) and Nimrod ( her original husband who was put to death by Noah's son Shem because Nimrod and Semiramis were Baal worshippers performing human infant sacrifice - eating human flesh and drinking human blood) What you need to examine is all of the evidence ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera offers in his book Alberto by Chick publications and the rest of the series which explains how the Vatican and Jesuits were behind WWII and the putting to death of 6 1/2 million Jews, Protestants and some Catholics who were unaware that Hitler was doing the bidding of the Vatican every step of the way, The Rabbi. That is what you need to examine and then ask yourself this question...........how did they get away with it and why wasn't the Vatican put on trial after WWII for having been behind WWII?

The Holocaust was another Inquistion of the RCC, The Rabbi.

That is what it was. It should have been put on trial, shut down and the money distributed to its millions upon millions of victims. One day those involved with the RCC will stand before the Judgment seat of Christ and give an account for their crimes and there will be no appeals court, no Roman Catholic working for a "heavenly CIA or FBI" to whitewash or erase the evidence......there will be no Catholic politician cutting a deal for the Pope and his evil workers. They will be standing before a Judge that cannot be bought off.

If you are a member of the Roman Catholic Institution the Bible identifies you as a Baal worshipper, and no Baal worshipper, no Pagan will enter the kingdom of heaven.

The worship of Mary, prayers to Mary, rosary beads - it's all Baal worship to Semiramis and her son / husband Tammuz. There is no salvation in the Roman Catholic Church -those who remain in it will be lost for all eternity.
Sorry but anti-Catholic bigotry runs alongside most other kinds of bigotry.

Then you'd have to say that to be anti-Hitler is anti - Nazi bigotry that runs alongside most other kinds of bigotry. And I would say - I must disagree with you.

It isn't bigotry to speak out against evil. It isn't bigotry to expose where the evil came from that led to the deaths of 68 million Jews, Protestants and non Catholics during 605 years of Inquisitions and it isn't bigotry to expose the truth that WWII was yet another Roman Catholic Inquisition and the deaths of 6 1/2 million Jews! It's either complicity or ignorance that would call what I have said bigotry, The Rabbi.

In your case? I believe you are like most Jews - a very good hearted man who cannot comprehend that evil of that magnitude could be planned out so cleverly and over so many hundreds of years and counting. You prefer to believe the best and that is commendable but when it comes to the Vatican? Don't. They are masters of deceit and this Jesuit Pope is not to be trusted. When have the Romans ever done the right thing by the Jews? Let History speak for itself please.
The Catholic Church has always been Socialist. This is not a revelation.

They are whatever makes them appear in the best light because that is how Satan comes - as an angel of light. They were against Socialism before they were for it. They were for killing the Jews until they saw they lost WWII and then they pretended they were for saving the Jews. They run both sides of the wars they create and have been behind ( the Jesuits) the worst of them.

The Jesuits are masters of deceit. They are the founders of the Illuminati and yet look at how masterfully they have conspired to make the Jews out to be the ones seeking to control the world! How they authored the Protocols of Zion and then claimed it was written by Jews - in order to inflame the world against the Jews! (the Jesuits were also the author of Mein Kampf!) How Augustine planted the seeds in the Arab world later watered by the Vatican and Catholic Khadija to indoctrinate Mohammad into using the Arabs to wipe out the Protestants and Jews and how to accomplish "forced conversions"- the Vatican has desired to take hold of Jerusalem as their Vatican headquarters for hundreds of years now! They have devised many evil methods to accomplish it but truth be known - their reward is in hell waiting for them. That day shall surely come. There is no other organization on earth who has been a greater enemy of Jesus Christ and His Church. Roman Catholicism is an abomination unto God Almighty.
One last thought I'd like for The Rabbi to consider. Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler (whom Hitler called his Ignatius Loyola)and the Nazi Jesuits were not an abberation of Roman Catholicism but rather the Golden Poster Children for Roman Catholicism. They represented and revealed the vision the Vatican had for itself as ruler of a One World Govt, and Religion. With the Pope and all of his temporal powers! This vision is still intact today. The Doctrine of Lei has never been abolished. To this day they deem it their right to put to death anyone who would interfere with the good of "their vision". According to the Doctrine of Lei we are "pestilence" - that is how the Jew and Protestant are identified - heretics worthy of death. (the Pope thinks he makes decisions for God - does this not trouble you?)

Bin Laden was a golden boy poster child for Wahhabi Islam. Look at the fruit. It is what it is.

It was the teachings of the Vatican and Roman Institution that created the atmosphere for WWII and the annihilation of 6 1/2 million Jews & Protestants and the few Catholics who didn't want to go along with the Vatican.

In my view, Catholicism is more dangerous than Islam because Islam was inspired out of Catholicism. It's where Mohammad got his indoctrination. Before the Vatican involved itself in that elaborate plan of deception (ever wonder why Mohammad named his daughter Fatima?) in order to turn the Arabs against the Jews - the Jews and Arabs had a history of living peacefully among each other but after the Vatican's indoctrination of Mohammad? Everything changed.

Can Islam have a reformation? No. You cannot turn a lie into the truth. Catholicism has never had a reformation because it is based on a lie. When presented with the truth- Protestant reformation - they rejected it and wanted to murder the messenger. There is no salvation in Islam or Catholicism.

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