Will Smith Banned From Award Shows For The Next Decade

Will Smith may get a blurb in the 2023 Academy Award Show. The IN MEMORIUM spot.

RIP Will.

You’ll always be remembered for that big hit.
Alopecia is not cancer and I didn't see any kids sitting at Smith's table.
I think there is confusion about alopecia being cancer because it frequently follows cancer therapy, and it sometimes is already present when therapy begins. All I know is that both alopecia and cancer are both are considered autoimmune diseases, and fall within the pathological realm of medical treatment. It's too bad people don't know that cancer is preventable by a diet that includes dark green vegetables, orange vegetables, berries of color, and by including fish a couple of times a week for protein. There are entire societies on this planet of people on isolated islands or even inland for that matter, who have never known anyone who had to deal with cancer. In contrast, our diet frequently has nothing but empty calories that include only white foods such as sugar, flour, and dairy stuff, that over time do not prevent cancers of any kind. What I'm saying is that when the Medical community broke away from traditional diet as preventative to illness, cancer reared its ugly head like never before. Not to worry, that was decades ago. Even so, cancer trails heart attacks that are blamed for more deaths in the USA.

What were the leading causes of cancer death in 2020?​

Lung cancer was the leading cause of cancer death, accounting for 23% of all cancer deaths. Other common causes of cancer death were cancers of the colon and rectum (9%), pancreas (8%), female breast (7%), prostate (5%), and liver and intrahepatic bile duct (5%). Other cancers individually accounted for less than 5% of cancer deaths.​
In 2020—​
  • 136,084 people died of lung cancer (63,135 females and 72,949 males).
  • 51,869 people died of colorectal cancer (23,826 females and 28,043 males).
  • 46,774 people died of pancreatic cancer (22,495 females and 24,279 males).
  • 42,275 females died of breast cancer.
  • 32,707 males died of prostate cancer.
  • 28,227 people died of liver and intrahepatic bile duct cancer (9,591 females and 18,636 males).

May my fellows and sisters learn to eat more vegetables and ingest fewer calories that smack us down with fast-food-only diets. I've noticed recently that one nationwide peddler of fast-food has furnished a sugary orange-flavored drink that is likely a long fall from real fresh-squeezed orange juice for which the wise have an electric orange juicer to benefit from this high-vitamin C (and a lot of great orange antioxidants and minerals that fight viruses.) Unfortunately, relying on only one good source of beneficial antioxidants and vitamins is not near as good as a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. A large variety of different colored fruits, spices, and veggies is the best cancer eraser. And you have to get a balance of proteins and fats, vitamins and minerals, in your diet with an eye on not overeating calories that bring white fats into the body since there is a ceiling of calories that when exceeded, can contribute to excessive white fat in the body that is an open invitation to getting cancer. Obesity can be a cause of cancer. And fast foods that have proprietors more interested in profit than customer health, lead to hunger pangs that are satisfied by more high-calorie fast foods as a habit. That overeating crud can also lead to a lethal first heart attack. Furthermore, careless food peddlers tend to cancel nutrition for their customers, whether wittingly or a dearth of caring for others is present in their bottom line. Ever been into a fast food restaurant that offers a vitamin to make up for their pathetic nutrition history?
He checked himself in to some rehab place. recently. I think its a way for him to distance himself from HER and maybe get some wisdom on the wicked witch he is associated with and perhaps dump her sorry ass.
He has a long road to hoe....and the first step is to get professional help for accepting what she has been dishing out for so long...and then doing something about HIMSELF and getting out of that toxic marriage. And it IS toxic.

I always liked Smith. I hope he prevails.

Chris Rock does what he does. Its his job. Just like Don Rickles did, and like EVERY NIGHT what late night shows do as their opening monolog. They bitch slap verbally. Will did it physically. Now he needs to get his shit together because right now...NOBODY is going to put him a film, Bad Boys 4 and Fresh Prince has been cancelled. Yes...long road to hoe and he is starting the first steps.
Will Smith is fucked up...his philandering wife keeps his heart in a box and whenever she wants to... she opens the box and sticks pins in the dude's heart...Will Smith checked into a fancy thousand dollar an hour retreat today.... I hope it does him some good and wakes his ass up about his wife and how she treats him....
I lived in Compton a year back when. It was scarey, and without knowing it, I lived two blocks away from the Watts Riot. On my day off and in broad daylight, two people tried to bust into my apartment while I was by myself. I told them they were in the wrong place, and they left. They just wanted stuff and decided it wasn't worth killing me to get it. Good call! I had nothing of any value. :heehee:
My wife used to live in Philly.....guys would come up to her door and tell her to open the door or they'll kick it in.

She always said...."you kick my door in and I've something for your fucking ass....and it won't be a big kiss!!"
She also said she was going to shoot them in the nuts and they went away.
She had some mob hitman threaten to kill her once and she said "We all gotta die someday....so bring it on!!"

When she's angry that bitch is crazy!!!!! :iagree:
Chivalry originated in the age when both men and women had gender-specific obligations to the opposite sex.

In 2022, chivalry is a one-sided obligation or servitude for men.
I am so not horrified that chivalry's external apparition represents anything negative about the human condition. IMHO, chivalry was an answer to the degredation of women that existed prior to chivalry's induction into a society that had zero use for women other than childbearing with a few albeit far-between exceptions.
Will Smith is fucked up...his philandering wife keeps his heart in a box and whenever she wants to... she opens the box and sticks pins in the dude's heart...Will Smith checked into a fancy thousand dollar an hour retreat today.... I hope it does him some good and wakes his ass up about his wife and how she treats him....
Are you saying that Chris Rock's untoward words actually broke up a marriage or loving relationship that Will Smith was enjoying? hmmmm
I am so not horrified that chivalry's external apparition represents anything negative about the human condition. IMHO, chivalry was an answer to the degredation of women that existed prior to chivalry's induction into a society that had zero use for women other than childbearing with a few albeit far-between exceptions.
I guess chivalry was very useful in begone Centuries and prior to 1970s. In 2022, women have no less rights then men.
No his joke exposed Will's precarious position in his relationship...
He just went down the food chain.

She humiliated him by announcing to the world that she was fucking whoever she pleased with no remorse, so will went after the much smaller guy in turn to recapture some of his manhood.

As beautress has shown, some women get off on that.
I am so not horrified that chivalry's external apparition represents anything negative about the human condition. IMHO, chivalry was an answer to the degredation of women that existed prior to chivalry's induction into a society that had zero use for women other than childbearing with a few albeit far-between exceptions.
What would the Academy do if Jada Smith didn't have that unGodly dress on.....walked up there and slapped Chris Rock herself?
I bet they would have given her an award.

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