Will Smith Banned From Award Shows For The Next Decade

You speak that way about my children...
Or back when I was married, about my wife
Then, you're gonna gel slapped and you should feel lucky I stop there.
Please calm down.

Whenever you assault anyone you take two unreasonable risks:
1) Arrest and Record for Assault
2) The other party defends themselves with a weapon
Took care?

He commited a crime. Now. I know from reading your posts that you are very primitive, but physical assault does not take care of anything
If you do not think words can assault someone, you may have never read the tenth commandment, doll. But Hollyweird hath spoken to clobber the best and comfort the worst. IMHO, that's not as good as letting people continue to decide who they like the best: a man who defends his lady's honor, or the man who rubbed her name in the mud out of jealousy of her man's success. I think the best course of action for the leftists in Hollywood is to let the two gentlemen who aired their differences in front of millions of people watching tv, learn to accept the outcome. One who was offended begged his adversary for forgiveness after the hot moment was done. The other accepted the apology like a true gentlemen. That should have ended the whole thing. But Hollyweird decided this was a good time for a footshoot, and they took aim at their right foot and shot it off so they could get more people watching their political theater next year after they've created true chaos out of the unspeakable. That said, I'm leaving this discussion to those who for their own reasons are offended one way or another by stuff that the players apologized to each other for.
There are a thousand ways to see two wrongs not making a right. We're getting there. :thup:
This is an overreaction.
This is what these Hollywood degenerates do.
Clearly Will Smith isn't black enough for them. He doesn't use the "N" word enough in his movies or his rap videos.
Chris Rock uses the "N" word in every sentence. He's black by God.

On one hand they support sick individuals.....and on the other hand they collectively go after someone who didn't do anything even close to what the Pedophiles in their ranks have done.
They have caused kids to turn to drugs and suicide....but this slap is definitely worse that Jan 6th to them.
They can accept a body-count in Hollywood....ruined lives.....but you just can't do something that the mob decides is bad.
Shit....that's like being an actor and voting for Trump....or questioning vaccinations.
God help you if you ever do that, cause you're a terrorist then.
LeBron James could punch a player and get a two game suspension....but these lily-white assholes decided that this deserved 10 years.
Usually the victim of an assault presses charges before the perp is punished. Apparently that does not apply in Hollyweird.
Wow, ten years.

They should do nothing to Chris Rock, who is a comedian.
Imagine that... a comedian who zings audience members at the Oscars. Rock summed it up well when he saw the eye-roll of displeasure from the dragon queen - "awe, that's a nice one" - referring to his joke. He was right, it was very gentle compared to what most would have potentially done. Sometimes people get so caught up in their own life circumstances that they forget that the whole world isn't focused on them and they take offense where none was intended.
Chris Rock would have been "justified" to have told that joke even if he DID KNOW she had a hair loss condition. It would have been a jerk move, but comedians have done a lot worse lately.

He said he didn't know of her condition and I believe him.
Yeah, there could be some interesting dynamics there. I guess her half of the marriage is "open".

Ricky Gervais had a great line: "I wouldn't have made fun of her hair, I would have made fun of her boyfriend".
I think that's why he slapped the guy.
He could see people were making fun of him.
I would have asked him to meet me in the parking lot.
Usually the victim of an assault presses charges before the perp is punished. Apparently that does not apply in Hollyweird.

No not really. People aren't usually held accountable for anything. Even in the white house.
No not really. People aren't usually held accountable for anything. Even in the white house.
Wrong, if you get assaulted and report it to the police, the incident will be investigated and if found credible they will pursue and indict the perp. In Hollyweird none of that applies apparently.
We can't have people finding out the truth about Black on Black violence.
Rich White people get all verklempt over it.
Shit....back on Compton Street in L.A. this is your typical Friday Night.
I lived in Compton a year back when. It was scarey, and without knowing it, I lived two blocks away from the Watts Riot. On my day off and in broad daylight, two people tried to bust into my apartment while I was by myself. I told them they were in the wrong place, and they left. They just wanted stuff and decided it wasn't worth killing me to get it. Good call! I had nothing of any value. :heehee:
Rock humiliated Smith's wife who is suffering from a medical condition...
Smith in what should be considered a chivalrous act of defense of his wife responded by returning the insult.
Yes, a slap in the face in that situation is an insult...

If Smith were out to hurt Rock, he probably could have.

People need to consider context.
Alopecia. *cough* Last time I heard, alopecia is not deadly. It's not the "cause" that she'd to make of it. Bitch can STFU and wear a fucking wig.

"Medical condition"..............................:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I agree. I see both sides of the argument actually. First of all Will and his wife should have been able to take a joke, but Will shouldn't have said it and Will was only defending her even if they do sleep with other people. Which I do not condone by the way,
It doesn't matter if you approve or don't it is not your life.
If you do not think words can assault someone, you may have never read the tenth commandment, doll. But Hollyweird hath spoken to clobber the best and comfort the worst. IMHO, that's not as good as letting people continue to decide who they like the best: a man who defends his lady's honor, or the man who rubbed her name in the mud out of jealousy of her man's success. I think the best course of action for the leftists in Hollywood is to let the two gentlemen who aired their differences in front of millions of people watching tv, learn to accept the outcome. One who was offended begged his adversary for forgiveness after the hot moment was done. The other accepted the apology like a true gentlemen. That should have ended the whole thing. But Hollyweird decided this was a good time for a footshoot, and they took aim at their right foot and shot it off so they could get more people watching their political theater next year after they've created true chaos out of the unspeakable. That said, I'm leaving this discussion to those who for their own reasons are offended one way or another by stuff that the players apologized to each other for.

Wow, you are actually referencing the Bible because you get off on watching a large man slapping around a small one?

And simply because he compared a woman to a strong female character, no less.

I knew manipulative girls like you in high school. They loved it when their boyfriends beat up the little geek kids even if they had to make up some total b.s. to set it off.
he is suffering from a medical condition and Rock attacked her for being sick.
Would you be Ok with him making "jokes" about children with cancer?

She is not suffering. She just said, days before the oscars, that she doesn't care what other people think about her 'condition'. She HAS hair. If it was such a problem she coulda stayed home or she coulda worn a damn wig. She can afford them. These folk are all insiders. They should know how to take a joke. THIS is comedy. You can't question the audience to see if anyone has something or they know somebody with something, you intend to make a joke about. Plain stupid. What Smith HAS done however, is to prep the way for more of this fake outrage and retaliation.

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