Will Putin Stop After Ukraine?

Will Ukraine be Putin's last invation?

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Do you agree with their assessment?
Chronicling Days One Hundred and Forty-Seven through One Hundred and Sixty-One of the Information War - Law & Public Policy Program
Yes, and I think it's a huge mistake to underestimate the greed of American capitalists who have been salivating at the prospect of breaking Russia into pieces and looting its natural resources similarly to the pillage in the 1990s:

"The headings and subheadings at the top read 'A Map of Free Post-Russian States: The Decolonization and Reconstruction of Russia: Time for Indigenous Peoples and Regions to Restore Their Independence and Sovereignty.'"

US gov't body plots to break up Russia in name of 'decolonization' - Geopolitical Economy Report

"A US government body held a Congressional briefing plotting ways to break up Russia as a country, in the name of supposed “decolonization.”

"The participants urged the United States to give more support to separatist movements inside Russia and in the diaspora.

"They proposed the independence of numerous republics in the Russian Federation, including Chechnya, Tatarstan, and Dagestan, as well as historic areas that existed centuries ago such as Circassia."
Putin reclaimed the providences that overwhelming voted to rejoin Russia - without Dominion vote flipping machines.

He has no interest in anything west of the Dnieper except that it all stay neutral
Is Putin just going for that region or the entire Ukraine?
That remains to be seen. My guess he will make that determination based upon how NATO behaves. Since 2014 or before, NATO has been threatening Russia. As long as that threat remains, Russia will behave accordingly.
That remains to be seen. My guess he will make that determination based upon how NATO behaves. Since 2014 or before, NATO has been threatening Russia. As long as that threat remains, Russia will behave accordingly.
How has NATO threatened Russia?
How has NATO threatened Russia?
Dubya did his part in 2008.

"George W. Bush (6:46)

"This week, our Alliance must also decide how to respond to the requests by Georgia and Ukraine to participate in NATO's Membership Action Plan.

"These two nations inspired the world with their Rose and Orange Revolutions -- and now they're working to consolidate their democratic gains and cement their independence.

"Welcoming them into the MATO [sic] -- into the Membership Action Plan would send a signal to their citizens that if they continue on the path to democracy and reform they will be welcomed into the institutions of Europe."

U.S.-Europe Relations
How has NATO threatened Russia?
If you really need to ask that question, you really don't pay attention to what's been going on in the world around you.

I guess you missed all the activity by US politicians like John McCain, John Kerry, Victoria Nuland and many more back in 2014. If you are actually curious, consider watching Oliver Stone's documentary Ukraine On Fire. It's most informative.
If you really need to ask that question, you really don't pay attention to what's been going on in the world around you.

I guess you missed all the activity by US politicians like John McCain, John Kerry, Victoria Nuland and many more back in 2014. If you are actually curious, consider watching Oliver Stone's documentary Ukraine On Fire. It's most informative.
When the USSR disappeared, western arms merchants saw a lucrative new market east of Germany. Russia actually floated the idea of joining NATO, but that would have added a competitor to arms makers and not another customer.

RAY McGOVERN: Ukraine For Dummies
  • "Feb. 1, 2008: Amid rumors of NATO planning to offer membership to Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warns U.S. Ambassador William Burns that 'Nyet Means Nyet.' Russia will react strongly to any move to bring Ukraine or Georgia into NATO. Thanks to WikiLeaks, we have Burns’s original cable from embassy in Moscow.
  • "April 3, 2008: Included in Final Declaration from NATO summit in Bucharest: 'NATO welcomes Ukraine’s and Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations for membership in NATO. We agreed today that these countries will become members of NATO.'"
Whether or not he succeeds of fails in his current nefarious goal via his invasion of Ukraine, will he stop at Ukraine or will he move on to the next Slavic country he wants to conquer?

If not, why not?

If so, which country is next on the chopping block?
He's not going to be around much longer , he's destroying Russia.
His stooge breakaway territory from Moldova, Transnistria, is right now asking him "for protection."

That would "give him two Russian territories" that are "behind nato's borders."
Not going to happen , they need to send all these ethnic Russians ( 10 percenters ) that were planted there by Russia long ago back to Russia . Best to make the same offer in all former Russian satellite states of the Soviet Union
Give them a choice live in peace or go back to Russia.
He's not going to be around much longer , he's destroying Russia.
We were all taught the Soviet Union and Communism if you are old enough. Our own central government spy, security, law enforcement departments lied to us on their true wealth. We ended up spending ridiculous amounts of resources on these departments to protect us from them. They put a lot of their wealth into military and the same agencies. Their people suffered though. So, as we spend this money, I do not understand how something like 9/11 happened. I do not understand how October 7 happened either. For many parts of the planet are not that advanced although dangerous. The peasants of our nations are pieces on the chess board forced to pay for the whims of the powerful with no recourse. People die. We are more and more getting numb to it. Putin is not looking for controlling Europe. He is looking for a buffer zone and access into the black sea. Anything else is traditional Russian influence.
Putin has been clear about his intentions in Ukraine and why he found his current SMO necessary; he will not tolerate elements of a hostile military alliance on his western border.

Once that threat is removed, he will stop his advance, imho.

I believe Putin understands extending his operation to all of Ukraine is beyond his capabilities and bound to end in disaster:

The Darkness Ahead: Where The Ukraine War Is Headed

"Rhetoric about de-Nazifying and demilitarizing Ukraine aside, Russia’s concrete goals involve conquering and annexing a large portion of Ukrainian territory, while simultaneously turning Ukraine into a dysfunctional rump state.

"As such, Ukraine’s ability to wage war against Russia would be greatly reduced and it would be unlikely to qualify for membership in either the EU or NATO.

"Moreover, a broken Ukraine, would be especially vulnerable to Russian interference in its domestic politics.

"In short, Ukraine would not be a Western bastion on Russia’s border."
Putin already has thousands of miles of "hostile military forces" on his border without Ukraine. He has added Finland and Sweden to those forces by his uncalled-for invasion and threats to other neighbors.
The Donbas region voted to rejoin Russia. I think there are 4 districts that make up the group. Like Crimea, they all voted to be part of Russia.
AFTER Putin moved "volunteer" military forces into the regions. I'm sure you have forgotten the "little green men" who were fighting with the separatists and the so called "elections" were held under Russian supervision without neutral observers. As the old communist saying goes " only who counts the votes matter" and the Russians counted the votes at gunpoint.

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