Will Putin Stop After Ukraine?

Will Ukraine be Putin's last invation?

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Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Whether or not he succeeds of fails in his current nefarious goal via his invasion of Ukraine, will he stop at Ukraine or will he move on to the next Slavic country he wants to conquer?

If not, why not?

If so, which country is next on the chopping block?
Probably not. Uncle Pooty sees himself as the Soviet Lincoln, and wants to preserve the Union. Honest Abe didn't stop at Gettysburg after all.

I'm sure that President Putin is having his language experts translating the Gettysburg Address so that Putin can give a Kyiv Address after the fighting ends there.
Probably not. Uncle Pooty sees himself as the Soviet Lincoln, and wants to preserve the Union. Honest Abe didn't stop at Gettysburg after all.

I'm sure that President Putin is having his language experts translating the Gettysburg Address so that Putin can give a Kyiv Address after the fighting ends there.
Is this a pro-Putin or an anti-Putin post?

I can't tell.
Neither, its just an observation and analysis of the facts to try and answer your query.
You know, I don't think that Polish people (in Poland), for the most part, are in the Putin camp.

Being as how they are likely on his chopping block list.

What say you?
To project what anyone will do you must know why they are doing what they are doing now. If you think of this as an invasion by Russia, maybe that points in one direction. If you think this is to protect their borders and sovereignty, that is a different matter. Look at it as an ongoing situation, from at least as far back as 2014 and not something that turned on like a light switch. Do you think that the US or Israel are the only people that should respond to anything? These things don't spontaneously appear, no matter what your tv tells you. There's always a reason.
His stooge breakaway territory from Moldova, Transnistria, is right now asking him "for protection."

That would "give him two Russian territories" that are "behind nato's borders."
You know, I don't think that Polish people (in Poland), for the most part, are in the Putin camp.

Being as how they are likely on his chopping block list.

What say you?

Polish people are pretty independent minded Ive known a few Polish immigrants here in US and they were very warry of Russia to say the least. I think they tend to be anti Russian .
Whether or not he succeeds of fails in his current nefarious goal via his invasion of Ukraine, will he stop at Ukraine or will he move on to the next Slavic country he wants to conquer?

If not, why not?

If so, which country is next on the chopping block?

I think Putin would like to, but I dont see it happening. If they were to occupy Ukraine they will be mired in a costly occupation much worse for them than Afghanistan. They have a lot of troops yes, but they are militarily inept.
The geo -political ignorance is profound .
Visiting Russia regularly might help redress much of that , but reading Simplicius and Rolo Slavskiy regularly-- as well as MrPs history summaries , will act as a reasonable substitute for wannabe pundits .

Right Winger is alone in his private universe but interestingly and unwittingly is almost our in-house mirror reflection of his hero, as both old men stumble and bumble .

Mr Putin is a few universes apart from Joe and the Winger and knows how unnecessary old fashioned land grabs are in these days where space and general cyber attack potential are the geo-political currency , allied to longer term influencing based on real net extra profit .Not from debt based on imaginary money .

Bluntly, you do not snatch Latvia , say , unless it is worth huge net extra financial profit and does not upset apple carts which cannot then be repaired . You simply corrupt those that must be corrupted and also make them economically beholden .
Somewhat like the US is presently-- but to Russia and China , not Latvia .
Whether or not he succeeds of fails in his current nefarious goal via his invasion of Ukraine, will he stop at Ukraine or will he move on to the next Slavic country he wants to conquer?

If not, why not?

If so, which country is next on the chopping block?
Other is the answer

Russia not putin …invaded Ukraine…like the USA not gwb …invaded Iraq

Looks like Russia wants eastern Ukraine …I don’t see them being wanted or popular in western Ukraine which has a pro nazi history..
I think Putin would like to, but I dont see it happening. If they were to occupy Ukraine they will be mired in a costly occupation much worse for them than Afghanistan. They have a lot of troops yes, but they are militarily inept.
I thought Biden and Macron, Brits and even the Germans really wanted to avoid a dirty guerilla type war in Ukraine.
The geo -political ignorance is profound .
Visiting Russia regularly might help redress much of that , but reading Simplicius and Rolo Slavskiy regularly-- as well as MrPs history summaries , will act as a reasonable substitute for wannabe pundits .

Right Winger is alone in his private universe but interestingly and unwittingly is almost our in-house mirror reflection of his hero, as both old men stumble and bumble .

Mr Putin is a few universes apart from Joe and the Winger and knows how unnecessary old fashioned land grabs are in these days where space and general cyber attack potential are the geo-political currency , allied to longer term influencing based on real net extra profit .Not from debt based on imaginary money .

Bluntly, you do not snatch Latvia , say , unless it is worth huge net extra financial profit and does not upset apple carts which cannot then be repaired . You simply corrupt those that must be corrupted and also make them economically beholden .
Somewhat like the US is presently-- but to Russia and China , not Latvia .
Well, wonder why he's invading Ukraine then. LOL
I thought Biden and Macron, Brits and even the Germans really wanted to avoid a dirty guerilla type war in Ukraine.

Well, wonder why he's invading Ukraine then. LOL

Why? but wasnt it because Putin knew there would be no pushback from the West to an initial invasion? It was only after Ukraine surprised everyone by not immediately falling, that the west had to support them.
Clearly Putin thought it would be a quick operation but he guessed wrong. Now he is forced to continue because defeat in Ukraine is now a disaster for him politically.

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