Will obama issue an EO rewriting Amendment 22 and then run for a third term?

Hmmmm...this might be why Obama is using Ferguson as an excuse to further militarize local police forces with Federal training and coordination.


President Obama Fixes Ferguson Zero Hedge
Just the other day the Tyrant In Chief usurped the laws of the land to give a turkey amnesty!!!
Where was that in the Lame Stream Media?!
Between you and me....I think he's still shocked he got reelected.

I'm still shocked he got re-elected right after Ben Ghazi. It causes me to think that the American people on the whole have become impious and don't care about right and wrong anymore.
The American people are not being told the truth about Obama or being informed of any wrong doing by the Obama regime. It's why we should have Freedom of the Press repealed. It serves no purpose if the Press is nothing more than a lapdog of the government. They don't deserve protection.


The press is in Obama's pocket!! Weeeeeeeee
Not precisely. The press is in Satan's pocket. So is Obama. Get it now?
Between you and me....I think he's still shocked he got reelected.

I'm still shocked he got re-elected right after Ben Ghazi. It causes me to think that the American people on the whole have become impious and don't care about right and wrong anymore.
The American people are not being told the truth about Obama or being informed of any wrong doing by the Obama regime. It's why we should have Freedom of the Press repealed. It serves no purpose if the Press is nothing more than a lapdog of the government. They don't deserve protection.


The press is in Obama's pocket!! Weeeeeeeee
Not precisely. The press is in Satan's pocket. So is Obama. Get it now?
He has given himself authority to issue executive orders that rewrite laws passed by congress . He rewrote parts of obamacare after it passed congress and he has rewritten our immigration laws that ban illegals from living or working here. Is rewriting an amendment so different?

If he does it, you can be sure the TV and newspaper press will be on his side.

With all due respect, Shoot...Barry will run for the exits as soon as this second term is over! He's never had a clue what he's doing as President and the rest of the world has finally figured that out. He wants out of the Oval Office so bad now that he can taste it.

Please...tell us how much respect is due to "Shoot".
A hell of a lot more than to you. There's no such thing as a respectable Leftist.
He has given himself authority to issue executive orders that rewrite laws passed by congress . He rewrote parts of obamacare after it passed congress and he has rewritten our immigration laws that ban illegals from living or working here. Is rewriting an amendment so different?

If he does it, you can be sure the TV and newspaper press will be on his side.

With all due respect, Shoot...Barry will run for the exits as soon as this second term is over! He's never had a clue what he's doing as President and the rest of the world has finally figured that out. He wants out of the Oval Office so bad now that he can taste it.

Please...tell us how much respect is due to "Shoot".
A hell of a lot more than to you. There's no such thing as a respectable Leftist.

ISIS is the perfect example of Barry "in action". He's tried to pretend they didn't exist. He's called them the JV. Then he's hemmed and hawed while they rolled across Iraq. He's essentially voted "Present" on ISIS as his policy. He's here...but he's going to do as little as humanly possible! Same thing with the Keystone pipeline. That's who he IS!
The piece if shit needs to go and take his entourage** with him!

** The fuckers who voted for him even once.
ISIS is the perfect example of Barry "in action". He's tried to pretend they didn't exist. He's called them the JV. Then he's hemmed and hawed while they rolled across Iraq. He's essentially voted "Present" on ISIS as his policy. He's here...but he's going to do as little as humanly possible! Same thing with the Keystone pipeline. That's who he IS!
The piece if shit needs to go and take his entourage** with him!

** The fuckers who voted for him even once.
Im angry at those who voted for him twice. The second time was unforgivable because the voter was knowingly screwing their country for selfish gain.
ISIS is the perfect example of Barry "in action". He's tried to pretend they didn't exist. He's called them the JV. Then he's hemmed and hawed while they rolled across Iraq. He's essentially voted "Present" on ISIS as his policy. He's here...but he's going to do as little as humanly possible! Same thing with the Keystone pipeline. That's who he IS!
The piece if shit needs to go and take his entourage** with him!

** The fuckers who voted for him even once.
Im angry at those who voted for him twice. The second time was unforgivable because the voter was knowingly screwing their country for selfish gain.

He has given himself authority to issue executive orders that rewrite laws passed by congress . He rewrote parts of obamacare after it passed congress and he has rewritten our immigration laws that ban illegals from living or working here. Is rewriting an amendment so different?

If he does it, you can be sure the TV and newspaper press will be on his side.

I hope he does just to see the foaming from those like you!

I would call for his impeachment and arrest if he did do it but still it would be a joy for a day or two to read your reaction if he did something that stupid!

Also I do not believe he is that stupid an will wait until a GOP Tea Bagger like Ted Cruz to attempt to do that if America become retarded enough to vote the Canadian into office!
"Will obama issue an EO rewriting Amendment 22 and then run for a third term?"

Will the OP continue to refuse to get the mental health treatment he so clearly needs, and continue to post ignorant, moronic threads, such as this one.
The 22nd amendment does not have the loopholes in it that allow the president wide latitudes in enforcement. When congress can't decide exactly how laws are to be implemented they include text that allows the president to make decision such in immigration law and environmental legislation. Much of what people think is written into the law is really written into regulations.

He doesn't need loopholes, you fool.. Obozo just rewrites laws and he could do the same with amendments. There is no loophole in our immigration laws that allows the president to issue work permits to illegals.

As for laws written by regulators - that is unconstitutional since the constitution says "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states." Congress cannot transfer those powers to be the president or bureaucrats unless the states approve a constitutional amendment allowing the transfer.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Federal immigration law, as currently written, permits the secretary of Homeland Security to issue work permits to any illegal immigrant granted deferred action from deportation.

Is Obama s immigration action legal A Q A. video - CSMonitor.com
ilink USCIS

Regulations have the force of law, because they are adopted under authority granted by statutes. The Supreme Court has ruled that Congress does have latitude to delegate regulatory powers to executive agencies as long as it provides an "intelligible principle" which governs the agency's exercise of the delegated regulatory authority.

See J.W. Hampton, Jr., & Co., 276 U.S. at 409 ("If Congress shall lay down by legislative act an intelligible principle to which the person or body authorized to [administer a statutory scheme] is directed to conform, such legislative action is not a forbidden delegation of legislative power.").

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