Why wouldn't Kasich attend the convention?

Kasich believed to the very end that he deserved to be the nominee. Even though he only won one state. His own.

Hey, Taft won the same number of state in the 1912 primaries (one) while TR swept most of 'em. And they nominated Taft.
What Trump supporters on this thread need to better understand is the difference between "majority" and "plurality"....the latter is how Trump garnered the nomination in an (albeit) very big cadre of candidates.

The point to ponder is the how anyone could ever become president when 45% of your OWN party does not like you....
The same number of DemoRATS that HATE the Hildebeast...DUH!!!
What Trump supporters on this thread need to better understand is the difference between "majority" and "plurality"....the latter is how Trump garnered the nomination in an (albeit) very big cadre of candidates.

The point to ponder is the how anyone could ever become president when 45% of your OWN party does not like you....
The same number of DemoRATS that HATE the Hildebeast...DUH!!!
i wonder if Joe Biden will attend the DNC if there wont be any 12 year old girls in the audience
the last 3 NEOCON Presidents....

GHW Bush -Original NEOCON- A CIA spook who got the big chair and implemented the NEOCON PNAC agenda.
Bill Clinotn -Continued the NEOCON agenda with wars all over the world. including killing Americans.
GW BUSH - Puppet NEOCON who followed in his "Dad's" footsteps...like a fool and Ass-Raped the Bill of Rights in the process.

They are not CONSERVATIVES or LIBERALS. They are NEOCONS- a twisted, fucked up ideology that venerates the STATE and victimizes innocent people all in the name of POWER and WAR. They nearly destroyed our countyry. They completely destabilized the mid-east. There is no room at the table for these fools. Please- stay the fuck home!!

Or better yer- go to the DEM convention where you belong.

hiLIARy is the last NEOCON standing. REJECT THIS C#NT!!
PS- tune in to CPAN for uninterrupted coverage of the speeches, without the spin....Why do you need some dumb ass on FOX NEWS or MSNBC to interpret what you just heard?
Yeah...that's why Drumpfettes keep mentioning him.
Kasich let his mask slip to reveal that he has just as big an ego as Trump. He's cutting off his nose to spite his face while he licks his wounds.
Kasich let his mask slip to reveal that he has just as big an ego as Trump. He's cutting off his nose to spite his face while he licks his wounds.

Is he staying up all night to hold a Twitter whine fest about it?

He can't even compete with the Whine Master. Nobody can.

If whines were dollars Rump would actually have as much money as he claims.
Kasich let his mask slip to reveal that he has just as big an ego as Trump. He's cutting off his nose to spite his face while he licks his wounds.

Or....perhaps......he cares more about his party and doesn't want to be associated with a loser who is probably more to the left than Clinton.

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