Why would anyone want his state’s top law enforcement officer to be in favor of violent crime?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Ellison was supposed to be the up and coming darling of the Rat party, then his radical racist and anti-Semitic hatefulness became more well-known. Boom, he’s off the national stage.

Minnesota elected Jesse the Body Ventura as governor and sexual harasser/idiot Al Franken as a senator. It doesn’t surprise me that Minnesota would elect an AG misogynist Muslim with a history of female abuse.

One would think, no one could be that foolish. Yet in Minnesota, the Democratic Party has nominated Keith Ellison, who has repeatedly endorsed cop-killers, who regards Antifa as the legitimate voice of the Democratic Party, and who wants Minnesota to be a sanctuary for violent criminals, for Attorney General.

How safe would you feel as a Republican in a state whose Attorney General enthusiastically supports such criminality? Not to mention Ellison’s shameless anti-Americanism.

Then again, how safe would you feel, regardless of political affiliation, in a state that declares itself a sanctuary for violent criminals, as long as they are illegal aliens? (This is, by the way, a redefinition of perversity.) That is what Keith Ellison and the Democratic candidate for Governor, fellow leftist Tim Walz, want to establish in Minnesota.

The Freedom Club, of which I am a member, has produced two ads highlighting the threat that Ellison and Walz pose to the safety of Minnesotans. This is the second one. Like the first, it was created by our friends at Madison McQueen:

Keith Ellison is such an extremist, and such a disreputable character, that normally, you might think he couldn’t possibly stand a chance. But he is a leader of today’s Democratic Party, the current Deputy Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. And a Republican hasn’t been elected Attorney General of Minnesota since the 1960s.

You can help bring Ellison’s radical career to an end by going here to donate to Doug Wardlow’s campaign. And you can help prevent Minnesota from becoming a sanctuary state by going here to contribute to Republican candidate Jeff Johnson’s gubernatorial campaign. Jeff is a solid conservative and would make an excellent governor.

Read more at powerlineblog.com ...


POPULAR Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison isn’t having the best week, but it’s nothing compared to what women around him have been through.

The Minnesota lawmaker and Deputy Chair of the Democrat National Convention was accused by Karen Monahan of being physically abusive during their relationship. Karen’s son, Austin Monahan, backs up her claim.

Now a second woman has courageously stepped forward, and she’s got the 911 report that gives her horrifying story some serious weight. Laura Loomer published the official report to her website.


Amy Alexander called the police on Ellison after being assaulted during their 2005 relationship.


All the data on the report matches up, including the names, dates, and ages of those involved.

After this report was taken, Alexander wrote an article titled “Coming Out Of The Dark: Breaking The Silence About The Anointed Candidate” detailing not only Ellison’s anger problems, but his constant belittling and insults.

It all ended in violent fury. Alexander wrote that “Keith wanted to try and quiet me so he came to my home uninvited. We had words. His anger kicked in. He berated me. He grabbed me and pushed me out of the way.”

Ellison allegedly began running a smear campaign against Alexander. She said “I feared for my life and for the safety of my daughter. I heard through the grapevine that Ellison’s people had preemptively distributed information to the press suggesting that I was insane.”

Keith Ellison’s denial of the Monahans’ claims is eerily similar to what Amy Alexander described.

“Karen and I were in a long-term relationship which ended in 2016, and I still care deeply for her well-being. This video does not exist because I never behaved in this way, and any characterization otherwise is false.”

With mounting evidence against him, it appears as though Ellison may have to change his tone.

In the past year, allegations like this have brought down fellow politicians and even Hollywood elite. Not all of the claims were supported with evidence.

Now that we have an official report documenting an act so abusive that police became involved, Ellison’s chances in his current race to become the attorney general of Minnesota are slimming.

Not much time has passed since the first accusation, so it remains to be seen whether fellow Democrats will turn on Ellison, or give him the Bill Clinton treatment.

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